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Fabian42 /
Created January 26, 2021 14:59
Corona sheet filling script
## NOTE: I'm publishing this here on Pastebin, but that doesn't mean that I would recommend running it. Some aliases only exist on my computer, so the script would without changes not work on other computers. Some of the parsing is also pretty hacked together and might break at any point, especially with changes to the sources. Quite a few assumptions are made, only one part even has any error handling at all and for example getting the JSON out of a website to parse it properly is harder and probably not better than just using grep and my own limited parser.
# abort if not executed with aliases etc. working
if [[ $- != *i* ]]; then return; fi
xdotool key Down sleep 1 key Shift+KP_Insert sleep 60 key Alt+Down sleep 3