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Forked from Davr1/
Created January 10, 2022 08:35
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import json
import re
from operator import itemgetter
import requests
# finds the most similar list
# master = [] with n items
# candidates = [[],[],[],...] each nested list with n items
# original_candidates = [{}, {}, {},...]
def best_similarity(master, candidates, originalcandidates):
counts = [0] * len(candidates)
for i, masterval in enumerate(master):
for ci, c in enumerate(candidates):
counts[ci] += masterval == c[i] #True is numerically 1
candidate_scores = zip(counts, originalcandidates)
# returns a map
return max(candidate_scores, key=itemgetter(0))[1]
# sorts a list alphabetically and adds padding (empty strings) so it can be used in the best_similarity function
def list_sort(list, padding):
return sorted(list) + [''] * (padding - len(list))
def main():
old = requests.get("")._content.decode("utf8")
new = requests.get("")._content.decode("utf8")
# jsonifies the source files
replacements = [[r"\n", ""], [r"\},\d+.*?s=", ","], [r"\}{2,}.*", "}]"], [r"^.*\{,", "["], [r"(?<=\{|,)\b", "\""], [":", "\":"],["\"+", "\""]]
for r in replacements:
old = re.sub(r[0], r[1], old)
new = re.sub(r[0], r[1], new)
old = json.loads(old)
new = json.loads(new)
output = open("", "w+")
# turns the new element map into a nested list
new_as_list = [list_sort(list(new_element_map), 100) for new_element_map in new]
for element_map in old:
element_list = list_sort(list(element_map.keys()), 100)
match = best_similarity(element_list, new_as_list, new)
for element in list(element_map.keys()):
# checks if element contains a number as the first character, or a parenthesis
# -> gets rid of elements such as "calc(...)" or "24px"
if element in match and"^\d|\(|\)", match[element]):
print(f"Discarding {element}")
# splits elements with multiple classes into multiple lines
for substring in zip(element_map[element].split(' '), match[element].split(' ')):
output.write(f"{substring[0]} = {substring[1]}\n")
print(f"Found {element_map[element]}")
print(f"Couldn't find {element}")
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