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Created February 8, 2020 23:48
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Trying to use custom charset at $2000
Byte dump:
0825: ad 00 dd - lda $DD00
0828: 29 fc - and #%11111100
082a: 09 03 - ora #%11
082c: 8d 00 dd - sta $DD00
082f: a9 19 - lda #%00011001
0831: 8d 18 d0 - sta $D018
// correctly sets screen mem at $400, but charset is not used from $2000
// Actually in debugger, $D018 is $15
Memory Map
$0801-$080c Basic
$080e-$080d Basic End
$080e-$083d Init
$083e-$0866 Start
$2000-$27ff Charset
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