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Last active July 24, 2017 16:26
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Pathfinding stuff
public abstract class Graph
public GraphNode[] Nodes;
public abstract void GenerateGraph();
public abstract float HeuristicCostEstimate(GraphNode current, GraphNode target);
public bool Dirty;
// interface for graph nodes
public abstract class GraphNode : IHeapItem<GraphNode>
// pathfinding data
public GraphNode Parent { get; set; }
public GraphEdge[] Edges { get; set; }
public float gScore;
public float hScore;
public float fScore { get { return hScore + gScore; } }
public float x;
public float y;
public float z;
// IHeapItem implementation
public int HeapIndex { get; set; }
public int CompareTo(GraphNode other)
int result = fScore.CompareTo(other.fScore);
if (result == 0)
result = hScore.CompareTo(other.hScore);
return -result;
// struct for graph edges
public struct GraphEdge
public GraphNode StartNode;
public GraphNode EndNode;
public float Cost;
public GraphEdge(GraphNode startNode, GraphNode endNode, float cost)
StartNode = startNode;
EndNode = endNode;
Cost = cost;
// Data structure for Heap optimisation
public class Heap<T> where T : IHeapItem<T>
// private member variables
private T[] _items;
private int _count;
// public property for count (same as List<T>.Count)
public int Count
get { return _count; }
// constructor
public Heap(int maxHeapSize)
_items = new T[maxHeapSize];
// method to determine if heap contains an item
public bool Contains(T item)
return Equals(_items[item.HeapIndex], item);
// method to add item to the heap
public void Add(T item)
item.HeapIndex = _count;
_items[_count] = item;
// method to remove the first item of the heap
public T RemoveFirst()
T firstItem = _items[0];
_items[0] = _items[_count];
_items[0].HeapIndex = 0;
return firstItem;
// method to update the heap indices
public void UpdateItem(T item)
// method for moving an item down the heap
void SortDown(T item)
while (true)
int childIndexLeft = item.HeapIndex * 2 + 1;
int childIndexRight = item.HeapIndex * 2 + 2;
if (childIndexLeft < _count)
int swapIndex = childIndexLeft;
if (childIndexRight < _count)
if (_items[childIndexLeft].CompareTo(_items[childIndexRight]) < 0)
swapIndex = childIndexRight;
if (item.CompareTo(_items[swapIndex]) < 0)
Swap(item, _items[swapIndex]);
// method for moving an item up the heap
void SortUp(T item)
int parentIndex = (item.HeapIndex - 1) / 2;
while (true)
T parentItem = _items[parentIndex];
if (item.CompareTo(parentItem) > 0)
Swap(item, parentItem);
parentIndex = (item.HeapIndex - 1) / 2;
// method for swapping two items in the heap
void Swap(T itemA, T itemB)
_items[itemA.HeapIndex] = itemB;
_items[itemB.HeapIndex] = itemA;
int itemAIndex = itemA.HeapIndex;
itemA.HeapIndex = itemB.HeapIndex;
itemB.HeapIndex = itemAIndex;
// the interface items must implement to be added to the heap
public interface IHeapItem<T> : IComparable<T>
int HeapIndex { get; set; }
public static class Pathfinding
// AStar Guided Search
public static GraphNode[] FindPathAStar(Graph graph, GraphNode startNode, GraphNode targetNode, out bool success)
// if the passed graph is dirty, update it
if (graph.Dirty) graph.GenerateGraph();
// initialise the return array
GraphNode[] path = new GraphNode[0];
success = false;
// create an empty hash table for the closed set
HashSet<GraphNode> closedSet = new HashSet<GraphNode>();
// create a new heap to store the open set and add the start node
Heap<GraphNode> openSet = new Heap<GraphNode>(graph.Nodes.Length);
// iterate through the open set
while (openSet.Count > 0)
// grab the first node from the open set heap
GraphNode currentNode = openSet.RemoveFirst();
// for each of the members of the open set
for (int i = 0; i <= openSet.Count && !success; i++)
// move one to the closed set
// if this one is the target, we have suceeded
if (currentNode == targetNode)
success = true;
continue; // skip rest of iteration
// for each of this node's neighbors...
foreach (GraphEdge edge in currentNode.Edges)
GraphNode neighborNode = edge.EndNode;
if (closedSet.Contains(neighborNode)) continue;
float tempGScore = currentNode.gScore + graph.HeuristicCostEstimate(currentNode, neighborNode) + edge.Cost;
// if it's not a better path, try the next neighbor
if (!(tempGScore < neighborNode.gScore) && openSet.Contains(neighborNode)) continue;
// if it's a better path, update the scores for this node
neighborNode.gScore = tempGScore;
neighborNode.hScore = graph.HeuristicCostEstimate(neighborNode, targetNode);
neighborNode.Parent = currentNode;
// if it's not in the open set, add it, else update its position in the heap
if (!openSet.Contains(neighborNode)) openSet.Add(neighborNode); else openSet.UpdateItem(neighborNode);
// if the target was reached, reconstruct the path
if (success)
// create a new list to store the reconstructed path
List<GraphNode> waypoints = new List<GraphNode>();
GraphNode currentNode = targetNode;
// starting from the target node, find each node's 'parent' until we reach the start
while (currentNode != startNode)
currentNode = currentNode.Parent;
// add the start node
// convert to array and reverse
path = waypoints.ToArray();
// if pathfinding failed, return null, otherwise return the reconstructed path
return path;
/// <summary>
/// Pathfinding Graph for use with the 2D tile map.
/// Contains an array of TileGraphNodes.
/// </summary>
public class TileGraph : Graph
// private backing variable for the nodes
private List<TileGraphNode> _nodes;
private readonly Dictionary<Tile, GraphNode> _tileNodeMap = new Dictionary<Tile, GraphNode>();
private readonly TileMap _map;
// construct the graph
public TileGraph(TileMap map)
_map = map;
_map.TileDataChanged += (t) => Dirty = true;
// get a node from a map poisition
public GraphNode GetNode(Tile tile)
GraphNode node;
return _tileNodeMap.TryGetValue(tile, out node) ? node : null;
// generates the pathfinding graph
public sealed override void GenerateGraph()
// first loop creates nodes for each navigable tile
_nodes = new List<TileGraphNode>();
// loop through the tiles in the map
for (int y = 0; y < _map.SizeY; y++)
for (int x = 0; x < _map.SizeX; x++)
// for each of the tiles
Tile t = _map.GetTile(x, y);
if (t == null || !t.Navigable) continue;
// create new node and add/update the dictionary
TileGraphNode newNode = new TileGraphNode(t);
_tileNodeMap[t] = newNode;
// second loop assigns edges using neighboring tiles
foreach (TileGraphNode node in _nodes)
// initialise a list of edges
List<GraphEdge> edges = new List<GraphEdge>();
// get the neighboring nodes' tiles
Tile t = node.Tile;
Tile[] neighbors = t.GetNeighbors(true);
// get cardinal neighbors navigable status
bool n = neighbors[0] != null && neighbors[0].Navigable;
bool e = neighbors[1] != null && neighbors[1].Navigable;
bool s = neighbors[2] != null && neighbors[2].Navigable;
bool w = neighbors[3] != null && neighbors[3].Navigable;
// cardinals kill diagonals
bool ne = (n && e) && neighbors[4] != null && neighbors[4].Navigable;
bool se = (s && e) && neighbors[5] != null && neighbors[5].Navigable;
bool sw = (s && w) && neighbors[6] != null && neighbors[6].Navigable;
bool nw = (n && w) && neighbors[7] != null && neighbors[7].Navigable;
// add these to a list if they are valid
List<Tile> validNeighbors = new List<Tile>();
if (n) validNeighbors.Add(neighbors[0]);
if (e) validNeighbors.Add(neighbors[1]);
if (s) validNeighbors.Add(neighbors[2]);
if (w) validNeighbors.Add(neighbors[3]);
if (ne) validNeighbors.Add(neighbors[4]);
if (se) validNeighbors.Add(neighbors[5]);
if (sw) validNeighbors.Add(neighbors[6]);
if (nw) validNeighbors.Add(neighbors[7]);
// assign edges for each of the valiud neighbors
foreach (Tile neighbor in validNeighbors)
edges.Add(new GraphEdge(node, GetNode(neighbor), neighbor.MovementCost));
// copy to node's 'edges' array
node.Edges = edges.ToArray();
// from the private 2D array of TileGraphNodes, fill the 1D array with GraphNodes
List<GraphNode> nodeList = new List<GraphNode>();
foreach (TileGraphNode node in _nodes)
if (node == null) continue;
Nodes = nodeList.ToArray();
// reset the dirty flag
Dirty = false;
Debug.Log("Graph Generated with " + Nodes.Length + " Nodes.");
// heuristic cost estimate function using for pathfinding
public override float HeuristicCostEstimate(GraphNode a, GraphNode b)
float x = Math.Abs(a.x - b.x);
float y = Math.Abs(a.y - b.y);
if (x > y)
return 2f * y + (x - y);
return 2f * x + (y - x);
public class TileGraphNode : GraphNode
// store ref to the tile for convenience
public Tile Tile;
// ctor
public TileGraphNode(Tile tile)
Tile = tile;
x = Tile.PosX;
y = Tile.PosY;
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