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Last active February 3, 2025 19:59
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goboscript package utility script
This is a utility script for use when making goboscript packages that copy+pastes the package into the test/backpack folder
It also updates goboscript.toml with the dependecies from test/goboscript.toml.
import os
import argparse
import shutil
import tomllib
from colorama import Fore as f # type: ignore
from colorama import Style as s # type: ignore
# CLI stuff (really neat!!)
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser("python")
parser.add_argument("-toml", help="Whether to update the goboscript.toml file", action="store_true")
args = parser.parse_args()
path = __file__
print(f"Running: {f.CYAN}{s.BRIGHT}{path}{f.RESET}{s.NORMAL}")
split = path.split('\\')
project_name = split[-3]
project_dir = '\\'.join(split[:-2])
package_dir = os.path.join(project_dir, project_name)
print(f"Cloning with project dir: {s.BRIGHT}{f.CYAN}{project_dir}{f.RESET}{s.NORMAL}")
# Copy over package into backpack
backpack_dir = os.path.join(project_dir, "test", "backpack", project_name)
print(f"Copying into backpack: {s.BRIGHT}{f.CYAN}{backpack_dir}{f.RESET}{s.NORMAL}")
print(f"Copying package from: {s.BRIGHT}{f.CYAN}{package_dir}{f.RESET}{s.NORMAL}")
shutil.rmtree(backpack_dir, ignore_errors=True)
shutil.copytree(package_dir, os.path.join(backpack_dir, project_name))
shutil.copyfile(os.path.join(project_dir, f"{project_name}.gs"),
os.path.join(backpack_dir, f"{project_name}.gs"))
# Copy over goboscript.toml into main
if args.toml:
print(f"{s.BRIGHT}{f.YELLOW}Updating goboscript.toml{f.RESET}{s.NORMAL}")
with open(os.path.join(project_dir, "test", "goboscript.toml"), "rb") as toml_file:
toml = tomllib.load(toml_file)
dependencies = toml["dependencies"]
true_deps = {}
for name, url in dependencies.items():
if name != project_name:
true_deps[name] = url
# Tomllib does not have a write function
with open(os.path.join(project_dir, "goboscript.toml"), "w") as toml_file:
for name, url in true_deps.items():
toml_file.write(f"{name} = \"{url}\"\n")
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FAReTek1 commented Feb 3, 2025


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