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Created February 24, 2021 14:39
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Collaborating on MDN

Collaborating on MDN

Florian's summarized view of how OWD should collaborate with MDN according to Chris's documents.

Small issues

Get done by a single individual at any time without process.

  • See most issues here
  • Label issues whenever possible (pick labels from the list)
  • Triage issues regularly
    • Set priority label (according to MDN tier lists)
    • Try to estimate effort
    • Provide info to make the issue actionable
    • Give people a friendly ping if they haven't responded in a while
  • GitHub issue template for this is: "Content bug"

Large issues / opportunities

Get done by multiple people (across orgs) and require planning/process.

  • Need to write an overall summary of the project, why we are doing it, etc. (probably talk about all OWD project criteria to make a good summary). Can be provided as GitHub issue or markdown file on OWD proect repo, for example
  • Break down tasks into individual issues
  • Create a project board to get an overview of all issues/items involved (
  • Invite people to help with the project. Have one person owning the project
  • Regularly report on the project progress in MDN Editorial meeting (and OWD SC meeting)
  • If the project seems finished, clean up all issues / project boards
  • GitHub issue template for this "Content opportunity"

Assessing opportunities

  • Large issues/opportunities (see above) should be assessed
  • See OWD criteria how to judge these
  • Mozilla invites monthly to meet and assess new opportunities


Ideally, there is a shared roadmap between Mozilla and OWD.

  • Some assessed projects get chosen and put on the plan for a quarter
  • There is a trello or github board or some document somewhere public showing the quarterly roadmap.
  • How does Mozilla sign off on the roadmap proposed?
  • How does OWD sign off on the roadmap proposed?
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