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Created October 8, 2024 12:08
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Install a google-chrome .deb to a folder (will create google-chrome-VERSION in it) so that you can have multiple versions on your system
#!/usr/bin/env bash
# Print Help Message
function print_help() {
echo "Usage: $0 [OPTIONS] DEB_FILE DIR"
echo ""
echo "Install a Google Chrome .deb package to the specified directory."
echo ""
echo "Options:"
echo " -h, --help Show this help message and exit."
echo ""
echo "Arguments:"
echo " DEB_FILE Path to the Google Chrome .deb package."
echo " DIR Parent directory to install Google Chrome."
exit 0
# Function to validate if the .deb file is a valid Google Chrome package
function validate_deb() {
local deb_file=$1
if [[ ! -f "$deb_file" ]]; then
echo "Error: The specified file '$deb_file' does not exist."
exit 1
# Check if it is a .deb file and contains 'google-chrome' in its name
if [[ ! "$deb_file" =~ \.deb$ ]] || [[ ! "$deb_file" =~ google-chrome ]]; then
echo "Error: The file '$deb_file' is not a valid Google Chrome .deb package."
exit 1
# Function to extract the Chrome version from the .deb package
function get_chrome_version() {
local deb_file=$1
dpkg-deb -I "$deb_file" | grep 'Version:' | awk '{print $2}'
# Function to install Google Chrome .deb to the target parent directory
function install_chrome() {
local deb_file=$1
local parent_dir=$2
# Get the Chrome version
local version
version=$(get_chrome_version "$deb_file")
if [[ -z "$version" ]]; then
echo "Error: Could not determine the version of Google Chrome."
exit 1
# Define the target directory as google-chrome-VERSION inside the parent directory
local target_dir="$parent_dir/google-chrome-$version"
# Check if the target directory already exists
if [[ -d "$target_dir" ]]; then
echo "Warning: Directory '$target_dir' already exists. Proceeding..."
echo "Creating directory '$target_dir'..."
mkdir -p "$target_dir"
# Extract the package into the new subdirectory
echo "Extracting the package to '$target_dir'..."
dpkg-deb -x "$deb_file" "$target_dir"
# Check if the extraction was successful
if [[ -d "$target_dir/opt/google/chrome" ]]; then
echo "Google Chrome successfully installed to '$target_dir'."
echo "Error: Failed to extract Google Chrome files. Please verify the .deb package."
exit 1
# Create bin directory and symlink the google-chrome executable
local bin_dir="$target_dir/bin"
mkdir -p "$bin_dir"
# Create symlink for easy access
local chrome_exec="$target_dir/opt/google/chrome/google-chrome"
if [[ -f "$chrome_exec" ]]; then
ln -s "$chrome_exec" "$bin_dir/google-chrome"
echo "Created symlink: '$bin_dir/google-chrome' -> '$chrome_exec'"
echo "Error: Google Chrome executable not found at '$chrome_exec'."
exit 1
# Check for help flag
if [[ "$1" == "-h" || "$1" == "--help" ]]; then
# Validate the number of arguments
if [[ $# -lt 2 ]]; then
echo "Error: Missing arguments."
echo "Use -h or --help for usage information."
exit 1
# Assign arguments
# Validate the .deb package
validate_deb "$DEB_FILE"
# Install Google Chrome to the target parent directory
install_chrome "$DEB_FILE" "$PARENT_DIR"
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