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Last active March 6, 2024 19:55
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Save Eiyeron/7986703 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Long Line Theory, finally in C. Enjoy one the best bytebeat directly from your terminal without Javascript!
#include <stdio.h>
#include <math.h>
#define min(a, b) (a) < (b) ? (a) : (b)
#define max(a, b) (a) > (b) ? (a) : (b)
int main(int t, char** argc) {
double sb, y, h, a, d, g;
int backgroundWaveNotes[] = { 15, 15, 23, 8 };
double mainInstrumentNotes[2][16] = {
{ 15, 18, 17, 17, 17, 17, 999, 999, 22, 22, 999, 18, 999, 15,
20, 22 },
{ 20, 18, 17, 17, 10, 10, 999, 999, 20, 22, 20, 18, 17, 18, 17,
10 } };
for(;;t++) {
sb = (t > 0xffff ? 1 : 0);
y = pow(2, backgroundWaveNotes[t >> 14 & 3] / 12.);
a = 1. - ((t & 0x7ff) / (double) 0x7ff);
d = (((int) 14. * t * t ^ t) & 0x7ff);
g = (double) (t & 0x7ff) / (double) 0x7ff;
g = 1. - (g * g);
h = pow(2.,
mainInstrumentNotes[((t >> 14 & 3) > 2 ? 1 : 0) & 1][t >> 10 & 15] / 12);
double wave = ((int) (y * t * 0.241) & 127 - 64)
+ ((int) (y * t * 0.25) & 127 - 64) * 1.2;
double drum = (
((int) (((int) (5. * t) & 0x7ff) * a) & 255 - 127)
* ((0x53232323 >> (t >> 11 & 31)) & 1) * a * 1.0
+ ((int) (d * a) & 255 - 128)
* ((0xa444c444 >> (t >> 11 & 31)) & 1) * a * 1.5 + ((int) ((a
* a * d * (t >> 9 & 1))) & 0xff - 0x80) * 0.1337)
* sb;
double instrument =
(((int) (h * t) & 31) + ((int) (h * t * 1.992) & 31)
+ ((int) (h * t * .497) & 31) + ((int) (h * t * 0.977) & 31))
* g * sb;
putchar(max(min((wave + drum + instrument) / 3., 127), -128));
* Welcome to Long Line Theory
* ------------------
* A start of a human readable port of a well done bytebeat findable here :
* Made readable by @Eiyeron
* Enjoy!
* Usage : copy-paste it on
function LLT(t) {
var sb, y, h, a, d, g;
var backgroundWaveNotes= [ 15, 15, 23, 8 ];
var mainInstrumentNotes= [
[ 15, 18, 17, 17, 17, 17, 999, 999, 22, 22, 999, 18, 999, 15,
20, 22 ],
[ 20, 18, 17, 17, 10, 10, 999, 999, 20, 22, 20, 18, 17, 18, 17,
10 ]];
sb = (t > 0xffff ? 1 : 0);
y = Math.pow(2, backgroundWaveNotes[t >> 14 & 3] / 12);
a = 1 - ((t & 0x7ff) / 0x7ff);
d = (( 14 * t * t ^ t) & 0x7ff);
g = (t & 0x7ff) / 0x7ff;
g = 1 - (g * g);
h = Math.pow(2, mainInstrumentNotes[((t >> 14 & 3) > 2 ? 1 : 0) & 1][t >> 10 & 15] / 12);
var wave = (Math.floor(y * t * 0.241) & 127 - 64)
+ (Math.floor(y * t * 0.25) & 127 - 64) * 1.2;
var drum = (
(Math.floor((Math.floor(5 * t) & 0x7ff) * a) & 255 - 127)
* ((0x53232323 >> (t >> 11 & 31)) & 1) * a * 1.0
+ (Math.floor(d * a) & 255 - 128)
* ((0xa444c444 >> (t >> 11 & 31)) & 1) * a * 1.5 + (Math.floor((a
* a * d * (t >> 9 & 1))) & 0xff - 0x80) * 0.1337)
* sb;
var instrument =
((Math.floor(h * t) & 31) + (Math.floor(h * t * 1.992) & 31)
+ (Math.floor(h * t * .497) & 31) + (Math.floor(h * t * 0.977) & 31))
* g * sb;
return Math.max(Math.min((wave + drum + instrument) / 3, 127), -128);
function dsp(t) {
return LLT(t*8000)/128;
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