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Last active April 4, 2020 08:02
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  • Save EduardoRFS/4d30ef02edefc7e6c97892300bef05a2 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save EduardoRFS/4d30ef02edefc7e6c97892300bef05a2 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
FROM agners/archlinuxarm-arm32v7
# pacman -Sy --noconfirm base-devel awk m4 git unzip perl wget ocaml opam ocaml-compiler-libs
RUN pacman -Sy --noconfirm base-devel awk m4 git unzip perl wget
RUN curl -sL | sh
RUN useradd -m esy-user
USER esy-user
RUN opam init --disable-sandboxing
RUN opam pin cmdliner
RUN export PATH=/bin/core_perl:$PATH; \
opam install dune reason lwt_ppx ppx_let ppx_deriving_yojson bos logs \
re angstrom opam-format ppx_inline_test ppx_sexp_conv opam-state ppx_expect cudf dose3
RUN mkdir ~/bootstrap
WORKDIR /home/esy-user/bootstrap
RUN git clone --single-branch --branch stream-based-copy-file
WORKDIR /home/esy-user/bootstrap/esy
RUN eval $(opam env); \
dune build --profile=release; exit 0
WORKDIR /home/esy-user/bootstrap
RUN git clone
RUN opam install mccs
WORKDIR /home/esy-user/bootstrap/esy-solve-cudf
RUN eval $(opam env); \
dune build --profile=release
RUN mkdir -p ../esy/_build/default/node_modules/esy-solve-cudf/
RUN cp _build/default/bin/esySolveCudfCommand.exe ../esy/_build/default/node_modules/esy-solve-cudf/esySolveCudfCommand.exe
RUN ln -s /home/esy-user/bootstrap/esy/_build/default/bin/esy.exe ~/.opam/default/bin/esy
WORKDIR /home/esy-user
RUN git clone --single-branch --branch stream-based-copy-file
WORKDIR /home/esy-user/esy
RUN rm -rf esy.lock
# for some reason esy can't find the current path even if I use export on the same step
USER root
RUN ln -s /usr/bin/core_perl/* /bin
USER esy-user
RUN eval $(opam env); \
export PATH=/bin/core_perl:$PATH; \
USER root
RUN pacman -Sy --noconfirm nodejs npm yarn
USER esy-user
RUN yarn
RUN eval $(opam env); \
esy release:platform-release; \
node scripts/create-release-package-json.js > _platformrelease/package.json; \
cp ~/bootstrap/esy-solve-cudf/_build/default/bin/esySolveCudfCommand.exe ~/esy/node_modules/esy-solve-cudf/esySolveCudfCommand.exe; \
ln -s /home/esy-user/esy/_platformrelease/_build/default/bin/esy.exe /home/esy-user/.yarn/bin/esy; \
echo 'export PATH="$PATH:$(yarn global bin)"' >> ~/.bashrc
# esy should be running now
CMD bash -l
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