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Last active July 18, 2019 13:16
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  • Save EddyVinck/b7052c16858ae636558085faa788b8ce to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save EddyVinck/b7052c16858ae636558085faa788b8ce to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Setting up ssh for Gitlab on Windows

After installing Git and in Git Bash...

$ ssh-keygen -t rsa

You can change the default name or location if you prefer

Copy the key to your GitLab

$ cat ~/.ssh/ | xclip

and test it

$ ssh -T -i ~/.ssh/my_key [email protected]

Create a config

$ touch ~/.ssh/config

Open that file in your editor and add the following

  IdentityFile ~/.ssh/my_key
  User git

Make a folder for your project and go to the folder

Clone the repository

$ 'git clone [email protected]:project/project.git

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