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Created May 6, 2022 08:33
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SVGO + Vue inline SVG loader
const { optimize, loadConfig } = require('svgo');
const { getOptions } = require('loader-utils');
async function loader(svg) {
const { configFile, ...options } = getOptions(this) || {};
let config;
if (typeof configFile === 'string') {
config = await loadConfig(configFile, this.context);
} else if (configFile !== false) {
config = await loadConfig(null, this.context);
const result = optimize(svg, {
path: this.resourcePath,
if (result.error) throw Error(result.error);
return `<template>${}</template>`;
module.exports = function(svg) {
const callback = this.async();
.call(this, svg)
.then(result => callback(null, result))
.catch(error => callback(error));
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Excalibaard commented May 6, 2022

Does the same as vue-svg-loader to generate a Vue Component from SVG, but with added support for a config file definition and svgo 2.x, based on svgo-loader.

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dschrul commented Jul 12, 2022

Hi, do you have a complete sample project using this? I'm struggling to understand and need to replace vue-svg-loader. Thanks a lot

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Excalibaard commented Jul 21, 2022

@dschrul Not yet, I used this in enterprise code for a company I don't work at anymore. I'll see when I have the time to make a sample project. but won't make any promises.

I made this gist before I realized it could be a lot simpler though. This gist replaces the entire vue-svg-loader functionality, which is two steps:

  1. Optimizing your SVG with SVGO
  2. Wrapping it in <template> tags (so vue-loader in the next step will interpret the input as a Vue component)

But, Webpack loaders are made to be chained. Instead of this gist, I suggest you use two loaders, one for each process.
The first step can use svgo-loader which is actively maintained by the svgo team. The second step is one line of code (see line 22 of this gist), which is too small to have as a dependency IMO (remember leftpad). Instead, you can add your own loader. I described the process of adding your own loader in this post below.

damianstasik/vue-svg-loader#156 (comment)

Here's an example of what it could look like in your project (modified from the comment above). It avoids resolveLoader, though I only recommend this if you're not expecting to use more custom loaders.

//  /webpack.config.js
const path = require('path');

module.exports = {
  // ...,
  module: {
    rules: [
        test: /\.svg$/,
        resourceQuery: /inline/,  // forces explicitly importing SVG as 'inline', so normal behavior is an image file as expected.
        use: [
            loader: 'vue-loader'
            loader: path.resolve('utils/vue-template-wrap-loader.js') 
            loader: 'svgo-loader',
            options: {
              // configFile: false     // uncomment if not using a svgo.config.js file in your project root
              .... // add svgo options for inlined SVG here
        test: /\.svg$/,
        use: [
            loader: 'file-loader'
            loader: 'svgo-loader',
            options: {
               .... // maybe some different svgo options

//  /utils/vue-template-wrap-loader.js

module.exports = function vueTemplateWrapLoader(svg) {
  return `<template>${svg}</template>`;

Then import SVGs like:

import SVGIcon1 from 'Icon.svg?inline'  // SVG as Vue component
import SVGIcon2 from 'Icon.svg'         // SVG as image

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dschrul commented Aug 3, 2022

thanks a lot @Excalibaard

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