- HTML: Understand the structure of web pages with HTML5.
- CSS: Learn to style web pages, including layouts, responsiveness, and animations.
- JavaScript (JS): Gain proficiency in JS, the scripting language that allows you to create dynamic content.
- Code Editors: Become comfortable with code editors like VS Code or Sublime Text.
- Version Control/Git: Learn how to use version control systems, primarily Git, for tracking changes and collaboration.
- Browser Developer Tools: Familiarize yourself with Chrome DevTools or similar for debugging.
- Responsive Design: Learn frameworks like Bootstrap or Foundation, or study CSS Grid and Flexbox.
- UI/UX Best Practices: Understand the fundamentals of user interface and user experience design.
- Preprocessors: Learn Sass or LESS to write more maintainable CSS.
- CSS Frameworks: Get to grips with frameworks like Tailwind CSS or Bootstrap.
- CSS Architecture: Understand methodologies like BEM, SMACSS, or OOCSS.
- ES6+ Features: Learn the latest JS features.
- DOM Manipulation: Understand how to interact with the Document Object Model without libraries.
- Fetch API / AJAX: Learn how to make asynchronous requests to APIs.
- Design Pattern
- Prototypal Inheritance vs Classical Inheritance
- Event Loop
- Event Delegation
- CRP — defer vs async — parser blocking vs render blocking
- Web API
- Promises / Async / Await
- Web API
- Closures/ SCOPE/IIFE — JS Polyfils — call/apply/bind
- Web Security
- Web Accessibility
- Web Performance
- How to improve page load performance ?
- React.js: The most popular front-end library.
- Vue.js: Increasingly popular for its simplicity and ease of learning.
- Angular: A framework that’s more opinionated and has a steeper learning curve.
- Context API / Redux: For state management in React applications.
- Vuex: For state management in Vue applications.
- NgRx or Services: For state management in Angular applications.
- Webpack: A static module bundler for modern JavaScript applications.
- Parcel: A web application bundler that requires zero configuration.
- Gulp/Grunt: Task runners to automate tasks.
- NPM or Yarn: Learn how to manage your project dependencies.
- Unit Testing: Learn testing with Jest or Mocha.
- End-to-End Testing: Understand testing with tools like Cypress or Selenium.
- REST: Understand the principles of RESTful APIs.
- GraphQL: Learn how to use GraphQL for more efficient data retrieval.
- Next.js (for React): A framework for server-rendered or statically exported React apps.
- Nuxt.js (for Vue): An intuitive framework for building server-rendered Vue.js applications.
- Jamstack Concepts: Pre-rendering, decoupling, static site generation.
- Headless CMS: Contentful, Sanity, Strapi, or Netlify CMS.
- Netlify: A platform for deploying static sites with great CI/CD integration.
- Vercel: Similar to Netlify but closely associated with Next.js.
- GitHub Pages: Simple hosting for project pages.
- Docker: Understand the basics of containerization.
- GitHub Actions: For automating workflows.
- Jenkins: For more complex deployment pipelines.
- Code Splitting: Reducing bundle size of applications.
- Lazy Loading: Loading content as needed.
- Caching: Understanding browser caching and service workers.
- Service Workers: For offline support and network resilience.
- Manifest File: For adding to home screen and full-screen experience.
- ARIA: Accessible Rich Internet Applications for making content more accessible.
- WCAG: Web Content Accessibility Guidelines.
- Communication: Essential for collaboration and teamwork.
- Problem-Solving: Analytical skills to tackle development issues.
- Time Management: Being productive and meeting deadlines.