...with Docker as only dependency.
No local installations of PHP or composer needed!
This example uses Symfony Flex and symfony/skeleton
which contains just the minimum parts of a Symfony project.
You'll find further informations at Symfony docs: https://symfony.com/doc/current/setup/flex.html
If you just want to use the create-project
command without some locally installed PHP use the following command and replace my-project
in all commands with your prefered project dir name:
docker run --rm --interactive --tty \
--volume $PWD:/app \
composer create-project \
symfony/skeleton \
cd in project folder
cd my-project
For future composer commands you can use
docker run --rm --interactive --tty \
--volume $PWD:/app \
composer --version
or create a bash script e.g. composer
within the root dir and use it like ./composer --version
I don't use a webserver like apache or nginx to keep things simple here.
docker run -d -p 8000:80 \
--name my-project \
-v "$PWD":/var/www/app \
-w /var/www/app \
php:alpine \
php -S -t ./public ./public/index.php
If you open the URL localhost:8000 you will see a page from Symfony which says something like "Sorry, the page you are looking for could not be found.", but we're fine because der isn't neither a controller or a route yet.
To make things more comfortable you can create a script e.g. run
within the root dir and use it like ./run
You may get very far with this approach as you could add nearly all server dependencies without creating local dockerfiles, but I think this is more for bootstrapping a project or to transfer ideas fast into source code, because you don't have to bother with building up an configuration based Docker infrastructure, which can extremly slow down the start of a project.
The next step may be to think about dockerfiles for php-fpm, webserver, database and so on, to create images which can be pushed to production servers.