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Created September 30, 2020 13:52
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import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
%matplotlib inline
def collatz(x, b=False):
if x % 2 == 0:
if b:
print(f'{x} is even, {x}/2 = {x/2}')
return x / 2
if b:
print(f'{x} is odd, {x}*3 + 1 = {x*3 + 1}')
return 3*x + 1
def compute_iterations(x, b=False):
iter = 0
y = x
max = y
while y != 1:
y = collatz(y, b)
if y > max: max = y
iter += 1
print(f'{x} required {iter} iterations')
return (x, iter, max)
def graph_collatz():
x_axis, y_axis, max_axis, m, m_x = get_data()
plt.plot(x_axis, y_axis, 'b.')
plt.plot(x_axis, [m for i in range(1, len(y_axis)+1)], 'r--')
plt.plot([m_x for i in range(1, len(x_axis)+1)], y_axis, 'r--')
plt.ylabel('Number of iterations')
def graph_max_collatz():
x_axis, y_axis, max_axis, m, m_x = get_data()
plt.plot(x_axis, max_axis, 'r-')
plt.ylabel('Max number while getting to 1')
def get_data():
collatz = [compute_iterations(i) for i in range(1, 100000)]
x_axis = [a for (a, b, c) in collatz]
y_axis = [b for (a, b, c) in collatz]
max_axis = [c for (a, b, c) in collatz]
m = max(y_axis)
m_x = x_axis[y_axis.index(m)]
return x_axis, y_axis, max_axis, m, m_x
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