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Created June 16, 2022 13:09
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# "According to company rules, a bus can only have three seats. To replace seat 29, you have to buy seat 19, 25."
# As a result of having trouble getting a bus ticket from a company that says the above
# I wrote this script to be notified when someone else buys a ticket.
# get
Function GetResponse() {
$session = New-Object Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.WebRequestSession
# removed cookies
$response = Invoke-WebRequest -UseBasicParsing -Uri "" `
-WebSession $session `
-Headers @{
"accept-encoding"="gzip, deflate, br"
"sec-ch-ua"="`" Not A;Brand`";v=`"99`", `"Chromium`";v=`"101`", `"Google Chrome`";v=`"101`""
return $response
$r = GetResponse
# manually run the lines below to set the old content
# $r.Content > ./kamil.json
# more ./kamil.json
# read the oldContent.json file
$oldContent = Get-Content kamil.json
# compare the Content with the oldContent.json file
$isContentSame = $r.Content.Equals($oldContent)
Write-Debug "Content is same: $isContentSame"
# if the content is not the same, send a notification by ifttt
if ($isContentSame -eq $false)
$body = {Mesaj = "oto mesaj: Otobüs koltuklarında değişiklik var"}
$EventName = "Kamil"
# make sure the ifttt webhook is set up
$EventKey = "removed the key"
$webhookUrl = "{0}/json/with/key/{1}" -f $EventName, $EventKey
# send the notification
Invoke-RestMethod -Method Post -Uri $webhookUrl -Body $body
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