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Last active June 26, 2022 00:37
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  • Save EisenbergEffect/281efd9ae96ad1439f2eb95ee745fd47 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save EisenbergEffect/281efd9ae96ad1439f2eb95ee745fd47 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
A FAST directive that enables rendering templates over any part of a model.
const addressTemplate = html<Address>`
<span>${x =>}</span>
class Address {
@observable country = 'USA';
class Person {
@observable address = new Address();
const personTemplate = html<Person>`
${render(x => x.address)}
const addressTemplate = html<Address>`
<span>${x =>}</span>
const fancyAddressTemplate = html<Address>`
Fancy! <span>${x =>}</span>
@renderWith(fancyAddressTemplate, 'fancy')
class Address {
@observable country = 'USA';
class Person {
@observable address = new Address();
const personTemplate = html<Person>`
${render(x => x.address, 'fancy')}
class Address {
@observable country = 'USA';
class Person {
@observable address = new Address();
const addressTemplate = html<Address>`
<span>${x =>}</span>
const personTemplate = html<Person>`
${render(x => x.address, addressTemplate)}
import {
} from "@microsoft/fast-element";
const isFunction = (object: any): object is Function => typeof object === "function";
const isString = (object: any): object is string => typeof object === "string";
* A simple View that can be interpolated into HTML content.
* @public
export interface ContentView {
* Binds a view's behaviors to its binding source.
* @param source - The binding source for the view's binding behaviors.
* @param context - The execution context to run the view within.
bind(source: any, context: ExecutionContext): void;
* Unbinds a view's behaviors from its binding source and context.
unbind(): void;
* Inserts the view's DOM nodes before the referenced node.
* @param node - The node to insert the view's DOM before.
insertBefore(node: Node): void;
* Removes the view's DOM nodes.
* The nodes are not disposed and the view can later be re-inserted.
remove(): void;
* A simple template that can create ContentView instances.
* @public
export interface ContentTemplate {
* Creates a simple content view instance.
create(): ContentView;
type ComposableView = ContentView & {
isComposed?: boolean;
needsBindOnly?: boolean;
$fastTemplate?: ContentTemplate;
* A Behavior that enables advanced rendering.
* @public
export class RenderBehavior<TSource = any, TParent = any>
implements Behavior, Subscriber {
private source: TSource | null = null;
private view: ComposableView | null = null;
private template!: ContentTemplate;
private templateBindingObserver: BindingObserver<TSource, ContentTemplate>;
private data: any | null = null;
private dataBindingObserver: BindingObserver<TSource, any[]>;
private originalContext: ExecutionContext | undefined = void 0;
private childContext: ExecutionContext | undefined = void 0;
* Creates an instance of RenderBehavior.
* @param location - A Node representing the location where this behavior will render.
* @param dataBinding - A binding expression that returns the data to render.
* @param templateBinding - A binding expression that returns the template to use with the data.
public constructor(
private location: Node,
private dataBinding: Binding<TSource, any[]>,
private templateBinding: Binding<TSource, ContentTemplate>
) {
this.dataBindingObserver = Observable.binding(dataBinding, this, true);
this.templateBindingObserver = Observable.binding(templateBinding, this, true);
* Bind this behavior to the source.
* @param source - The source to bind to.
* @param context - The execution context that the binding is operating within.
public bind(source: TSource, context: ExecutionContext): void {
this.source = source;
this.originalContext = context;
this.childContext = Object.create(context);
this.childContext!.parent = source;
(this.childContext! as any).parentContext = this.originalContext; = this.dataBindingObserver.observe(source, this.originalContext);
this.template = this.templateBindingObserver.observe(
* Unbinds this behavior from the source.
* @param source - The source to unbind from.
public unbind(): void {
this.source = null; = null;
const view = this.view;
if (view !== null && view.isComposed) {
view.needsBindOnly = true;
/** @internal */
public handleChange(source: any): void {
if (source === this.dataBinding) { = this.dataBindingObserver.observe(
} else if (source === this.templateBinding) {
this.template = this.templateBindingObserver.observe(
private refreshView() {
let view = this.view;
const template = this.template;
if (view === null) {
this.view = view = template.create();
} else {
// If there is a previous view, but it wasn't created
// from the same template as the new value, then we
// need to remove the old view if it's still in the DOM
// and create a new view from the template.
if (view.$fastTemplate !== template) {
if (view.isComposed) {
this.view = view = template.create();
// It's possible that the value is the same as the previous template
// and that there's actually no need to compose it.
if (!view.isComposed) {
view.isComposed = true;
view.bind(, this.childContext!);
view.$fastTemplate = template;
} else if (view.needsBindOnly) {
view.needsBindOnly = false;
view.bind(, this.childContext!);
* A Directive that enables use of the RenderBehavior.
* @public
export class RenderDirective<TSource = any> extends HTMLDirective {
* Creates an instance of RenderDirective.
* @param dataBinding - A binding expression that returns the data to render.
* @param templateBinding - A binding expression that returns the template to use to render the data.
public constructor(
public readonly dataBinding: Binding,
public readonly templateBinding: Binding<TSource, ContentTemplate>
) {
public createPlaceholder: (index: number) => string = DOM.createBlockPlaceholder;
* Creates a behavior.
* @param targets - The targets available for behaviors to be attached to.
public createBehavior(target: Node): RenderBehavior<TSource> {
return new RenderBehavior<TSource>(
* Provides instructions for how to render a type.
* @public
export interface RenderInstruction {
* Identifies this as a RenderInstruction.
brand: symbol;
* The type this instruction is associated with.
type: Constructable;
* The template to use when rendering.
template: ContentTemplate;
* A name that can be used to identify the instruction.
name: string;
* Render options that are common to all configurations.
* @public
export type CommonRenderOptions = {
* The type this instruction is associated with.
type: Constructable;
* A name that can be used to identify the instruction.
name?: string;
* Render options used to specify a template.
* @public
export type TemplateRenderOptions = CommonRenderOptions & {
* The template to use when rendering.
template: ContentTemplate;
* Render options that are common to all element render instructions.
* @public
export type BaseElementRenderOptions<
TSource = any,
TParent = any
> = CommonRenderOptions & {
* Attributes to use when creating the element template.
attributes?: Record<string, string | TemplateValue<TSource, TParent>>;
* Content to use when creating the element template.
content?: string | SyntheticViewTemplate;
* Render options used to specify an element.
* @public
export type ElementConstructorRenderOptions<
TSource = any,
TParent = any
> = BaseElementRenderOptions<TSource, TParent> & {
* The element to use when rendering.
element: Constructable<FASTElement>;
* Render options use to specify an element by tag name.
* @public
export type TagNameRenderOptions<TSource = any, TParent = any> = BaseElementRenderOptions<
> & {
* The tag name to use when rendering.
tagName: string;
type ElementRenderOptions<TSource = any, TParent = any> =
| TagNameRenderOptions<TSource, TParent>
| ElementConstructorRenderOptions<TSource, TParent>;
function isElementRenderOptions(object: any): object is ElementRenderOptions {
return !!object.element || !!object.tagName;
const typeToInstructionLookup = new Map<
Record<string, RenderInstruction>
/* eslint @typescript-eslint/naming-convention: "off"*/
const defaultAttributes = { ":model": (x: any) => x };
const brand = Symbol("RenderInstruction");
const defaultViewName = "default-view";
const nullTemplate = html`
function instructionToTemplate(def: RenderInstruction | undefined) {
if (def === void 0) {
return nullTemplate;
return def.template;
function createElementTemplate<TSource = any, TParent = any>(
tagName: string,
attributes?: Record<string, string | TemplateValue<TSource, TParent>>,
content?: string | ContentTemplate
): ViewTemplate<TSource, TParent> {
const markup = attributes ? [`<${tagName}`] : [`<${tagName}>`];
const values: Array<TemplateValue<TSource, TParent>> = [];
if (attributes) {
const attrNames = Object.getOwnPropertyNames(attributes);
for (let i = 0, ii = attrNames.length; i < ii; ++i) {
const name = attrNames[i];
if (i === 0) {
markup[0] = `${markup[0]} ${name}="`;
} else {
markup.push(`" ${name}="`);
if (content && isFunction((content as any).create)) {
} else {
markup.push(`">${content ?? ''}</${tagName}>`);
} else if (content && isFunction((content as any).create)) {
} else {
markup[0] = `${markup[0]}${content}</${tagName}>`;
return html(markup as any as TemplateStringsArray, ...values);
function create(options: TagNameRenderOptions): RenderInstruction;
function create(options: ElementConstructorRenderOptions): RenderInstruction;
function create(options: TemplateRenderOptions): RenderInstruction;
function create(options: any): RenderInstruction {
const name = ?? defaultViewName;
let template: ContentTemplate;
if (isElementRenderOptions(options)) {
let tagName = (options as TagNameRenderOptions).tagName;
if (!tagName) {
const def = FASTElementDefinition.forType(
(options as ElementConstructorRenderOptions).element
if (def) {
tagName =;
} else {
throw new Error("Invalid element for model rendering.");
template = createElementTemplate(
options.attributes ?? defaultAttributes,
} else {
template = options.template;
return {
type: options.type,
function instanceOf(object: any): object is RenderInstruction {
return object && object.brand === brand;
function register(options: TagNameRenderOptions): RenderInstruction;
function register(options: ElementConstructorRenderOptions): RenderInstruction;
function register(options: TemplateRenderOptions): RenderInstruction;
function register(instruction: RenderInstruction): RenderInstruction;
function register(optionsOrInstruction: any): RenderInstruction {
let lookup = typeToInstructionLookup.get(optionsOrInstruction.type);
if (lookup === void 0) {
(lookup = Object.create(null) as {})
const instruction = instanceOf(optionsOrInstruction)
? optionsOrInstruction
: create(optionsOrInstruction);
return (lookup[] = instruction);
function getByType(type: Constructable, name?: string): RenderInstruction | undefined {
const entries = typeToInstructionLookup.get(type);
if (entries === void 0) {
return void 0;
return entries[name ?? defaultViewName];
function getForInstance(object: any, name?: string): RenderInstruction | undefined {
if (object) {
return getByType(object.constructor, name);
return void 0;
* Provides APIs for creating and interacting with render instructions.
* @public
export const RenderInstruction = Object.freeze({
* Checks whether the provided object is a RenderInstruction.
* @param object - The object to check.
* @returns true if the object is a RenderInstruction; false otherwise
* Creates a RenderInstruction for a set of options.
* @param options - The options to use when creating the RenderInstruction.
* Creates a template based on a tag name.
* @param tagName - The tag name to use when creating the template.
* @param attributes - The attributes to apply to the element.
* @param content - The content to insert into the element.
* @returns A template based on the provided specifications.
* Creates and registers an instruction.
* @param options The options to use when creating the RenderInstruction.
* @remarks
* A previously created RenderInstruction can also be registered.
* Finds a previously registered RenderInstruction by type and optionally by name.
* @param type - The type to retrieve the RenderInstruction for.
* @param name - An optional name used in differentiating between multiple registered instructions.
* @returns The located RenderInstruction that matches the criteria or undefined if none is found.
* Finds a previously registered RenderInstruction for the instance's type and optionally by name.
* @param object - The instance to retrieve the RenderInstruction for.
* @param name - An optional name used in differentiating between multiple registered instructions.
* @returns The located RenderInstruction that matches the criteria or undefined if none is found.
* Decorates a type with render instruction metadata.
* @param options - The options used in creating the RenderInstruction.
* @public
export function renderWith(options: Omit<TagNameRenderOptions, "type">): ClassDecorator;
* Decorates a type with render instruction metadata.
* @param options - The options used in creating the RenderInstruction.
* @public
export function renderWith(
options: Omit<ElementConstructorRenderOptions, "type">
): ClassDecorator;
* Decorates a type with render instruction metadata.
* @param options - The options used in creating the RenderInstruction.
* @public
export function renderWith(options: Omit<TemplateRenderOptions, "type">): ClassDecorator;
* Decorates a type with render instruction metadata.
* @param element - The element to use to render the decorated class.
* @param name - An optional name to differentiate the render instruction.
* @public
export function renderWith(
element: Constructable<FASTElement>,
name?: string
): ClassDecorator;
* Decorates a type with render instruction metadata.
* @param template - The template to use to render the decorated class.
* @param name - An optional name to differentiate the render instruction.
* @public
export function renderWith(template: ContentTemplate, name?: string): ClassDecorator;
export function renderWith(value: any, name?: string) {
return function (type: Constructable) {
if (isFunction(value)) {
register({ type, element: value, name });
} else if (isFunction(value.create)) {
register({ type, template: value, name });
} else {
register({ type, ...value });
* @internal
export class NodeTemplate implements ContentTemplate, ContentView {
constructor(public readonly node: Node) {
(node as any).$fastTemplate = this;
bind(source: any, context: ExecutionContext<any>): void {}
unbind(): void {}
insertBefore(refNode: Node): void {
refNode.parentNode!.insertBefore(this.node, refNode);
remove(): void {
create(): ContentView {
return this;
* Creates a RenderDirective for use in advanced rendering scenarios.
* @param binding - The binding expression that returns the data to be rendered. The expression
* can also return a Node to render directly.
* @param templateOrTemplateBindingOrViewName - A template to render the data with
* or a string to indicate which RenderInstruction to use when looking up a RenderInstruction.
* Expressions can also be provided to dynamically determine either the template or the name.
* @returns A RenderDirective suitable for use in a template.
* @remarks
* If no binding is provided, then a default binding that returns the source is created.
* If no template is provided, then a binding is created that will use registered
* RenderInstructions to determine the view.
* If the template binding returns a string, then it will be used to look up a
* RenderInstruction to determine the view.
* @public
export function render<TSource = any, TItem = any>(
binding?: Binding<TSource, TItem> | Node,
| ContentTemplate
| string
| Binding<TSource, ContentTemplate | string | Node>
): CaptureType<TSource> {
let dataBinding: Binding<TSource>;
if (binding === void 0) {
dataBinding = (source: TSource) => source;
} else if (binding instanceof Node) {
dataBinding = () => binding;
} else {
dataBinding = binding;
let templateBinding;
if (templateOrTemplateBindingOrViewName === void 0) {
templateBinding = (s: any, c: ExecutionContext) => {
const data = dataBinding(s, c);
if (data instanceof Node) {
return (data as any).$fastTemplate ?? new NodeTemplate(data);
return instructionToTemplate(getForInstance(data));
} else if (isFunction(templateOrTemplateBindingOrViewName)) {
templateBinding = (s: any, c: ExecutionContext) => {
let result = templateOrTemplateBindingOrViewName(s, c);
if (isString(result)) {
result = instructionToTemplate(getForInstance(dataBinding(s, c), result));
} else if (result instanceof Node) {
result = (result as any).$fastTemplate ?? new NodeTemplate(result);
return result;
} else if (isString(templateOrTemplateBindingOrViewName)) {
templateBinding = (s: any, c: ExecutionContext) => {
const data = dataBinding(s, c);
if (data instanceof Node) {
return (data as any).$fastTemplate ?? new NodeTemplate(data);
return instructionToTemplate(
getForInstance(data, templateOrTemplateBindingOrViewName)
} else {
templateBinding = (s: any, c: ExecutionContext) =>
return new RenderDirective<TSource>(dataBinding, templateBinding);
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