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Created July 26, 2022 00:10
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type Eq<A, B> = <X>(a: A, eq: (x: A & B) => X) => X;
const refute = (x: never) => x;
const refl = <A, X>(a: A, eq: (x: A) => X) => eq(a);
const sickos = <A>(x: A, eq: Eq<A, number>) => eq(x, (x) => x);
const two = sickos(2, refl);
type Ty<A> =
| { tag: "number"; eq: Eq<A, number> }
| { tag: "string"; eq: Eq<A, string> };
const number: Ty<number> = { tag: "number", eq: refl };
const string: Ty<string> = { tag: "string", eq: refl };
const show_number_or_string = <A>(x: A, ty: Ty<A>) => {
if (ty.tag === "number") {
return ty.eq(x, (x) => `number: ${x.toString()}`);
} else if (ty.tag === "string") {
return ty.eq(x, (x) => `string: ${x}`);
} else {
return refute(ty);
const printed_number = show_number_or_string(2, number);
const printed_string = show_number_or_string("a", string);
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