I hereby claim:
- I am esmailelbobdev2 on github.
- I am esmailelbob (https://keybase.io/esmailelbob) on keybase.
- I have a public key ASCV1BsNcBUYidt5EYSAeEOpgz75V2DdzUt49NK9o8bnHQo
To claim this, I am signing this object:
// This Function For The Random Array List (Random Words) | |
let mainJS = function() { | |
let randomwords = [ | |
"I'm professional programmer", | |
"Noobest programmer you will ever see xD", | |
"So Dont Call Me Baby <br> -Ed Sheeran", | |
"Kiki Do You Love Me ? <br> -Drake" | |
]; | |
let randomItem = Math.floor(Math.random() * randomwords.length); | |
document.getElementById("randomwords").innerHTML = randomwords[randomItem]; |
## Sublime Text 3 Serial key build is 3176 | |
> * Added these lines into /etc/hosts | | www.sublimetext.com | | license.sublimehq.com | |
> * Used the license key | |
----- BEGIN LICENSE ----- |
I hereby claim:
To claim this, I am signing this object:
# Customize BASH PS1 prompt to show current GIT repository and branch. | |
# by Mike Stewart - http://MediaDoneRight.com | |
# Bunch-o-predefined colors. Makes reading code easier than escape sequences. | |
# I don't remember where I found this. o_O | |
# Reset | |
Color_Off="\[\033[0m\]" # Text Reset |
// Turn on Developer Mode under User Settings > Appearance > Developer Mode (at the bottom) | |
// Then open the channel you wish to delete all of the messages (could be a DM) and click the three dots on the far right. | |
// Click "Copy ID" and paste that instead of LAST_MESSAGE_ID. | |
// Copy / paste the below script into the JavaScript console. | |
// If you're in a DM you will receive a 403 error for every message the other user sent (you don't have permission to delete their messages). | |
var before = 'LAST_MESSAGE_ID'; | |
clearMessages = function(){ | |
const authToken = document.body.appendChild(document.createElement`iframe`).contentWindow.localStorage.token.replace(/"/g, ""); | |
const channel = window.location.href.split('/').pop(); |
function upvote() { | |
document.querySelectorAll('[data-click-id="upvote"]').forEach((b, i) => { | |
setTimeout(() => { | |
if (b.getAttribute("aria-pressed") == "true") { | |
console.log("already upvoted..."); | |
} else if (b.getAttribute("aria-pressed") == "false") { | |
b.click(); | |
console.log("upvoting..."); | |
} else { | |
console.log("something went wrong..."); |