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Last active January 7, 2021 18:10
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A simple implementation of an Instagram bot that likes photos
// Copyright (c) 2020 Edwin Pratt
// The author of this file is not responsible for any problems this script may cause.
// This file was created as toy while learning JavaScript.
// ------------------------------
// I was always interested in bots and how they work. So I created this simple bot that will like photos on Instagram.
// To use this script, go to and login.
// Search for a tag like #family or go to a user's profile.
// Tap on the first photo/video which you see.
// Open the Developer Tools (Ctrl + Shift + I on Windows).
// Go to the JavaScript Console.
// Paste the code and press enter.
// When you're ready to start the bot, type start() and press enter.
// To stop the bot, type stop() and press enter.
// There is a variable called interval. This variable is used to set the interval in between each click
// On the like button.
// By default, it is on 5000 milliseconds (or 5 seconds). Adjust the value as needed if you have a slow connection.
// It is recommended that you don't go below 5000.
// ---------- COPY EVERYTHING BELOW THIS LINE! ----------- //
// Set the interval for the timer.
// If you have a slow connection, increase this value to 10000 (Or 10 seconds).
// Otherwise, don't change it.
const interval = 5000;
// Start the bot.
const start = () => {
// This variable will keep track with the number of images that have been liked.
let count = 0;
// Do not run the bot if it is already running.
if (typeof window.idForBot != 'undefined') {
console.error('The bot is already running. Run `stop()` to stop the bot.');
window.idForBot = setInterval(() => {
try {
// Select the DOM elements.
const arrow = document.querySelector('.coreSpriteRightPaginationArrow');
const heart = document.querySelector('svg[aria-label="Like"]').parentNode.parentNode.parentNode; // IG updated HTML
// If the heart icon exists, click it.
if (typeof heart != 'undefined' && heart != null) {;
} else {
throw 'Can not find the heart icon';
// If there is an arrow, click it and output the number of images that have been liked.
// Otherwise, inform the user that he/she needs to tap on an image first.
if (typeof arrow != 'undefined' && arrow != null) {;
console.log(`You liked ${count} photos!`);
} else {
throw 'Please tap on an image in order to run the bot...';
} catch (error) {
}, interval);
// Stop the bot.
const stop = () => {
if (typeof window.idForBot != 'undefined') {
window.idForBot = undefined;
} else {
console.error('The bot is not running. Run `start()` to start the bot.');
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