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Created September 6, 2021 19:16
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Dictionary as my naive graph db
# This is a sample Python script.
# Eng Eryx
my_graph_db = dict({'n': 0})
def insert(item):
n = my_graph_db['n'] + 1
item['id'] = n
my_graph_db[n] = item
my_graph_db['n'] = n
def delete(item=None, key=0):
if item is not None:
if key != 0:
def test_run():
# Add some transactions to my dict
insert({'id': 0, 'amount': 1000, 'type': 'debit', 'date': '20210906T21:54:00'})
trans_2 = {'id': 0, 'amount': 1000, 'type': 'debit', 'date': '20210906T21:54:00'}
insert({'id': 0, 'amount': 1000, 'type': 'debit', 'date': '20210906T21:54:00'})
insert({'id': 0, 'amount': 1000, 'type': 'debit', 'date': '20210906T21:54:00'})
# Press the green button in the gutter to run the script.
if __name__ == '__main__':
# See PyCharm help at
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