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Created September 12, 2012 14:17
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Standford Cryptography courses online - homeworks
Question 1
Many Time Pad
Let us see what goes wrong when a stream cipher key is used more than once. Below are eleven
hex-encoded ciphertexts that are the result of encrypting eleven plaintexts with a stream
cipher, all with the same stream cipher key. Your goal is to decrypt the last ciphertext,
and submit the secret message within it as solution.
Hint: XOR the ciphertexts together, and consider what happens when a space is XORed with
a character in [a-zA-Z].
cts = [
target = '32510ba9babebbbefd001547a810e67149caee11d945cd7fc81a05e9f85aac650e9052ba6a8cd8257bf14d13e6f0a803b54fde9e77472dbff89d71b57bddef121336cb85ccb8f3315f4b52e301d16e9f52f904'
The key is
def strxor(a, b): # xor two strings of different lengths
if len(a) > len(b):
return "".join([chr(ord(x) ^ ord(y)) for (x, y) in zip(a[:len(b)], b)])
return "".join([chr(ord(x) ^ ord(y)) for (x, y) in zip(a, b[:len(a)])])
def random(size=16):
return open("/dev/urandom").read(size)
def encrypt(key, msg):
c = strxor(key, msg)
print c.encode('hex')
return c
def get_key_from_col(col):
max_conflicts = 0
suspected = '\x00'
for c in col:
conflicts = 0
for cc in col:
if 0x3f < (ord(c) ^ ord(cc)): # letters are nice to each other
conflicts += 1
if conflicts > max_conflicts:
max_conflicts = conflicts
suspected = c
if max_conflicts < 6: return '\x00'
return chr( 0x20 ^ ord(suspected) )
def get_col(cts, i):
col = ''
for c in cts: col += c[i*2 : (i+1)*2].decode('hex')
return col
def get_key(cts, l):
key = ''
for i in range(l/2):
col = get_col(cts, i)
k = get_key_from_col(col)
if k == '\x00': print '%ith seems not to be decoded' % i
key += k
return key
def decipher(s, k):
return strxor(s.decode('hex'), k)
def correct_key(k, in_cts_num, at_pos, right_letter_is):
def strsetat(s, pos, c):
return s[0:pos] + c + s[pos+1:]
col = get_col(cts, at_pos)
corrected = ord(col[in_cts_num]) ^ ord(right_letter_is)
return strsetat(k, at_pos, chr(corrected))
if __name__ == '__main__':
import Crypto.Cipher.AES as AES
### Data
cbckey1 = '140b41b22a29beb4061bda66b6747e14'
cbcct1 = '4ca00ff4c898d61e1edbf1800618fb2828a226d160dad07883d04e008a7897ee2e4b7465d5290d0c0e6c6822236e1daafb94ffe0c5da05d9476be028ad7c1d81'
cbckey2 = '140b41b22a29beb4061bda66b6747e14'
cbcct2 = '5b68629feb8606f9a6667670b75b38a5b4832d0f26e1ab7da33249de7d4afc48e713ac646ace36e872ad5fb8a512428a6e21364b0c374df45503473c5242a253'
ctrkey1 = '36f18357be4dbd77f050515c73fcf9f2'
ctrct1 = '69dda8455c7dd4254bf353b773304eec0ec7702330098ce7f7520d1cbbb20fc388d1b0adb5054dbd7370849dbf0b88d393f252e764f1f5f7ad97ef79d59ce29f5f51eeca32eabedd9afa9329'
ctrkey2 = '36f18357be4dbd77f050515c73fcf9f2'
ctrct2 = '770b80259ec33beb2561358a9f2dc617e46218c0a53cbeca695ae45faa8952aa0e311bde9d4e01726d3184c34451'
### Homework:
ckey1 = cbckey1.decode('hex')
ct1 = cbcct1.decode('hex')
ckey2 = cbckey2.decode('hex')
ct2 = cbcct2.decode('hex')
tk1 = ctrkey1.decode('hex')
tct1 = ctrct1.decode('hex')
tk2 = ctrkey2.decode('hex')
tct2 = ctrct2.decode('hex')
def strxor(s1, s2):
return ''.join([ chr(ord(c1) ^ ord(c2)) for (c1, c2) in zip(s1, s2)])
class BlockAES:
def __init__(self, key):
self.key = key = 16
self.aes =
def split_msg(self, msg):
ms = [ msg[*i :*(i+1) ] for i in range(len(msg)/ + 1) ]
while ms.count(''): ms.remove('')
return ms
class CBC(BlockAES):
def decrypt(self, msg):
ms = self.split_msg(msg)
pt = ''
for i in xrange(len(ms) - 1, 0, -1):
pt = strxor(ms[i - 1], self.aes.decrypt(ms[i])) + pt
return pt
class CTR(BlockAES):
def decrypt(self, msg):
ms = self.split_msg(msg)
pt = ''
iv = ms[0]
for b in ms[1:]:
pt += strxor(self.aes.encrypt(iv), b)
iv = iv[:-1] + chr(1 + ord(iv[-1]))
return pt
if __name__ == '__main__':
print CBC(ckey1).decrypt(ct1)
print CBC(ckey2).decrypt(ct2)
print CTR(tk1).decrypt(tct1)
print CTR(tk2).decrypt(tct2)
#! /usr/bin/env python
import urllib2
import sys
from time import sleep
def strxor(s1, s2):
return "".join([ chr(ord(c2) ^ ord(c1)) for (c1, c2) in zip(s1, s2)])
def strrep(s, sub, pos):
endpos = pos + len(sub)
return s[:pos] + sub + s[endpos:]
# padding oracle
class PaddingOracle(object):
def query(self, q):
target = TARGET + urllib2.quote(q) # Create query URL
req = urllib2.Request(target) # Send HTTP request to server
f = urllib2.urlopen(req) # Wait for response
except urllib2.HTTPError, e:
return e.code
return 200
def try_byte(query, byte_at, pad):
po = PaddingOracle()
g200 = None
def try_guess(g):
g200 = 0
last = query[byte_at]
last = chr(ord(last) ^ pad ^ g)
q = strrep(query, last, byte_at)
http_status = po.query(q.encode('hex'))
if http_status == 404:
print "Good padding found: 0x%02x" % g
return g
if http_status == 200:
g200 = g
# if http_status not in (200, 403):
print " 0x%02x failed (%d)..." % (g, http_status)
return g200
if try_guess(0x09): return 0x09
if try_guess(0x20): return 0x20
for i in xrange(0x7f, 0x00, -1):
if try_guess(i): return i
for i in xrange(0x80, 0xFF):
if try_guess(i): return i
if g200: print "Assuming: 0x%02x" % g200
else: print 'Failed to guess query[%d]' % byte_at
return g200
def oracle_byte_s(query, guess, start, end):
for i in xrange(end - 1 - len(guess), start - 1, -1):
print 'Guessing query[%d]' % i
padlen = end - i
subst = strxor(strxor(query[i+1:end], guess), chr(padlen) * padlen)
q = strrep(query, subst, i+1)
g = try_byte(q, i, padlen)
if g is None:
print ' Failed.'
return None
guess = chr(g) + guess
return guess
def oracle_bytes(query, start, end):
return oracle_byte_s(query, '', start, end)
if __name__ == "__main__":
s3 = oracle_bytes(start_query, 32, 48)
s2 = oracle_bytes(start_query[:48], 16, 32)
s1 = oracle_bytes(start_query[:32], 0, 16)
print s1 + s2 + s3
module Main where
import qualified Data.Map as M
import qualified Algebra.IntegralDomain as AID
import Math.NumberTheory.Moduli as Mod
-- import Number.Modulo
import Data.Maybe (isJust, fromMaybe)
import System.Environment (getArgs)
- The task is to find x (in [0..2^40]) such that h = g ^ x in a ring with base p
- Here Meet-in-the-Middle computation is used (b = 2^20):
- Since
- x = x0 * b + x1
- h / g ^ x0 = (g ^ b) ^ x1
- where we build a hashmap for left 2^20 values and then lookup right value for the x1
- Note: Do not use (`modulo` p) operations from Number.Modulo, they're as slow as hell
p, g, h :: Integer
p = 13407807929942597099574024998205846127479365820592393377723561443721764030073546976801874298166903427690031858186486050853753882811946569946433649006084171
g = 11717829880366207009516117596335367088558084999998952205599979459063929499736583746670572176471460312928594829675428279466566527115212748467589894601965568
h = 3239475104050450443565264378728065788649097520952449527834792452971981976143292558073856937958553180532878928001494706097394108577585732452307673444020333
b, gB :: Integer
b = 2 ^ 20
gB = Mod.powerMod g b p
buildMap :: Integer -> M.Map Integer Integer
buildMap b = M.fromList $ label toRight [0..b]
label :: (a -> b) -> [a] -> [(b, a)]
label f = map (\x -> (f x, x))
toRight :: Integer -> Integer
toRight x0 = Mod.powerMod gB x0 p
toLeft :: Integer -> Integer
toLeft x1 = let gx = Mod.powerMod g x1 p in
(AID.div (fromInteger h :: Mod Integer)
(fromInteger gx :: Mod Integer)) `modulo` p
isJustInteger :: Maybe Integer -> Bool
isJustInteger = isJust
fst3 :: (a, b, c) -> a
fst3 (a, _, _) = a
getMatch' :: M.Map Integer Integer -> (Integer, Integer) -> [(Bool, Integer, Integer)]
getMatch' m (a, b) =
filter fst3 $ flip map [a..b] (\x1 ->
let x0 = M.lookup (toLeft x1) m in
((isJustInteger x0), (fromMaybe 0 x0), x1))
getMatch :: Integer -> Maybe (Integer, Integer)
getMatch b = let theMap = buildMap b in
case getMatch' theMap (0, b) of
[] -> Nothing
((True, x0, x1):_) -> Just (x0, x1)
((False, _, _):_) -> error "WTF?"
main :: IO ()
main = forkedMain
forkedMain = do
(a1:ai:an:_) <- getArgs
bp <- return ( (read a1) :: Integer ) -- power of 2 of the space
i <- return ( (read ai) :: Integer ) -- number of instance
n <- return ( (read an) :: Integer ) -- general count of processors
b <- return $ 2^bp
start <- return $ (b * i) `div` n
end <- return $ (b * (i + 1)) `div` n
case getMatch' (buildMap b) (start, end) of
[] -> print "Nothing"
((True, x0, x1):_) -> print $ "Just " ++ show x0 ++ ", " ++ show x1
((False, _, _):_) -> error "WTF?"
singleMain = do
(a1:_) <- getArgs
b <- return ( (read a1) :: Integer )
print b
print $ getMatch (2^b)
import Math.NumberTheory.Powers as NP
import Math.NumberTheory.Moduli as NM
import Algebra.IntegralDomain as AID
import Number.Modulo
import Data.Maybe
import Data.List
import Data.Bits
import Data.Char
n1, n2, n3 :: Integer
n1 = 179769313486231590772930519078902473361797697894230657273430081157732675805505620686985379449212982959585501387537164015710139858647833778606925583497541085196591615128057575940752635007475935288710823649949940771895617054361149474865046711015101563940680527540071584560878577663743040086340742855278549092581
n2 = 648455842808071669662824265346772278726343720706976263060439070378797308618081116462714015276061417569195587321840254520655424906719892428844841839353281972988531310511738648965962582821502504990264452100885281673303711142296421027840289307657458645233683357077834689715838646088239640236866252211790085787877
n3 = 720062263747350425279564435525583738338084451473999841826653057981916355690188337790423408664187663938485175264994017897083524079135686877441155132015188279331812309091996246361896836573643119174094961348524639707885238799396839230364676670221627018353299443241192173812729276147530748597302192751375739387929
ct = 22096451867410381776306561134883418017410069787892831071731839143676135600120538004282329650473509424343946219751512256465839967942889460764542040581564748988013734864120452325229320176487916666402997509188729971690526083222067771600019329260870009579993724077458967773697817571267229951148662959627934791540
e = 65537
factorWithA :: Integer -> Integer -> Maybe (Integer, Integer)
factorWithA n a = do
x <- NP.exactSquareRoot( a * a - n )
return (a - x, a + x)
-- |p-q| < 2N^0.25 => A - sqrt(N) < 1 => the single value of x
factorIfLT2NtoFth :: Integer -> Maybe (Integer, Integer)
factorIfLT2NtoFth n = factorWithA n (1 + NP.integerSquareRoot n)
sqr x = x * x
dec x = x - 1
-- listToMaybe :: [a] -> Maybe a
-- listToMaybe [] = Nothing
-- listToMaybe (x:_) = Just x
toString :: Integer -> String
toString n = map (chr.fromInteger) $ reverse $ map (.&. 0xff) $ takeWhile (/= 0) $ iterate (`shiftR` 8) n
-- |p-q| < 2^11 N^0.25 => A - sqrt(N) < 2^20, scan for A upwards from sqrt(N), until factoring succeed
factorIfLT2to11byNto4th :: Integer -> Maybe (Integer, Integer)
factorIfLT2to11byNto4th n =
listToMaybe $ catMaybes $ map (factorWithA n) []
where as = (1 + NP.integerSquareRoot n)
ae = as + 2 ^ 20
decipherRSA :: (Integer, Integer) -> Integer -> Integer -> String
decipherRSA (p, q) e ct =
let n = p * q
phi = (p-1) * (q-1)
d = AID.div (fromInteger 1) (fromInteger e) `modulo` phi
in toString (NM.powerMod ct d n)
main :: IO()
main = do
let (p,q) = fromJust $ factorIfLT2NtoFth n1
print p
let (p1, _) = fromJust $ factorIfLT2to11byNto4th n2
print p1
let pt = decipherRSA (p,q) e ct
print pt
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I used it from command line. That file is not executable, it's just a bunch of utilities for interactive usage.

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I used to code but it has problem in random(1024)

hellp me

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