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Created October 11, 2020 22:03
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Function wcwidth implemented in pure Lua
local wcwidth -- function wcwidth(codepoint) returns 0, 1 or 2 for codepoints from the range 0..0x10FFFF
do -- implementation from the C library "utf8proc" was rewritten in Lua, compressed and minified
local d = [[r6rur7!&B!!(!"my!"arCssststssrNx|}ssrDr+r&sr{zsxttsvr7sssr4r1rq}rP{{sr.vs{suswrAu!!/rGrLusr(sy|tr
local i, a = 1, {2, 72, 68, 6, 9, 0, 3, 1, 19, 30, 2, 32, 2, 2, 4, 3, 1, 1, 5, 2, 4, 164, 1, 1, 16, 44, 106, 6}
local w, s, e, h, z, c, W, b = 0, 1, 239, d:gmatch"%S", 1, 0, {0}, d.byte; local function g() if e == 0 then
e, i, s = a[i], i+1, 4-s; if not e then return elseif w ~= 1 then w = 2-w; return w end end; e, w = e-1, s-w
return w end; repeat local pr, w = c, g(); if w then c = b(h())-114; if c < 1 then c = c*94+b(h())-22
if c < 13 then c = c*94+b(h())+714754 end end; c, z = pr+c, z+2; W[z], W[z-1] = w, c end until not w
function wcwidth(codepoint) local m, l, r = 1, 1, z; repeat local s = (r-l)/4; if s >= m then s, m = m, m*4 else
s = s-s%1 end; local k = l+s*2; if codepoint < W[k+1] then r = k else l = k+2 end until l == r; return W[l] end
local function utf8_string_width(str)
local width = 0
for u in str:gmatch".[\128-\191]*" do
local c = u:byte()%2^(8-#u)
for j = 2, #u do c = (c-2)*64+u:byte(j) end
width = width + wcwidth(c)
return width
-- Examples:
print(utf8_string_width("Hello")) --> 5
print(utf8_string_width("Привет")) --> 6
print(utf8_string_width("你好")) --> 4
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