I want to write a minimal, reproducible, and configurable minimal example that demonstrates how to create, seed, and download a torrent.
This is much harder than I anticipated. The command line tooling is weaker than I would have guessed, but it exists, and it should be possible. There are a lot of edge-cases to consider when writing a networking example, and perhaps my difficulty is because I'm hitting one of those. I'm looking for help with writing up this example in a way that helps document what some of the issue might be.
I'm running all of this on a home network behind a simple router. I'm using two machines on this network. A rasberry pi 4, and my x86-84 desktop. Both are running ubuntu. I'm not sure if being on the same LAN behind the same NAT-ed router is going to cause an issue?
The following is the MWE I've written so far. Not sure how to make RST look nice on SuperUser, so putting it in a code block:
This example considers an environment with two machines on the same network.
This network is behind a simple NAT router. One machine is the seeding machine
and the other is the download machine.
Machine Setup
On both the seeding and download machine.
We are going to use transmission as our client on both machines. We will
primarily use the ``transmission-remote`` tool to interface with the
``transmission-daemon``. In one instance we will use the ``transmission-cli``.
.. code::
sudo apt-get install transmission-remote transmission-daemon transmission-cli
# Add your user to the debian-transmission group
sudo usermod -a -G debian-transmission $USER
# Optional Install GUI interfaces
sudo apt install transmission-gtk
sudo apt install transmission-qt
# Ensure you logout and log into a new shell.
Setup Seeding Machine
Ensure that the torrent port is open and correctly fowarded.
This may require configuring your router to forward port 51413 (and 6969?) to
the seeding machine. If you have a firewall, be sure the relevant ports are
open. The following example does this for the ``ufw`` firewall.
.. code::
# If the UFW firewall is enabled, open the ports
if sudo ufw status | grep "Status: active"; then
sudo ufw allow $TRANSMISSION_TORRENT_PORT comment "transmission torrent port"
sudo ufw allow $TORRENT_TRACKER_PORT comment "torrent tracker port"
sudo ufw reload
sudo ufw status
Creating and Seeding Data
On the seeding machine
.. code:: bash
# Helper function to lookup the id for a torrent by its name
python3 -c "if 1:
import subprocess
import sys
# This command may need to be modified
out = subprocess.check_output(
'transmission-remote --auth transmission:transmission --list',
shell=True, universal_newlines=True)
import re
splitpat = re.compile(' *')
for line in out.split(chr(10)):
line_ = line.strip()
if not line_:
if line_.startswith('Sum:'):
if line_.startswith('ID'):
row_vals = splitpat.split(line_)
name = row_vals[-1]
id = row_vals[0].strip('*')
if name == sys.argv[1]:
" "$1"
# Choose a name for the new torrent
# Create a dummy set of data that will be shared
# TODO: Should make working_dpath properly configurable.
# Hacking and putting this in the var/lib works around permission issues
# that could be overcome with chmod or config editing.
# WORKING_DPATH=$HOME/tmp/create-torrent-demo
mkdir -p "$WORKING_DPATH"
# TODO: make the size of the data configurable
mkdir -p "$DATA_DPATH"
echo "some data" > $DATA_DPATH/data1.txt
echo "some data" > $DATA_DPATH/data2.txt
echo "some other data" > $DATA_DPATH/data3.txt
# A list of open tracker URLS is:
# https://gist.github.com/mcandre/eab4166938ed4205bef4
# https://raw.githubusercontent.com/ngosang/trackerslist/master/trackers_all.txt
# TODO: Make the tracker configurable and setup good defaults
COMMENT="a demo torrent named: $TORRENT_NAME"
# Use the transmission-cli to create the torrent.
# This can take some time if the data is big.
transmission-create \
--comment "$COMMENT" \
--tracker "$TRACKER_URL" \
--outfile "$TORRENT_FPATH" \
# Start seeding the transmission daemon
transmission-remote --auth transmission:transmission \
--add "$TORRENT_FPATH" \
--download-dir "$WORKING_DPATH"
# Show Registered Torrents to verify success
transmission-remote --auth transmission:transmission --list
# ---------
# https://forum.transmissionbt.com/viewtopic.php?t=11830
# Lookup a torrent ID by its name
TORRENT_ID=$(transmission-lookup-torrent-id "$TORRENT_NAME")
# Show info about a torrent
transmission-remote --auth transmission:transmission --torrent $TORRENT_ID --info
# Verify the torrent
transmission-remote --auth transmission:transmission --torrent $TORRENT_ID --verify
# Reannounce the torrent
transmission-remote --auth transmission:transmission --torrent $TORRENT_ID --reannounce
# Locate the data
transmission-remote --auth transmission:transmission --torrent $TORRENT_ID --find /var/lib/transmission-daemon/downloads
# CONTEXTUAL: start the torrent
# transmission-remote --auth transmission:transmission --torrent $TORRENT_ID --start
# CONTEXTUAL: remove the torrent
# transmission-remote --auth transmission:transmission --torrent $TORRENT_ID --remove
# Add a new tracker to the torrent
transmission-remote --auth transmission:transmission --torrent $TORRENT_ID \
--tracker-add "$TRACKER_URL"
# The transmission deamon seems like it needs to have downloads in a special location
# https://superuser.com/questions/1687624/how-to-create-and-seed-new-torrent-files-for-bittorrent-using-transmisson-client
# /var/lib/transmission-daemon/downloads
Downloading Data
On the downloading machine
.. code:: bash
# TODO: set to the name of the seeding machine that can be used to rsync the data
# Get the torrent onto the downloading machine
rsync $SEEDING_MACHINE_NAME:/var/lib/transmission-daemon/downloads/$TORRENT_NAME.torrent .
# Register the torrent with the transmission-daemon
# TODO: configure where you will download
transmission-remote --auth transmission:transmission --add "$TORRENT_NAME.torrent" -w "$TEST_DOWNLOAD_DPATH"
transmission-remote --auth transmission:transmission --list
Relevant Comment from SU thread:
To anyone in the future who finds this: the answer was permissions in the download directory (on the download machine) and permission on the data and torrent in the seed machine. When I switched to doing everything in /var/lib/transmission/downloads and ensured the transmission-daemon user could read/write all files to to all dirs, it worked. –