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Last active March 27, 2018 08:59
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Serverless, FaaS

Azure Functions (release 2, beta)


  • the only "big" provider supporting node.js LTS 8 (aws and gcp still on 6.x)
  • automated deploy using git (tested w bitbucket), use different function apps per env (dev, stage, prod etc) and map against branches
  • local dev environment




  • intuitive-ish, most things work as expected
  • faaslang standard
  • env.json file read by code as standard process.env.KEY


  • hard to google (<stdlib.h>)
  • many outdated articles/tutorials
  • scheduling requires "release"
  • limited options for scheduling
  • "release" means published in registry, might not be for everyone (Auth0)


  • The editor is rather full featured, simple functions could do without wt cli


  • no environment variables, uses "secrets" editable from editor and read by code as context.secrets.KEY which also means you can't use secrets outside of your function, e.g one-off inits.
  • need to use "bundle" feature of wt-cli to deploy (it builds a new output file of your files) any local dependencies, e.g anything you require('./yourdep').


  • webtask function parameter list will impact parsing of request data body; (context, cb) body will be parsed and stored in the context.body, (ctx, req, res) requst body will be left unread.
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