Complexity |
Space |
Stable |
O(n^2) |
O(1) |
Yes |
Until array is sorted compares adjacent pairs and swaps them if they are in the wrong order. |
+ Easy to implement |
Complexity |
Space |
Stable |
O(n^2) |
O(1) |
No |
For each index in array find smallest and insert on index. |
+ Use fewer swaps |
- Not stable |
Complexity |
Space |
Stable |
O(n^2) |
O(1) |
Yes |
Scan array and each time insert the item in the unordered sequence into its correct position. |
+ Good for partitaly sorted data. |
Complexity |
Space |
Stable |
<O(n^2) |
O(1) |
No |
Simple extension of insertion sort that gains speed by allowing exchanges of array entries that are far apart. |
+ Sligthly faster than Insertion sort. |
Complexity |
Space |
Stable |
O(n log(n)) |
O(n) |
Yes |
It divides input array in two halves, calls itself for the two halves and then merges the two sorted halves. |
+ Insertion sort cut off |
+ Parallelisable |
+ Can be used for external sorting |
- Memory and recursion stack |
Complexity |
Space |
Stable |
~O(n log(n)) |
O(1) |
No |
Partition array into two subrarrays such that left is less than pivot and right is more. |
+ Insertion sort cut off |
+ Parallelisable |
+ Can be used for external sorting |
+ 3 way for equal keys (strings) |
- n^2 worst case |
Complexity |
Space |
Stable |
O(n log(n)) |
O(1) |
No |
It breaks into two phases: heap construction, where we reorganize the original array into a heap, and the sortdown, where we pull the items out of the heap in decreas- ing order to build the sorted result. |
- Big constant factors |
// Heap construction
for i in stride(from: count / 2, through: 0, by: -1) {
sink(i, to: count)
// Sortdown
for i in stride(from: count - 1, to: 0, by: -1) {
swapAt(0, i)
sink(0, to: i)
Complexity |
Space |
Stable |
O(n) |
O(n) |
Yes |
// Compute frequency counts:
for n in input { count[n] += 1 }
// Transform counts to indices
for i in 0..<count.count - 1 {
count[i + 1] += count[i]
// Distribute data
for n in input {
let position = count[n]
aux[position] = string
count[n] += 1
Complexity |
Space |
Stable |
O(nw) |
O(n) |
Yes |
w - is a key length. |
Repeat key-indexed counting for each character / digit. |
+ Short fixed-length strings |
Complexity |
Space |
Stable |
O(logk(N/M)) |
O(n) |
Yes |
Sort chunks that fits into memory with merge sort or quick sort. Merge chunks using min heap, replace values in heap from chunk which corresponds to last emitted value. Or by binary merging chunks by two. |