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Forked from mblondel/
Last active August 29, 2015 14:08
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Save EdwardRaff/f4f4cf0c927c2addfb39 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Implements four algorithms for projecting a vector onto the simplex: sort, pivot, bisection, and brent.
For details and references, see the following paper:
Large-scale Multiclass Support Vector Machine Training via Euclidean Projection onto the Simplex
Mathieu Blondel, Akinori Fujino, and Naonori Ueda.
ICPR 2014.
import numpy as np
from scipy.optimize import brentq
def projection_simplex_sort(v, z=1):
n_features = v.shape[0]
u = np.sort(v)[::-1]
cssv = np.cumsum(u) - z
ind = np.arange(n_features) + 1
cond = u - cssv / ind > 0
rho = ind[cond][-1]
theta = cssv[cond][-1] / float(rho)
w = np.maximum(v - theta, 0)
return w
def projection_simplex_pivot(v, z=1, random_state=None):
rs = np.random.RandomState(random_state)
n_features = len(v)
U = np.arange(n_features)
s = 0
rho = 0
while len(U) > 0:
G = []
L = []
k = U[rs.randint(0, len(U))]
ds = v[k]
for j in U:
if v[j] >= v[k]:
if j != k:
ds += v[j]
elif v[j] < v[k]:
drho = len(G) + 1
if s + ds - (rho + drho) * v[k] < z:
s += ds
rho += drho
U = L
U = G
theta = (s - z) / float(rho)
return np.maximum(v - theta, 0)
def projection_simplex_bisection(v, z=1, tau=0.0001, max_iter=1000):
lower = 0
upper = np.max(v)
current = np.inf
iter = 0
for it in xrange(max_iter):
if np.abs(current) / z < tau and current < 0:
theta = (upper + lower) / 2.0
w = np.maximum(v - theta, 0)
current = np.sum(w) - z
if current <= 0:
upper = theta
lower = theta
print "bisection took ", str(iter)
return w
def projection_simplex_brent(v, z=1, tau=1e-9):
lower = 0
upper = np.max(v)
def minFunc(theta):
return np.sum(np.maximum(v - theta, 0.0))-z
x0, r = brentq(minFunc, lower, upper, xtol=tau, full_output = True)
print "brent took ", r.iterations, " iterations and ", r.function_calls, " function calls"
return np.maximum(v - x0, 0)
if __name__ == '__main__':
rs = np.random.RandomState(0)
v = rs.rand(1000)
z = np.sum(v) * 0.5
print z
w = projection_simplex_sort(v, z)
print np.sum(w)
w = projection_simplex_pivot(v, z)
print np.sum(w)
w = projection_simplex_bisection(v, z)
print np.sum(w)
w = projection_simplex_brent(v, z)
print np.sum(w)
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