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Last active August 1, 2024 08:10
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Simple implementation of AndroidPromise(Run android async work from javascript using ES6 Promise/async/await)
var AndroidPromise = {
callbacks: {},
requestId: 0,
request: function (work, params={}) {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
let requestId = this.requestId++
this.callbacks[requestId] = {
'resolve': resolve,
'reject': reject
AndroidAsyncRequest.request(work, JSON.stringify(params),
onResolve: function (requestId) {
let callback = this.callbacks[requestId].resolve
delete this.callbacks[requestId]
return callback
onReject: function (requestId) {
let callback = this.callbacks[requestId].reject
delete this.callbacks[requestId]
return callback
fun interface AsyncRequest {
fun request(workId: String, params: String, successCallback: Callback, failCallback: Callback)
fun interface Callback {
fun onResult(result: String)
class AsyncRequestJavascriptInterface(private val delegate: Delegate) {
fun request(workId: String, params: String, successJsCallback: String, failJsCallback: String) {
return delegate.request(workId, params, successJsCallback, failJsCallback)
companion object {
const val JAVASCRIPT_INTERFACE_NAME = "AndroidAsyncRequest"
fun interface Delegate {
fun request(workId: String, params: String, successJsCallback: String, failJsCallback: String)
class AsyncWebView @JvmOverloads constructor(
context: Context,
attrs: AttributeSet? = null,
): WebView(context, attrs) {
init {
settings.javaScriptEnabled = true
fun setWorkRequestProvider(asyncRequest: AsyncRequest) {
private fun createAsyncRequestJavascriptInterface(asyncRequest: AsyncRequest) =
AsyncRequestJavascriptInterface { workId, params, successJsCallback, failJsCallback ->
val successCallback = AsyncRequest.Callback {
evaluateJavascript("$successJsCallback('$it')", null)
val failCallback = AsyncRequest.Callback {
evaluateJavascript("$failJsCallback('$it')", null)
post {
asyncRequest.request(workId, params, successCallback, failCallback)
<!DOCTYPE html>
<script src="file:///android_asset/AndroidPromise.js"></script>
function printStatus(s) {
let d = new Date()
let line = "<br>" + d.getHours()+":"+d.getMinutes()+":"+d.getSeconds() + " " + s
document.getElementById('status').innerHTML += line
async function test1(work, params) {
printStatus(work + " start ("+params+")")
let response = await AndroidPromise.request(work, params)
printStatus(work + " end ("+response+")")
<div onclick="test1('work1', 3000).then(function(){console.log('after test1')})">
<div onclick="test1('work2', 5000)">
<div id="status">
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EaseTheWorld commented Apr 13, 2022

I created this to call androidx Work from js side but generally it can be used for any android async work with string-identifier.
Running order is like below.

  1. [JS] AndroidAsyncWork.request
  2. [Android] requestAsyncWork
  3. [JS] onResponse

Basic idea is same as

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Hello :-)
I also had some trouble to implement a javascript interface with the android SDK. Based on the idea in the gist you referenced in your comment I created a SimpleAndroidBridge which allows you to build an easy interface between android(kotlin) and webview(java) with a full promise support.
Just check it out and let me now what you think about it :-)

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