Pick AMI from here:
It's important to choose an AMI that is supported in the region you select and also the instance size you select, otherwise you will get the following message:
"fms Unable to launch image as the product code is not supported for the specified region, instance type and operating system combination" -- notice that you must pick a server that is at least "m1.large" so trying to deploy a small server will fail.
Than do the following:
Lunch instance > Classic Wizard > Community AMIs > parse AMI id (ami-08cd7261 for instance)
SSH server:
ssh -i [key] root@[ip address]
Copy default live application
cp -r /opt/adobe/ams/samples/applications/live /mnt/applications/
You can test using "Flash Media Live Encoder"
Admin console;
Manage administrators
Add user:
Change admin:
vim /opt/adobe/ams/conf/ams.ini
You can add a user:
<User name="elad">
<Password encrypt="false">123456</Password>
cd /opt/adobe/ams
./amsmgr adminserver restart
./server restart
./adminserver restart
Or reset password from here:
/opt/adobe/ams/amsadmin -console -user
(no need to restart!)
See here for issues:
fmsadmin Command Line tool not working trying to change password from command line and not seeing changes in Users.xml
Open any log file from here:
such as access.03.log