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Last active May 18, 2024 12:16
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Save Eboubaker/88adb7930497a8efda8dadd564a5aaab to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
TP dernier BDD
One of them is the last revision i dont have time to check now...
icon.png in images folder
# The include and require statements are identical, except upon failure:
//include_once 'variables.php';
//include_once 'parser.php';
//"select * from users where id < 10 or id > 40 and id < 100 and id < 120 or id > 150"
//// i didn't use POST because the browser will keeps showing me confirmation pop-up when i refresh the page
$_GET['query'] = "select name,project from employee where employeeId > 20 and employeeId < 180";
$_GET['tablesCount'] = "4";
$_GET['tablesLength'] = "50";
$result = null;
$debug = null;
$idname = "employeeId";
function match_one($pattern, $string)
preg_match("/$pattern/i", $string, $matches);
$matches = $matches[0] ?? '';
return trim($matches);
function expression_split($expression): array
$chunks = preg_split('/\s*[<>!=](?=[<>!=]*\s*\d)\s*/', $expression);
return [];
return array_values(array_filter($chunks, function($subexp){
return !empty($subexp) && !match_one('[!=<>]', $subexp);
function extract_range($expression)
global $result, $tablesLength, $tablesCount, $idname;
$parts = expression_split($expression);
if(count($parts) === 2 && !match_one('\d', $parts[1]))
$result = "parse Error: Cannot compare non integer values in where clause, expression ('$expression')";
return null;
if((int)$parts[1] < 0)
$result = "parse Error: comparing with negative values, expression ('$expression')";
return null;
// $tableNumber = (int)(((int)$parts[1]+1)/$tablesLength+1);
preg_match_all('/[<>!=](?=[<>!=]*\s*\d)/', $expression, $matches);
$matches = is_array($matches[0]) ? $matches[0] : $matches;
$operator = implode('', $matches);
$idname = $parts[0];
else if(strtolower($parts[0]) !== strtolower($idname))
$result = "parse Error: expected '$idname $operator $parts[1]' got ('$expression')";
return null;
switch ($operator)
case '>':
return [(int)$parts[1], $tablesLength * $tablesCount+1];
case '<':
return [0, (int)$parts[1]];
case '=' :
case '>=':
case '<=':
case '!=':
$result = "Parse error: operator '$operator' not supported in expression ('$parts[0] $operator $parts[1]')";
return null;
$result = "Syntax error: no operator found in expression ('$parts[0] $operator $parts[1]')";
return null;
if(isset($_GET['query']) && !empty($query = trim(preg_replace('/\n/', '',$_GET['query']))))
(function ()
global $result, $query, $tablesCount, $tablesLength, $debug, $idname;
$tablesCount = (int)trim($_GET['tablesCount']);
$tablesLength = (int)trim($_GET['tablesLength']);
if($tablesCount < 1)
$result = "Input Error: Tables count must be greater than 1";
if($tablesLength < 1)
$result = "Input Error: tables count must greater than 1";
$selecting = match_one('(?<=select).*(?=from)', $query);
$tableName = match_one('(?<=from).*(?=where)', $query);
$conditionClause = match_one('(?<=where).*', $query);
if(strcmp($tableName, "employee"))
$result = "SQL Error: Unknown table $tableName";
foreach (preg_split('/\s*,\s*/', $selecting) as $column)
if(!in_array(strtolower($column), ["*", "employeeid", "birthday", "project", "name"]))
$result = "SQL Error: Unknown column $column";
$result = "Syntax Error: no table selected";
$result = "Syntax Error: no columns selected";
if(empty($conditionClause) && !empty(match_one('where', $query)))
$result = "Syntax Error: empty condition clause";
if(empty($conditionClause) || ($v=filter_var(trim($conditionClause), FILTER_VALIDATE_INT)) > 0)
if($v === 0)
// empty set ∅
$result = "SELECT $selecting FROM $tableName"."1"." WHERE 0";
// just a trick
$conditionClause = "id > 0";
$maxRange = $tablesCount * $tablesLength;
$ranges = [];
$expressions = preg_split("/\s+or\s+/i", $conditionClause);
foreach ($expressions as $expression)
if(count($ands = preg_split('/\s+and\s+/i', $expression)) > 1)
$and_ranges = [];
// extract ranges of each AND
foreach ($ands as $and)
$r = extract_range($and);
$and_ranges[] = $r;
// combine ANDs into a single range
$result = [0, $maxRange+1];
foreach ($and_ranges as $range)
if($range[0] > $result[0])
$result[0] = $range[0];
if($range[1] < $result[1])
$result[1] = $range[1];
$ranges[] = $result;
$r = extract_range($expression);
$ranges[] = $r;
// sort ranges
uasort($ranges, function ($r1, $r2) {
return $r1[0] - $r2[0];
// remove collided ranges
for ($i = 0, $iMax = count($ranges)-1; $i < $iMax; $i++)
if($ranges[$i][1] >= $ranges[$i+1][1])
$ranges = array_values($ranges);
goto repeat;
// we have everything let's build the queries
$queries = array_fill(0, $tablesCount, ["query" => "", "hasClause" => false, "hasWhere" => false]);
foreach ($ranges as $range)
if($range[0] > $range[1])
$result = "Logical error: searching for $idname where $range[0]>$idname<$range[1] but $range[0]>$range[1] this would give no result ∅";
// range_table_index 0 & 1
$r0ti = (int)(($range[0]-1)/$tablesLength);
$r1ti = (int)(($range[1]-1)/$tablesLength);
$r1ti = $r1ti >= count($queries) ? count($queries)-1 : $r1ti;
if(($break = $range[1] - $range[0]) > $tablesLength)
$i = $r0ti;
while($break > $tablesLength && ++$i < count($queries))
$queries[$i]["query"] = "SELECT $selecting FROM $tableName".($i+1);
$queries[$i]["hasClause"] = true;
if(($range[0] < ($r0ti + 1) * $tablesLength && $range[0] !== 0) || $range[0] === $range[1])
$queries[$r0ti]["query"] = "SELECT $selecting FROM $tableName".($r0ti+1);
$queries[$r0ti]["hasClause"] = true;
if(!$queries[$r0ti]["hasWhere"]) {
$queries[$r0ti]["query"] .= " WHERE ";
$queries[$r0ti]["hasWhere"] = true;
$queries[$r0ti]["query"] .= " OR ";
$queries[$r0ti]["query"] .= "$idname > ".($range[0]-($r0ti*$tablesLength));
}else if($range[0] === 0 && !$queries[$r0ti]["hasClause"]) {
$queries[$r0ti]["query"] = "SELECT $selecting FROM $tableName".($r0ti+1);
$queries[$r0ti]["hasClause"] = true;
if($range[1] <= $r1ti*$tablesLength+$tablesLength)
$queries[$r1ti]["query"] = "SELECT $selecting FROM $tableName".($r1ti+1);
$queries[$r1ti]["hasClause"] = true;
if(!$queries[$r1ti]["hasWhere"]) {
$queries[$r1ti]["query"] .= " WHERE ";
$queries[$r1ti]["hasWhere"] = true;
$queries[$r1ti]["query"] .= $r0ti === $r1ti ? " AND " : " OR ";
$queries[$r1ti]["query"] .= "$idname < ".($range[1]-($r1ti*$tablesLength));
// unionize the sub-queries
$result = implode("\nUNION\n ", array_filter(array_map(static function ($v) {
return $v["query"];
}, $queries), static function ($v) {
return !empty($v);
// default values
// $query = ["select age from users where publicId < 10 or publicId > 40 and publicId < 120 or publicId > 150", // normal query
// "select id from workers where worker_id > 20 and worker_id < 180", // normal query
// "select class from students where id < 10 or id > 40 and id < 100 and id < 120 or id > 150", // collided ranges
// "select gender from participants where pid < 50 and pid > 50", // empty set
// "select gender from participants where pid < 50 and pid > 60" // error
// ][random_int(0, 4)];
$query = "";
$tablesCount = 4;
$tablesLength = 50;
//if($debug != null)
// echo $result.'\n';
// var_dump($debug);
// exit;
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8">
<title>Lab Distributed Databases </title>
<link href='' rel='stylesheet' type='text/css'>
<link href="style.css" type="text/css" rel="stylesheet">
<link rel="icon" href="images/icon.png" type="image/icon type">
<body onload="<?php echo empty($result)?"":"document.getElementById('result').scrollIntoView();"?>">
<div class="form-style-10">
<h1>Lab Distributed Databases<span>Parsing distributed “select” SQL query in distributed database horizontally fragmented</span></h1>
<form method="get" action="/tp">
<div class="section"><span>1</span>Input Query</div>
<div class="inner-wrap">
<label for="query">Enter the input query</label>
<textarea id="query" required name="query"><?php echo $query; ?></textarea>
<div class="section"><span>2</span>Environment Parameters</div>
<div class="inner-wrap" style="text-align: left;font-family: 'Bitter';font-size: .9rem">
<th><label for="count">Number of Tables</label></th>
<td><input id="count" type="number" name="tablesCount" value="<?php echo $tablesCount; ?>"/></td>
<th><label for="length">Tables Length</label></th>
<td><input id="length" type="number" name="tablesLength" value="<?php echo $tablesLength; ?>"/></td>
<div class="section"><span>3</span>Output Query</div>
<div class="inner-wrap">
<textarea id="result" name="field2" readonly rows="<?php echo !empty($result)?10:4; ?>" cols="50"><?php echo $result; ?></textarea>
<div class="button-section">
<input type="submit" value="execute" />
# The include and require statements are identical, except upon failure:
//include_once 'variables.php';
//include_once 'parser.php';
//"select * from users where id < 10 or id > 40 and id < 100 and id < 120 or id > 150"
//// i didn't use POST because the browser will keeps showing me confirmation pop-up when i refresh the page
//$_GET['query'] = "select name,note from student where studentId > 20 and studentId < 60 or studentId > 70 and studentId < 110";
//$_GET['tablesCount'] = "4";
//$_GET['tablesLength'] = "50";
$result = null;
$debug = null;
$tableDefinition = "student";
$idname = "studentId";
$columnDefinition = ["studentId", "name", "birthday", "note"];
function match_one($pattern, $string)
preg_match("/$pattern/i", $string, $matches);
$matches = $matches[0] ?? '';
return trim($matches);
function expression_split($expression): array
$chunks = preg_split('/\s*[<>!=](?=[<>!=]*\s*\d)\s*/', $expression);
return [];
return array_values(array_filter($chunks, function($subexp){
return !empty($subexp) && !match_one('[!=<>]', $subexp);
function extract_range($expression)
global $result, $tablesLength, $tablesCount, $idname, $columnDefinition;
$parts = expression_split($expression);
if(count($parts) === 2 && !match_one('\d', $parts[1]))
$result = "parse Error: Cannot compare non integer values in where clause, expression ('$expression')";
return null;
if(empty($parts[1])) {
$result = "parse Error: expression '$parts[0]' without comparision";
return null;
if(!in_array($parts[0], $columnDefinition)) {
$result = "SQL Error: unknown column $parts[0]";
return null;
if((int)$parts[1] < 0)
$result = "parse Error: comparing with negative values, expression ('$expression')";
return null;
// $tableNumber = (int)(((int)$parts[1]+1)/$tablesLength+1);
preg_match_all('/[<>!=](?=[<>!=]*\s*\d)/', $expression, $matches);
$matches = is_array($matches[0]) ? $matches[0] : $matches;
$operator = implode('', $matches);
$idname = $parts[0];
else if(strtolower($parts[0]) !== strtolower($idname))
$operator = empty($operator) ? "<" : $operator;
$parts[1] = empty($parts[1]) ? "<expression>" : $parts[1];
$result = "parse Error: expected '$idname $operator $parts[1]' got ('$expression')";
return null;
switch ($operator)
case '>':
return [(int)$parts[1], $tablesLength * $tablesCount+1];
case '<':
return [0, (int)$parts[1]];
case '=' :
case '>=':
case '<=':
case '!=':
$result = "Parse error: operator '$operator' not supported in expression ('$parts[0] $operator $parts[1]')";
return null;
$result = "Syntax error: no operator found in expression ('$parts[0] $operator $parts[1]')";
return null;
if(isset($_GET['query']) && !empty($query = trim(preg_replace('/\n/', '',$_GET['query']))))
(function ()
global $result, $query, $tablesCount, $tablesLength, $debug, $idname, $tableDefinition, $columnDefinition;
$tablesCount = (int)trim($_GET['tablesCount']);
$tablesLength = (int)trim($_GET['tablesLength']);
if($tablesCount < 1)
$result = "Input Error: Tables count must be greater than 1";
if($tablesLength < 1)
$result = "Input Error: tables length must greater than 1";
$selecting = match_one('(?<=select).*(?=from)', $query);
$tableName = match_one('(?<=from).*(?=where)', $query);
$conditionClause = match_one('(?<=where).*', $query);
if(strcmp(strtolower($tableName), strtolower($tableDefinition))) {
$result = "SQL Error: Unknown table $tableName";
foreach (preg_split('/\s*,\s*/', $selecting) as $column)
$knownColumns = ["*", ...array_map(fn($v)=> strtolower($v), $columnDefinition)];
if(!in_array(strtolower($column), $knownColumns))
$result = "SQL Error: Unknown column $column";
$result = "Syntax Error: no table selected";
$result = "Syntax Error: no columns selected";
if(empty($conditionClause) && !empty(match_one('where', $query)))
$result = "Syntax Error: empty condition clause";
if(empty($conditionClause) || ($v=filter_var(trim($conditionClause), FILTER_VALIDATE_INT)) > 0)
if($v === 0)
// empty set ∅
$result = "SELECT $selecting FROM $tableName"."1"." WHERE 0";
// just a trick
$conditionClause = "$idname > 0";
$maxRange = $tablesCount * $tablesLength;
$ranges = [];
$expressions = preg_split("/\s+or\s+/i", $conditionClause);
foreach ($expressions as $expression)
if(count($ands = preg_split('/\s+and\s+/i', $expression)) > 1)
$and_ranges = [];
// extract ranges of each AND
foreach ($ands as $and)
$r = extract_range($and);
$and_ranges[] = $r;
// combine ANDs into a single range
$result = [0, $maxRange+1];
foreach ($and_ranges as $range)
if($range[0] > $result[0])
$result[0] = $range[0];
if($range[1] < $result[1])
$result[1] = $range[1];
$ranges[] = $result;
$r = extract_range($expression);
$ranges[] = $r;
// sort ranges
uasort($ranges, function ($r1, $r2) {
return $r1[0] - $r2[0];
// remove collided ranges
for ($i = 0, $iMax = count($ranges)-1; $i < $iMax; $i++)
if($ranges[$i][1] >= $ranges[$i+1][1])
$ranges = array_values($ranges);
goto repeat;
// we have everything let's build the queries
$queries = array_fill(0, $tablesCount, ["query" => "", "hasClause" => false, "hasWhere" => false]);
foreach ($ranges as $range)
if($range[0] > $range[1])
$result = "Logical error: searching for $idname where $range[0]>$idname<$range[1] but $range[0]>$range[1] this would give no result ∅";
// range_table_index 0 & 1
$r0ti = (int)(($range[0]-1)/$tablesLength);
$r1ti = (int)(($range[1]-1)/$tablesLength);
$r1ti = $r1ti >= count($queries) ? count($queries)-1 : $r1ti;
if(($break = $range[1] - $range[0]) > $tablesLength)
$i = $r0ti;
while($break > $tablesLength && ++$i < count($queries))
$queries[$i]["query"] = "SELECT $selecting FROM $tableName".($i+1);
$queries[$i]["hasClause"] = true;
if(($range[0] < ($r0ti + 1) * $tablesLength && $range[0] !== 0) || $range[0] === $range[1])
$queries[$r0ti]["query"] = "SELECT $selecting FROM $tableName".($r0ti+1);
$queries[$r0ti]["hasClause"] = true;
if(!$queries[$r0ti]["hasWhere"]) {
$queries[$r0ti]["query"] .= " WHERE ";
$queries[$r0ti]["hasWhere"] = true;
$queries[$r0ti]["query"] .= " OR ";
$queries[$r0ti]["query"] .= "$idname > ".($range[0]-($r0ti*$tablesLength));
}else if($range[0] === 0 && !$queries[$r0ti]["hasClause"]) {
$queries[$r0ti]["query"] = "SELECT $selecting FROM $tableName".($r0ti+1);
$queries[$r0ti]["hasClause"] = true;
if($range[1] <= $r1ti*$tablesLength+$tablesLength)
$queries[$r1ti]["query"] = "SELECT $selecting FROM $tableName".($r1ti+1);
$queries[$r1ti]["hasClause"] = true;
if(!$queries[$r1ti]["hasWhere"]) {
$queries[$r1ti]["query"] .= " WHERE ";
$queries[$r1ti]["hasWhere"] = true;
$queries[$r1ti]["query"] .= $r0ti === $r1ti ? " AND " : " OR ";
$queries[$r1ti]["query"] .= "$idname < ".($range[1]-($r1ti*$tablesLength));
// unionize the sub-queries
$result = implode("\nUNION\n ", array_filter(array_map(static function ($v) {
return $v["query"];
}, $queries), static function ($v) {
return !empty($v);
// default values
// $query = ["select age from users where publicId < 10 or publicId > 40 and publicId < 120 or publicId > 150", // normal query
// "select id from workers where worker_id > 20 and worker_id < 180", // normal query
// "select class from students where id < 10 or id > 40 and id < 100 and id < 120 or id > 150", // collided ranges
// "select gender from participants where pid < 50 and pid > 50", // empty set
// "select gender from participants where pid < 50 and pid > 60" // error
// ][random_int(0, 4)];
$query = "";
$tablesCount = 4;
$tablesLength = 50;
// $env = "T1:20 100\nT2:101 120\nT3:121 150\nT4:151 200";
//if($debug != null)
// echo $result.'\n';
// var_dump($debug);
// exit;
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8">
<title>Lab Distributed Databases </title>
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<link href="style.css" type="text/css" rel="stylesheet">
<link rel="icon" href="images/icon.png" type="image/icon type">
<body onload="<?php echo empty($result)?"":"document.getElementById('result').scrollIntoView();"?>">
<div class="form-style-10">
<h1>Lab Distributed Databases<span>Parsing distributed “select” SQL query in distributed database horizontally fragmented</span></h1>
<form method="get" action="/tp">
<div class="section"><span>1</span>Input Query</div>
<div class="inner-wrap">
<label for="query">Enter the input query</label>
<textarea id="query" required name="query"><?php echo $query; ?></textarea>
<div class="section"><span>2</span>Environment Parameters</div>
<div class="inner-wrap" style="text-align: left;font-family: 'Bitter';font-size: .9rem">
<th><label for="count">Number of Tables</label></th>
<td><input id="count" type="number" name="tablesCount" value="<?php echo $tablesCount; ?>"/></td>
<th><label for="length">Tables Length</label></th>
<td><input id="length" type="number" name="tablesLength" value="<?php echo $tablesLength; ?>"/></td>
<label>Schema Definition</label>
<?php echo $tableDefinition?>(<?php echo implode(',', $columnDefinition)?>)
<div class="section"><span>3</span>Output Query</div>
<div class="inner-wrap">
<textarea id="result" name="field2" readonly rows="<?php echo !empty($result)?10:4; ?>" cols="50"> <?php echo $result; ?></textarea>
<div class="button-section">
<input type="submit" value="execute" />
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