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Last active August 18, 2016 19:24
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local lerp = function(a, b, amount)
return a + (b - a) * (amount < 0 and 0 or (amount > 1 and 1 or amount))
function gen_smooth_noise(width, height, baseNoise, octave)
local bit = require("bit")
local idata = love.image.newImageData( width, height )
-- Sample period = 2 ^ octave;
local samplePeriod = bit.lshift(1, octave)
local sampleFrequency = 1 / samplePeriod;
local y, sample_y0, sample_y1, vert_blend
local x, sample_x0, sample_x1, horz_blend
local top, bot, val
for y = 0, height-1 do
-- Calculate vertical sample index
sample_y0 = (y / samplePeriod)*samplePeriod
sample_y1 = math.fmod((sample_y0 + samplePeriod), height)
vert_blend = (y - sample_y0) * sampleFrequency
for x = 0, width-1 do
-- Calculate horizontal sample index
sample_x0 = (x / samplePeriod)*samplePeriod -- Automaticaly floors
sample_x1 = math.fmod((sample_x0 + samplePeriod), width) -- Wraps
horz_blend = (x - sample_x0) * sampleFrequency
top = lerp(baseNoise[sample_x0 + (width*sample_y0)], baseNoise[sample_x1 + (width*sample_y0)], horz_blend)
bot = lerp(baseNoise[sample_x0 + (width*sample_y1)], baseNoise[sample_x1 + (width*sample_y1)], horz_blend)
-- Round the value to a flat integer between 0 and 255
val = lerp(top, bot, vert_blend)*255
val = val >= 0 and math.floor(val + .5) or math.ceil(val - .5)
idata:setPixel(x, y, val, val, val, 255)
return idata
local gen = require("gen")
local coolpic
function love.load(args)
local width, height = 64, 64
local noise = {}
local x, y
for y = 0, height-1 do
for x = 0, width-1 do
noise[x + width * y] = love.math.random()
coolpic =, height, noise, 3))
function love.draw()
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