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Last active March 20, 2020 21:16
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  • Save EthanGould/9a50aa78f42847e8962cafe961256247 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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'en-us': {
header: 'US: In response to COVID-19',
body: 'US: To protect our community and ASICS employees, we have temporarily shut down all operations in certain areas of Europe, including orders on our website. We will keep you updated with any new information.',
footer: 'US: Thank you for your continued loyalty and patience during this time.'
'en-nl': {
header: 'NL: In response to COVID-19',
body: 'NL: To protect our community and ASICS employees, we have temporarily shut down all operations in certain areas of Europe, including orders on our website. We will keep you updated with any new information.',
footer: 'NL: Thank you for your continued loyalty and patience during this time.'
'nl-nl': {
header: 'NL: In response to COVID-19',
body: 'NL: To protect our community and ASICS employees, we have temporarily shut down all operations in certain areas of Europe, including orders on our website. We will keep you updated with any new information.',
footer: 'NL: Thank you for your continued loyalty and patience during this time.'
'de-de': {
header: 'DE: In response to COVID-19',
body: 'DE: To protect our community and ASICS employees, we have temporarily shut down all operations in certain areas of Europe, including orders on our website. We will keep you updated with any new information.',
footer: 'DE: Thank you for your continued loyalty and patience during this time.'
'fr-fr': {
header: 'FR: In response to COVID-19',
body: 'FR: To protect our community and ASICS employees, we have temporarily shut down all operations in certain areas of Europe, including orders on our website. We will keep you updated with any new information.',
footer: 'FR: Thank you for your continued loyalty and patience during this time.'
'es-es': {
header: 'ES: In response to COVID-19',
body: 'ES: To protect our community and ASICS employees, we have temporarily shut down all operations in certain areas of Europe, including orders on our website. We will keep you updated with any new information.',
footer: 'ES: Thank you for your continued loyalty and patience during this time.'
'en-ie': {
header: 'IE: In response to COVID-19',
body: 'IE: To protect our community and ASICS employees, we have temporarily shut down all operations in certain areas of Europe, including orders on our website. We will keep you updated with any new information.',
footer: 'IE: Thank you for your continued loyalty and patience during this time.'
'pt-pt': {
header: 'PT: In response to COVID-19',
body: 'PT: To protect our community and ASICS employees, we have temporarily shut down all operations in certain areas of Europe, including orders on our website. We will keep you updated with any new information.',
footer: 'PT: Thank you for your continued loyalty and patience during this time.'
'en-gb': {
header: 'GB: In response to COVID-19',
body: 'GB: To protect our community and ASICS employees, we have temporarily shut down all operations in certain areas of Europe, including orders on our website. We will keep you updated with any new information.',
footer: 'GB: Thank you for your continued loyalty and patience during this time.'
'en-dk': {
header: 'DK: In response to COVID-19',
body: 'DK: To protect our community and ASICS employees, we have temporarily shut down all operations in certain areas of Europe, including orders on our website. We will keep you updated with any new information.',
footer: 'DK: Thank you for your continued loyalty and patience during this time.'
'nl-be': {
header: 'BE: In response to COVID-19',
body: 'BE: To protect our community and ASICS employees, we have temporarily shut down all operations in certain areas of Europe, including orders on our website. We will keep you updated with any new information.',
footer: 'BE: Thank you for your continued loyalty and patience during this time.'
'de-at': {
header: 'AT: In response to COVID-19',
body: 'AT: To protect our community and ASICS employees, we have temporarily shut down all operations in certain areas of Europe, including orders on our website. We will keep you updated with any new information.',
footer: 'AT: Thank you for your continued loyalty and patience during this time.'
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