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Created June 3, 2019 07:42
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Generate RN icons based on SVG
const { execSync } = require('child_process');
const fs = require('fs');
const toPascalCase = string =>
.map(word => word.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + word.substr(1).toLowerCase())
console.log('Ready to generate RN icon font ⏰');
// STEP 1: Generate .ttf and glyph map with all the icons
`icon-font-generator ./assets/icons/*.svg -o ./assets/font -n custom-font-icon -c false --html false --types ttf`,
// STEP 2: Modify glyph map, change hexa values to decimal
const glyphMap = JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync('./assets/font/custom-font-icon.json'));
const glyphMapDecimal = Object.keys(glyphMap).reduce(
(acc, curr) => ({
[curr]: parseInt(glyphMap[curr].substr(1), 16),
fs.writeFileSync('./assets/font/custom-font-icon.json', JSON.stringify(glyphMapDecimal)); // write file
// STEP 3: Create index.js file with the respective exports
const indexLines = ["import React from 'react';", "import Icon from './Icon';", ''];
iconKey =>
`export const ${toPascalCase(iconKey)} = props => <Icon {...props} name="${iconKey}" />;`,
fs.writeFileSync('./src/Icon/index.js', indexLines.join('\n')); // write file
console.log('Font and glyph map created 🎉');
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