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Last active February 3, 2025 09:04
Use `less +F` on multiple files merged into a single stream, just like `tail -f`
# lessf: `less +F` for multiple files, ala `tail -f`
# Usage:
# lessf file1.log file2.log ...
# - should work on dash, bash, and zsh;
# - works on macOS and the Linuxes I've tested it on;
# - requires the minimal tools that seem to be available nearly everywhere (`awk`, `mktemp`), and of course `less`
# - you may want `unbuffer` or `stdbuf` to avoid the 4kb of buffering (i.e. no output until enough loglines have been added.)
open Printf
open Lwt.Syntax
let show_option o = Option.value ~default:"<none>" o
let create_random_large_value size =
let chars = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789" in
let chars_len = String.length chars in
let result = Bytes.create size in
for i = 0 to size - 1 do
Translated Report (Full Report Below)
Process: bluetoothd [65829]
Path: /usr/sbin/bluetoothd
Identifier: bluetoothd
Version: ???
Code Type: ARM-64 (Native)
Parent Process: launchd [1]
winget install -e --id Armin2208.WindowsAutoNightMode
winget install -e --id AutoHotkey.AutoHotkey
winget install -e --id Discord.Discord
winget install -e --id EpicGames.EpicGamesLauncher
winget install -e --id Git.Git
winget install -e --id GitHub.cli
winget install -e --id GitHub.GitHubDesktop
winget install -e --id Google.Chrome
winget install -e --id icsharpcode.ILSpy
winget install -e --id IPFS.IPFS-Desktop
ELLIOTTCABLE / BrowserHereHelper.applescript
Last active January 25, 2023 00:14 — forked from georgebrock/Info.plist
AppleScript Applet to bypass 'When switching to an application, switch to a Space …' for your web-browser
use AppleScript version "2.4" -- Yosemite (10.10) or later
use scripting additions
-- BrowserHereHelper.applescript:
-- v2, by <>
-- Instructions and current version:
-- <>
-- ---- ---- ---- --
Log uploaded on Sunday, October 9, 2022, 3:51:05 PM
Loaded mods:
Harmony(brrainz.harmony)[mv:]: 0Harmony(2.2.2), HarmonyMod(1.5.0)
BetterLoading(me.samboycoding.betterloading)[mv:]: 0Harmony(av:2.2.2,fv:2.1.0), BetterLoading(2.3.0), Tomlet(3.1.3)
Visual Exceptions(brrainz.visualexceptions)[mv:]: 0Harmony(av:2.2.2,fv:2.1.1), CrossPromotion(1.0.0), VisualExceptions(1.1.1)
Core(Ludeon.RimWorld): (no assemblies)
Royalty(Ludeon.RimWorld.Royalty): (no assemblies)
Ideology(Ludeon.RimWorld.Ideology): (no assemblies)
HugsLib(UnlimitedHugs.HugsLib)[ov:9.0.1]: 0Harmony(av:2.2.2,fv:, HugsLib(av:1.0.0,fv:9.0.1)
Cherry Picker (dev)(Owlchemist.CherryPicker): CherryPicker(av:0.32.4,fv:0.32.4)
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<version>1.3.3389 rev40</version>
(* Compact *)
List.iter (add_event (fun x -> <- true)) in_fds
(* Less-compact *)
let set_as_read x = <- true in
List.iter (add_event set_as_read) in_fds
(* Least-compact *)
let set_as_read x = <- true in
let add_setread_event_for_single_item item = add_event set_as_read item in
# This script is intended to temporarily bypass the "blank screen" bug in Anki on unsupported(?)
# GPUs (Dec 2021): <>
# Adapted from a similar script by @ahihi for an app called "SuperCollider" that also uses qt on
# macOS: <>
if [ -z "$APP" ]; then
ELLIOTTCABLE / 1. userChrome.css
Created August 20, 2021 21:43
My FireFox settings, just 4 u, genny
/* Hide horizontal tabs at the top of the window #1349, #1672, #2147 */
#main-window[tabsintitlebar="true"]:not([extradragspace="true"]) #TabsToolbar > .toolbar-items {
opacity: 0;
pointer-events: none;
#main-window:not([tabsintitlebar="true"]) #TabsToolbar {
visibility: collapse !important;
#TabsToolbar .titlebar-spacer {
border-inline-end: none !important;