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Created February 16, 2019 22:35
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Created using remix-ide: Realtime Ethereum Contract Compiler and Runtime. Load this file by pasting this gists URL or ID at
pragma solidity ^0.5.0;
contract Hospital {
address owner;
struct Patient {
index uint;
name string;
constructor() public {
owner = msg.sender;
pragma solidity ^0.5.0;
contract LandContract {
address owner;
mapping (address => uint) public balances;
struct Plot {
address owner;
bool forSale;
uint price;
Plot[12] public plots;
event PlotOwnerChanged(
uint index
event PlotPriceChanged(
uint index,
uint price
event PlotAvailabilityChanged(
uint index,
uint price,
bool forSale
constructor() public {
owner = msg.sender;
plots[0].price = 4000;
plots[0].forSale = true;
plots[1].price = 4000;
plots[1].forSale = true;
plots[2].price = 4000;
plots[2].forSale = true;
plots[3].price = 4000;
plots[3].forSale = true;
plots[4].price = 4000;
plots[4].forSale = true;
plots[5].price = 4000;
plots[5].forSale = true;
plots[6].price = 4000;
plots[6].forSale = true;
plots[7].price = 4000;
plots[7].forSale = true;
plots[8].price = 4000;
plots[8].forSale = true;
plots[9].price = 4000;
plots[9].forSale = true;
plots[10].price = 4000;
plots[10].forSale = true;
plots[11].price = 4000;
plots[11].forSale = true;
function putPlotUpForSale(uint index, uint price) public {
Plot storage plot = plots[index];
require(msg.sender == plot.owner && price > 0);
plot.forSale = true;
plot.price = price;
emit PlotAvailabilityChanged(index, price, true);
function takeOffMarket(uint index) public {
Plot storage plot = plots[index];
require(msg.sender == plot.owner);
plot.forSale = false;
emit PlotAvailabilityChanged(index, plot.price, false);
function getPlots() public view returns( address[] memory, bool[] memory, uint[] memory) {
address[] memory addrs = new address[](12);
bool[] memory available = new bool[](12);
uint[] memory price = new uint[](12);
for (uint i = 0; i < 12; i++) {
Plot storage plot = plots[i];
addrs[i] = plot.owner;
price[i] = plot.price;
available[i] = plot.forSale;
return (addrs, available, price);
function buyPlot(uint index) public payable {
Plot storage plot = plots[index];
require(msg.sender != plot.owner && plot.forSale && msg.value >= plot.price);
// if(plot.owner == 0) {
// balances[owner] += msg.value;
// }else {
balances[plot.owner] += msg.value;
// }
plot.owner = msg.sender;
plot.forSale = false;
emit PlotOwnerChanged(index);
function withdrawFunds() public {
address payable payee = msg.sender;
uint payment = balances[payee];
require(payment > 0);
balances[payee] = 0;
function destroy() payable public {
// require(msg.sender == owner);
// selfdestruct(address(owner));
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