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Last active October 13, 2020 17:37
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Unity Group Selected GameObjects Command
/* GroupSelected.cs
* © Eddie Cameron 2020
* ----------------------------
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEditor;
/// <summary>
/// Groups all selected scene transforms under a single parent.
/// Select GameObject/Group Selected Objects or use Ctrl/Cmd+Shift+G
/// </summary>
public static class GroupSelected {
[MenuItem( "GameObject/Group Selected Objects %#G", isValidateFunction: true )]
public static bool CreateGroupValidate() {
return Selection.GetTransforms( SelectionMode.Editable | SelectionMode.ExcludePrefab | SelectionMode.OnlyUserModifiable | SelectionMode.TopLevel ).Length > 0;
[MenuItem( "GameObject/Group Selected Objects %#G")]
public static void CreateGroup() {
var transforms = Selection.GetTransforms( SelectionMode.Editable | SelectionMode.ExcludePrefab | SelectionMode.OnlyUserModifiable | SelectionMode.TopLevel );
if ( transforms.Length == 0 )
Vector3 avgPos =;
foreach ( var t in transforms ) {
avgPos += t.position;
avgPos /= transforms.Length;
Transform commonParent = FindLowestCommonAncestor( transforms );
Transform newParent = new GameObject( "Group" ).transform;
newParent.SetParent( commonParent );
newParent.position = avgPos;
Undo.RegisterCreatedObjectUndo( newParent.gameObject, "Create new parent" );
foreach ( var t in transforms ) {
Undo.SetTransformParent( t, newParent, "Set Parent" );
Selection.activeGameObject = newParent.gameObject;
public static Transform FindLowestCommonAncestor( IList<Transform> transforms ) {
if ( transforms.Count == 0 )
return null;
if ( transforms.Count == 1 )
return transforms[0];
// get full heirarcy of first transform in list
var fullHeirarchy = new List<Transform>();
Transform parent = transforms[0].parent;
while ( parent != null ) {
fullHeirarchy.Add( parent );
parent = parent.parent;
int highestCommonIdx = 0;
for ( int i = 1; i < transforms.Count; i++ ) {
parent = transforms[i].parent;
bool foundCommonParent = false;
while ( parent != null ) {
int commonIdx = fullHeirarchy.IndexOf( parent );
if ( commonIdx >= 0 ) {
// found a common parent
highestCommonIdx = Mathf.Max( commonIdx, highestCommonIdx );
foundCommonParent = true;
parent = parent.parent;
if ( !foundCommonParent ) {
// no common parent
return null;
return fullHeirarchy[highestCommonIdx];
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