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Last active August 31, 2018 10:53
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Code found in a library I was considering using... NEVER write code like this :)
class Object:
attributes = ["myattr",
code = "def __init__(self"
for att in attributes:
code = code + ", " + att + " = None"
code = code + "):\n"
for att in attributes:
code = code + " self." + att + "=" + att + "\n"
def toStr(self):
res = "("
for att in Object.attributes:
boo = eval("isinstance(self. " + att + ", str)")
if not boo:
res = res + str(eval("self." + att))
res = res + "\"" + str(eval("self." + att)) + "\""
if att != Object.attributes[len(Object.attributes) - 1]:
res = res + ","
res += ")"
return res
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