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Created March 12, 2010 19:26
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Save ExperimentGarden/330667 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
//A script for taking the user's login details and adding their registration entry to the
//Flags for storing information about invalid form data.
$bad_email = false;
$email_exists = false;
$name_exists = false;
$name_needed = false;
$password1_needed = false;
$password2_needed = false;
$passwords_dont_match = false;
$register_success = false;
//Check for registration.
//Data has been submitted, now its time to save it.
//First get all the data from the POST.
$name = $_POST['registerUsername'];
$email = $_POST['registerEmail'];
$password1 = $_POST['registerPassword1'];
$password2 = $_POST['registerPassword2'];
//Now add slashes to remove characters which may mess up the data store.
$password1 = addslashes($password1);
$password2 = addslashes($password2);
$name = addslashes($name);
$email = addslashes($email);
//Use the built-in filters first.
$email = filter_var($email,FILTER_VALIDATE_EMAIL);
$name = filter_var($name);
$password1 = filter_var($password1);
$password2 = filter_var($password2);
//Make sure that a devious hacker can't inject HTML, Javascript, or PHP.
$name = strip_tags($name);
$email = strip_tags($email);
//Make sure that the email is in lower case letters. This is because the salted hash that we
//will use later is case sensitive.
$email = strtolower($email);
//Check to see if the email address is in a valid format.
$email = filter_var($email,FILTER_VALIDATE_EMAIL);
$bad_email = true;
//Check to see if the email address already exists.
$email = addslashes($email);
//Now do a search for the email.
$result = mysql_query("select * from members where email='$email'");
$email_exists = true;
//Check the username to make sure it is valid.
$name_needed = true;
//Check the username to make sure it doesn't already exists in the database.
$name = addslashes($name);
//Now do a search for the name.
$result = mysql_query("select * from members where name='$name'");
$name_exists = true;
//Check to make sure the passwords are valid.
$password1_needed = true;
$password2_needed = true;
$passwords_dont_match = true;
//Now the big test.....
if($bad_email | $email_exists | $name_exists | $name_needed | $password1_needed | $password2_needed | $passwords_dont_match)
//FAIL. They didn't enter valid data or they didn't fill everything out.
//Everything looks good. Add the user's entry to the database.
//Make a salted hash of the password for increased security.
$passwordHash = sha1($name . $password1 . $email . '@#$');
//Put that new entry into the database.
$result = mysql_query("insert into members set name='$name', passwordHash = '$passwordHash', email = '$email'")
or die("Failed to register the user!");
$register_success = true;
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