start new:
start new with session name:
tmux new -s myname
var fs = require('fs'), | |
querystring = require('querystring'), | |
redis = require('redis'), | |
r = redis.createClient(), | |
allowedTypes = { | |
'text/javascript': 'js', | |
'text/css': 'css', | |
'image/png': 'png', | |
'image/jpeg': 'jpg', |
![]() :bowtie: |
😄 :smile: |
😆 :laughing: |
😊 :blush: |
😃 :smiley: |
:relaxed: |
😏 :smirk: |
😍 :heart_eyes: |
😘 :kissing_heart: |
😚 :kissing_closed_eyes: |
😳 :flushed: |
😌 :relieved: |
😆 :satisfied: |
😁 :grin: |
😉 :wink: |
😜 :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: |
😝 :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes: |
😀 :grinning: |
😗 :kissing: |
😙 :kissing_smiling_eyes: |
😛 :stuck_out_tongue: |
Forget what you know about Javascript MVC patterns from your experience with Backbone, Ember, Angular, Knockout, Batman, and yada yada. I encourage you to empty your cup, take a step back and open your mind to the ideas presented in the following resources, primarily from minds of Nicholas Zakas and Addy Osmani, two individuals I consider to be thought leaders in the front-end development world.
# ---------------------- | |
# Status Bar | |
# ----------------------- | |
set-option -g status on # turn the status bar on | |
set -g status-utf8 on # set utf-8 for the status bar | |
set -g status-interval 5 # set update frequencey (default 15 seconds) | |
set -g status-justify centre # center window list for clarity | |
# set-option -g status-position top # position the status bar at top of screen | |
# visual notification of activity in other windows |
QTabBar, | |
QTabBar::tab | |
{ | |
font-family: "Noto Sans"; | |
font-size: 11px; | |
height: 16px; | |
padding: 2px; | |
border: 0px; | |
border-bottom: 3px solid palette(dark); | |
background-color: palette(dark); |
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> | |
<!DOCTYPE fontconfig SYSTEM "fonts.dtd"> | |
<!-- | |
Noto Mono + Color Emoji Font Configuration. | |
Currently the only Terminal Emulator I'm aware that supports colour fonts is Konsole. | |
Usage: | |
0. Ensure that the Noto fonts are installed on your machine. | |
1. Install this file to ~/.config/fontconfig/conf.d/99-noto-mono-color-emoji.conf |