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Created April 11, 2023 21:36
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Generate a URL from S3 objects to download (A bucket to storage logs case example)
## This script run with python3 and is able to generate pre-signed URLs from files (objects) on a s3. ##
## It is possible with it to generate URLs of several days within the same month and year for several ##
## instances without the need to provide access to the bucket for the user ##
import boto3
from colorama import Fore, Style
APP = ''
INSTANCES = ['', ''] # Instances that generated logs
DAY = ['11', '25'] # Define days to log
BUCKET_NAME = '' # Log bucket name
YEARMONTH = '2021-11'.split('-') # Define this Year and Month for the search
for i in INSTANCES:
for d in DAY:
Key = f'{APP}/{i}/{YEARMONTH[0]}/{YEARMONTH[1]}/{APP}-api.log/{APP}-api.log.{YEARMONTH[0]}-{YEARMONTH[1]}-{d}.bz2'
url = boto3.client('s3').generate_presigned_url(
Params={'Bucket': BUCKET_NAME, 'Key': Key},
print(f'{Fore.RED}Generated Logfile Download URL for {i.upper()} is:{Style.RESET_ALL}\n{url}\n\n')
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