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Last active November 20, 2015 12:08
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  • Save EslaMx7/6af6a8478561aa8a0121 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save EslaMx7/6af6a8478561aa8a0121 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
a small Python script to modify the URL of paused downloading file in FireFox, this is very useful while downloading big file from a server that giving you a very limited time for your IP, you just need to pause the current download and update the file URL with the new one with this script then restart the browser to see the changes and resume y…
__author__ = 'Eslam Hamouda |'
import configparser
import os.path
import json
import io
# get the required files paths to access Firefox AppData
win_user_profile = os.getenv('USERPROFILE')
ff_path = r'{0}\AppData\Roaming\Mozilla\Firefox'.format(win_user_profile)
ini_path = "{0}\\profiles.ini".format(ff_path)
# check if the INI configuration file exists to continue or not
if not os.path.exists(ini_path):
print("*** Firefox is not installed or not recognized by this script ***")
# parsing the INI file and extract firefox user profile folder name and create the full path
profiles = configparser.ConfigParser()
current_profile_dir = profiles['Profile0']['Path']
current_profile_path = "{0}\\{1}".format(ff_path,str(current_profile_dir).replace('/','\\'))
# append the downloads.json file to the full path
downloads_path = current_profile_path + "\\downloads.json"
# check if the downloads.json file exists or not because FireFox automatically removes it if it was empty.
if not os.path.exists(downloads_path):
print("*** You don't have any broken downloads ***")
# read the json file and parse it
json_file = open(downloads_path,mode='r+')
js = json.load(json_file)
# a double check for having a paused Downloads
if len(js['list']) == 0:
print("*** You don't have any broken downloads ***")
print("\n\n**** Current Paused Firefox Downlaods **** \n")
# print the current list of paused downloads
item_number = 1
for download_item in js['list']:
# extract the short file name from the file full path
fname = str(download_item['target']['path']).split('\\')[-1:][0]
# get the file URL
furl = download_item['source']
# sometimes Firefox saves the file URL inside another object with the referrer URL too if it wasn't a direct link.
if type(furl) is dict and download_item['source']['url'] is not None:
furl = download_item['source']['url']
# some stupid prints with awful formating
print("#{0} : Filename : {1} \n\t URL : {2}\n\t Path : {3} \n\t Size : {4} \n\t Resumable : {5}".format(item_number,
str(round((download_item['totalBytes']/1024)/1024,2)) + " MB",
# items counter
item_number += 1
# take the user inputs to update the json file
file_number = input("\nEnter the file number to Edit the URL with the new one :")
file_new_url = input("\nEnter the new URL :")
#update the json object
js['list'][int(file_number) - 1]['source'] = file_new_url
# write the json object into the downloads.json file with updated values.
json_file = open(downloads_path,mode='w')
print("*** URL has been updated | you need to restart Firefox to see the changes ***")
print("After restart you can resume the file from Firefox Downloads window ;)")
# now you are happy with your resumable download ;)
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