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Created August 4, 2016 20:11
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"ops" feature generation
clear ; close all; clc
% helpers used later ---
function [result] = measureError(X, y, theta)
result = linearRegCostFunction(X, y, theta, 0);
% try different d and return errrors on cv set
function [error_val] = inferD(X_to_map, y_training, y_cv, ds, mapper)
error_val = zeros(columns(ds), 1);
for i = 1:columns(ds)
d = ds(i);
X = mapper(X_to_map, d);
X_cv = [ones(200, 1), X(1:200, :)];
X_test = [ones(200, 1), X(201:400, :)];
X_training = [ones(600, 1), X(401:end, :)];
theta = trainLinearReg(X_training, y_training, 0); % lambda = 0: good idea?
error_val(i) = measureError(X_cv, y_cv, theta);
% try different lambdas and return errrors on training and cv sets
function [error_train, error_val] = inferLambda(X_training, y_training, X_cv, y_cv, lambdas)
error_train = zeros(rows(lambdas), 12);
error_val = zeros(rows(lambdas), 12);
for l = 1:rows(lambdas)
lambda = lambdas(l);
for sample = 1:12
i = 1 + (sample - 1) * 50;
X_training_i = X_training(1:i, :);
y_i = y_training(1:i, :);
theta = trainLinearReg(X_training_i, y_i, lambda);
error_train(l, sample) = linearRegCostFunction(X_training_i, y_i, theta, 0);
error_val(l, sample) = linearRegCostFunction(X_cv, y_cv, theta, 0);
function plotLearningCurve(error_train, error_val)
plot([1, 51:50:551], error_train, [1, 51:50:551], error_val);
text([1, 51:50:551], error_val, num2str(error_val'), "rotation", 90);
legend('Train', 'Cross Validation');
% Poly map features. For features [x1, x2] and d=2 this will produce:
% [x1, x2, x1*x1, x1*x2, x2*x1, x2*x2]
function result = mapPoly(features, d)
result = features;
prev = features;
for _ = 2:d
current = [];
for i = 1:columns(features)
current = [current, prev .* features(:, i)];
prev = current;
result = [result, current];
% Map features with binary operations.
% For features [x1, x2], ops [op1, op2] and d=2 this will produce:
% [x1, x2, op1(x1,x1), op1(x1,x2), op1(x2,x1), op1(x2,x2), ...
% op2(x1,x1), op2(x1,x2), op2(x2,x1), op2(x2,x2)]
function result = mapOps(features, d, ops)
result = features;
prev = features;
for _ = 2:d
current = [];
for i = 1:columns(features)
for o = 1:rows(ops)
current = [current, inline(ops(o, :))(prev, features(:, i))];
prev = current;
result = [result, current];
% initial data ---
m = 1000; % dataset size
rand("seed", 42)
randn("seed", 314); % to rule-out uncertainty between runs
v = rand(m, 1); % voltage (V)
r = rand(m, 1); % resistance (R)
y = v ./ r; % current (I = V/R)
y = y .+ (y .* randn(1000, 1) ./ 10); % simulate measurement error
y_cv = y(1:200);
y_test = y(201:400);
y_training = y(401:end);
% linear regression on raw features ---
X_raw = [v, r];
X_raw_cv = [ones(200, 1), X_raw(1:200, :)];
X_raw_test = [ones(200, 1), X_raw(201:400, :)];
X_raw_training = [ones(600, 1), X_raw(401:end, :)];
lambda_raw = 0; % high bias case, no need for reguralization
theta_raw = trainLinearReg(X_raw_training, y_training, lambda_raw);
error_raw = measureError(X_raw_test, y_test, theta_raw);
% linear regression on polynomial features ---
d_poly = 8; % inferred
X_poly = mapPoly([v, r], d_poly);
X_poly_cv = [ones(200, 1), X_poly(1:200, :)];
X_poly_test = [ones(200, 1), X_poly(201:400, :)];
X_poly_training = [ones(600, 1), X_poly(401:end, :)];
lambda_poly = 0; % inferred
% this is the code used to infer d and lambda:
%error_val = inferD([v, r], y_training, y_cv, 1:9, ...
% @(X_to_map, d) mapPoly(X_to_map, d));
%bar(1:9, error_val); break;
%lambdas = [0, (ones(1, 30) .* 10) .^ (-9:20)]';
%[error_train, error_val] = inferLambda(X_poly_training, y_training, X_poly_cv, y_cv, lambdas);
%plotLearningCurve(error_train(1, :), error_val(1, :)); break;;
theta_poly = trainLinearReg(X_poly_training, y_training, lambda_poly);
error_poly = measureError(X_poly_test, y_test, theta_poly);
% linear regression on ops-mapped features ---
d_ops = 2; % inferred
X_ops = mapOps([v, r], d_ops, ["a .* b"; "a ./ b"; "a .^ b"]);
X_ops_cv = [ones(200, 1), X_ops(1:200, :)];
X_ops_test = [ones(200, 1), X_ops(201:400, :)];
X_ops_training = [ones(600, 1), X_ops(401:end, :)];
lambda_ops = 0; % inferred
% this is the code used to infer d and lambda:
%error_val = inferD([v, r], y_training, y_cv, 1:5, ...
% @(X_to_map, d) mapOps(X_to_map, d, ["a .* b"; "a ./ b"; "a .^ b"]));
%bar(1:5, error_val); break;
%lambdas = [0, (ones(1, 30) .* 10) .^ (-9:20)]';
%[error_train, error_val] = inferLambda(X_ops_training, y_training, X_ops_cv, y_cv, lambdas);
%plotLearningCurve(error_train(1, :), error_val(1, :)); break;;
theta_ops = trainLinearReg(X_ops_training, y_training, lambda_ops);
error_ops = measureError(X_ops_test, y_test, theta_ops);
% 17.69321 raw
% 10.13354 poly (1.7460 times smaller than raw)
% 0.26357 ops (38.447 times smaller than poly)
bar([error_raw; error_poly; error_ops])
clear ; close all; clc
% helpers used later ---
function [result] = measureError(X, y, theta)
result = linearRegCostFunction(X, y, theta, 0);
% try different d and return errrors on cv set
function [error_val] = inferD(X_to_map, y_training, y_cv, ds, mapper)
error_val = zeros(columns(ds), 1);
for i = 1:columns(ds)
d = ds(i);
X = mapper(X_to_map, d);
X_cv = [ones(200, 1), X(1:200, :)];
X_test = [ones(200, 1), X(201:400, :)];
X_training = [ones(600, 1), X(401:end, :)];
theta = trainLinearReg(X_training, y_training, 0); % lambda = 0: good idea?
error_val(i) = measureError(X_cv, y_cv, theta);
% try different lambdas and return errrors on training and cv sets
function [error_train, error_val] = inferLambda(X_training, y_training, X_cv, y_cv, lambdas)
error_train = zeros(rows(lambdas), 12);
error_val = zeros(rows(lambdas), 12);
for l = 1:rows(lambdas)
lambda = lambdas(l);
for sample = 1:12
i = 1 + (sample - 1) * 50;
X_training_i = X_training(1:i, :);
y_i = y_training(1:i, :);
theta = trainLinearReg(X_training_i, y_i, lambda);
error_train(l, sample) = linearRegCostFunction(X_training_i, y_i, theta, 0);
error_val(l, sample) = linearRegCostFunction(X_cv, y_cv, theta, 0);
function plotLearningCurve(error_train, error_val)
plot([1, 51:50:551], error_train, [1, 51:50:551], error_val);
text([1, 51:50:551], error_val, num2str(error_val'), "rotation", 90);
legend('Train', 'Cross Validation');
% Poly map features. For features [x1, x2] and d=2 this will produce:
% [x1, x2, x1*x1, x1*x2, x2*x1, x2*x2]
function result = mapPoly(features, d)
result = features;
prev = features;
for _ = 2:d
current = [];
for i = 1:columns(features)
current = [current, prev .* features(:, i)];
prev = current;
result = [result, current];
% Map features with binary operations.
% For features [x1, x2], ops [op1, op2] and d=2 this will produce:
% [x1, x2, op1(x1,x1), op1(x1,x2), op1(x2,x1), op1(x2,x2), ...
% op2(x1,x1), op2(x1,x2), op2(x2,x1), op2(x2,x2)]
function result = mapOps(features, d, ops)
result = features;
prev = features;
for _ = 2:d
current = [];
for i = 1:columns(features)
for o = 1:rows(ops)
current = [current, inline(ops(o, :))(prev, features(:, i))];
prev = current;
result = [result, current];
% initial data ---
m = 1000; % dataset size
rand("seed", 42);
randn("seed", 314); % to rule-out uncertainty between runs
m1 = rand(m, 1); % first mass (m1)
m2 = rand(m, 1); % second mass (m2)
r = rand(m, 1); % distance (r)
y = 6.674e-11 .* ((m1 .* m2) ./ (r .^ 2)); % force (F = G * ((m1 * m2) / r^2)))
y = y .+ (y .* randn(1000, 1) ./ 10); % simulate measurement error
y_cv = y(1:200);
y_test = y(201:400);
y_training = y(401:end);
% linear regression on raw features ---
X_raw = [m1, m2, r];
X_raw_cv = [ones(200, 1), X_raw(1:200, :)];
X_raw_test = [ones(200, 1), X_raw(201:400, :)];
X_raw_training = [ones(600, 1), X_raw(401:end, :)];
lambda_raw = 0; % high bias case, no need for reguralization
theta_raw = trainLinearReg(X_raw_training, y_training, lambda_raw);
error_raw = measureError(X_raw_test, y_test, theta_raw);
% linear regression on polynomial features ---
d_poly = 5; % inferred
X_poly = mapPoly([m1, m2, r], d_poly);
X_poly_cv = [ones(200, 1), X_poly(1:200, :)];
X_poly_test = [ones(200, 1), X_poly(201:400, :)];
X_poly_training = [ones(600, 1), X_poly(401:end, :)];
lambda_poly = 0; % inferred
% this is the code used to infer d and lambda:
%error_val = inferD([m1, m2, r], y_training, y_cv, 1:9, ...
% @(X_to_map, d) mapPoly(X_to_map, d));
%bar(1:9, error_val); break;
%lambdas = [0, (ones(1, 30) .* 10) .^ (-9:20)]';
%[error_train, error_val] = inferLambda(X_poly_training, y_training, X_poly_cv, y_cv, lambdas);
%plotLearningCurve(error_train(1, :), error_val(1, :)); break;;
theta_poly = trainLinearReg(X_poly_training, y_training, lambda_poly);
error_poly = measureError(X_poly_test, y_test, theta_poly);
% linear regression on ops-mapped features ---
d_ops = 3; % inferred
X_ops = mapOps([m1, m2, r], d_ops, ["a .* b"; "a ./ b"; "a .^ b"]);
X_ops_cv = [ones(200, 1), X_ops(1:200, :)];
X_ops_test = [ones(200, 1), X_ops(201:400, :)];
X_ops_training = [ones(600, 1), X_ops(401:end, :)];
lambda_ops = 0; % inferred
% this is the code used to infer d and lambda:
%error_val = inferD([m1, m2, r], y_training, y_cv, 1:5, ...
% @(X_to_map, d) mapOps(X_to_map, d, ["a .* b"; "a ./ b"; "a .^ b"]));
%bar(1:5, error_val); break;
%lambdas = [0, (ones(1, 30) .* 10) .^ (-9:20)]';
%[error_train, error_val] = inferLambda(X_ops_training, y_training, X_ops_cv, y_cv, lambdas);
%plotLearningCurve(error_train(1, :), error_val(1, :)); break;;
theta_ops = trainLinearReg(X_ops_training, y_training, lambda_ops);
error_ops = measureError(X_ops_test, y_test, theta_ops);
% 4.3083e-016 raw
% 4.1347e-016 poly
% 1.6780e-017 ops (24.641 times smaller than poly)
bar([error_raw; error_poly; error_ops])
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