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Last active May 29, 2021 21:47
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Save EleotleCram/0893191b09043aa91585a1850c52c6d6 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Simple Arduino non-blocking interval macros
#pragma once
// Utility macros for periodically doing stuff in a non-blocking loop.
// Usage:
// void loop() {
// static bool ledOn = false;
// ledOn = !ledOn;
// digitalWrite(LED_BUILTIN, ledOn);
// }
// }
// Note:
// Every ~50 days the Arduino internal timer overflows, these macros
// are susceptible to this overflow.
#include <stdint.h>
#define MILLISECONDS * 1
#define SECOND (1 SECONDS)
#define MINUTES * 60 SECONDS
#define MINUTE (1 MINUTES)
#define HOURS * 60 MINUTES
#define HOUR (1 HOURS)
#define DAYS * 24 HOURS
#define DAY (1 DAYS)
#define WEEKS * 7 DAYS
#define WEEK (1 WEEKS)
#define EVERY(N) \
for (static uint32_t _lasttime; \
(uint32_t)((uint32_t)millis() - _lasttime) >= (N); _lasttime += (N))
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It completely eludes me, why beginners are taught about the delay() function, even when doing it properly from the start can be written so cleanly...

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