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Erkki ErkHal

  • Finland
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ErkHal / Thingiverse speed downloader.user.js
Last active September 20, 2024 18:48
UPDATED 18.10.2023: TamperMonkey script that allows you to download Thingiverse files without the pop-up and 5 second wait time.
// ==UserScript==
// @name Thingiverse speed downloader
// @namespace
// @version 0.4
// @description Just straight up download the .zip and not having to wait for 5 secs or be stopped by anti-adblock. Thanks to Deses, scoutman57, kohrar and quantumfrost for updates !
// @author ErkHal
// @include*
// @exclude*/edit*
// @require
// @require
ErkHal / CFrame DPF-2073 - Photoframe UART shell
Last active March 24, 2020 06:51
Some of my own notes about opening and accessing a terminal of a photoframe CFrame DPF-2073

Gaining shell access to a generic digital picture frame using UART

I used this website to get some reference into accessing the photoframe. Wanted to translate some of it as well as add some of my own notes.

Brand: CFrame

Model: DPF-2073 (16:10)

Serial: 1011201572


  • Uses 5v power
ErkHal /
Created August 20, 2019 10:54
Star wars quotes in the terminal
cat << "EOF"
/ =[_]O|` \
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|:||_|=|U| |_||:|
ErkHal / Steam on Arch Linux - Switch Pro Controller
Created April 25, 2019 16:11
(Hopefully) helpful instructions about using a Switch Pro controller with Steam client on Arch Linux

Steam for Arch Linux - Switch Pro Controller Configuration (Wired)

The following instructions are based on a reddit comment of u/zolixes and cleaned up/modified by me.

The following has been tested to work with:

  • Arch Linux with kernel version 5.0.9
  • Steam build jenkins-steam-runtime-beta-release_0.20190320.2 (As seen from Help -> System Information -> Steam Runtime Version)

There is a file: /lib/udev/rules/99-steam-controller-perms.rules (if no rules related to steam are found install the steam-devices package and this file will appear).

NOTE: The file might be named differently and the number in front of it can differ from the example. In my case this was: