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Erich Gubler ErichDonGubler

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ErichDonGubler /
Last active August 10, 2022 14:28
Shallow-cloning an SVN repository in Git
function git_svn_shallow_clone() {
# Shallowly clones an SVN repository using `git svn`.
# Example: Clone directly into the CWD.
# Note: if your connection fails midway through the cloning, you can pick up from
# where you left off by simply invoking the clone function again. Neat, right?
# $ git_svn_shallow_clone <url> .
# You may need to run this in your cloned folder if you need to resume cloning from
# an interrupted connection.

Keybase proof

I hereby claim:

  • I am erichdongubler on github.
  • I am erichdongubler ( on keybase.
  • I have a public key ASAHElC6breV_idmtm0TM1TIEvbhf5P_vCEqMLF3r4bvPwo

To claim this, I am signing this object:

This gist documents Erich's endeavors to get QML working with Rust on his machines, since there's not much in the way of a helpful tutorial.


WARNING: Work in progress. Definitely not complete!

To get gcc/make/cmake, we'll need to...what? Building qml-rust with the Win-builds version of GCC seems to make the build report gcc as broken (see here).

Install Qt with the open-source license for versions 5.6-5.8 here.

ErichDonGubler / duckConstraints.d
Last active January 23, 2018 19:13
Response to "Methods and UFCS"'s constraints point againt D at @MaikKlein's
* Demo: duckConstraints.d
* Purpose: Demonstrate duck-typed constraints in D (in response to
* Authors: Erich Gubler (Github: @erichdongubler)
* Date: 6/25/2016
* @maikklein: "Constrains" ( ;) ) in D similar to the Rust block you have shown:
* impl<T> Bar<T>
* where: T: Copy
ErichDonGubler /
Last active May 19, 2017 01:22
A Bash script that sets up erichdongubler's dotfiles repo locally and deploys immediately
# Shamelessly copied and adapted from
pushd "$HOME" > /dev/null
git clone --bare ~/.dotfiles.git
function .git() {
git --git-dir="$HOME/.dotfiles.git/" --work-tree="$HOME" $*
.git checkout
if [ $? = 0 ]; then
echo "Checked out dotfiles.";
ErichDonGubler / platforms.makefile
Created May 17, 2015 00:04
Starter makefile for cross-platform projects
# This script assumes you're using a GNU-compliant Make implementation.
# It is required that the following in your path:
# - bash
# Otherwise, this script attempts to use native commands.
# Help from [here](
POSIX_DIR="$(shell cd $(dir $(THIS_MAKEFILE_PATH));pwd)"
UNAME=$(shell uname -o)
ifeq ($(OS),Windows_NT)
ErichDonGubler / Dr. Welborn
Last active August 29, 2015 14:20
Best Dr. Welborn Quotes heard while studying at Utah Valley University

The Scientific Method

One of Dr. Welborn's best pieces of advice to novice programmers. :) It takes real skill, no matter what testing method you use, to test (and by extension, debug) effectively!

Many of you have the wrong idea of what testing is. Many of you mistakenly believe testing is the process of proving your code is correct. If you approach testing with the mindset that you're going to prove your code is correct, you most likely will. No matter how many bugs you have. Testing is based on the Scientific Method. Forgotten the Scientific Method, here is a recap:

  • Observe a System
  • Build a theory or model that explains the System
  • Use the theory/model to make predictions about the System
  • Verify the theory/model is correct by comparing predicted results with actual results
ErichDonGubler /
Created October 28, 2011 21:01
Team Fortress Vindemia feature list


  • Bunnyhop

    • Trimp jumping (requires 2 successful bunnyhops before use)

    • Ramp-jumping

    • Voteable ingame for manual, easy manual, and automatic bunnyhopping.