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Last active January 22, 2025 21:22
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  • Save Farious/e841ef85a8f4280e4f248ba8037ea2c0 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save Farious/e841ef85a8f4280e4f248ba8037ea2c0 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Script that will use the provided Android App Bundle (.aab) and change its version code and version name to the provided values, avoiding re-building the whole .aab. This enables us to re-submit a previously submited aab to the play store, doing a rollback to the given version.
# Script that will use the provided Android App Bundle (.aab) and change its version code and version name to the provided values, avoiding re-building the whole .aab.
# Run this script with: sh your_project.aab android_signing_key.key key_alias key_pwd version_code version_name
# Necessary setup:
# jarsigner - This binary should exist in the path
# Configuration.proto and Resources.proto can be found in aapt2's github
# PROTO_BIN - The location of the protoc - Google's protobuf compiler
# Swap <proto_bin_folder> for your setup's protoc folder
# ZIP_ALIGN - The location of Android's zipalign tool found on:
# <Android_sdk_path>/build-tools/<build_version>/zipalign
# BUNDLE_TOOL - The location of Google's oficial bundletool. This dependency is just to generate the relevant .apk to verify that everything worked properly.
# Download from:
if [ $# -ne 6 ] ; then
echo "Not enough parameters supplied"
# Begin - Setup necessary
# End - Setup
# Inputs
echo "Unpacking AAB - $ORIGINAL_AAB"
echo "Decoding AndroidManifest.xml"
$PROTO_BIN --decode=aapt.pb.XmlNode --proto_path=tools Configuration.proto Resources.proto < $DEST_FOLDER/base/manifest/AndroidManifest.xml > AndroidManifest_temp.xml
if [ $? != 0 ] ; then
echo "Decoding AndroidManifest.xml failed."
echo "Change Version Code"
REGEX=`echo 's/(.*[vV]ersionCode"\\n.*")[0-9]+("\\n)((?:.*\\n)*?)(.*int_decimal_value: )[0-9]+/$1 . '$VERSION_CODE' . $2 . $3 . $4 . '$VERSION_CODE'/eg'`
perl -0777 -i.backup -pe "$REGEX" AndroidManifest_temp.xml
echo "Change Version Name"
REGEX=`echo 's/(.*[vV]+ersionName"\\n.*value: )"[0-9\.]+"/\1"'$VERSION_NAME'"/g'`
perl -0777 -i.backup -pe "$REGEX" AndroidManifest_temp.xml
echo "Encoding edited AndroidManifest.xml"
rm -rf $DEST_FOLDER/base/manifest/AndroidManifest.xml
$PROTO_BIN --encode=aapt.pb.XmlNode --proto_path=tools Configuration.proto Resources.proto < AndroidManifest_temp.xml > $DEST_FOLDER/base/manifest/AndroidManifest.xml
rm -rf AndroidManifest_temp.xml
rm -rf AndroidManifest_temp.xml.backup
if [ $? != 0 ] ; then
echo "Encoding edited AndroidManifest.xml failed."
echo "Generating"
rm -rf ./base/root/META-INF
rm -rf ./META-INF
zip -r -D ../$TEMP_FILE *
if [ $? != 0 ] ; then
echo "zipping failed"
echo "Processing"
jarsigner -verbose -keystore $ANDROID_SIGNING_KEY -storepass $SIGN_KEY_PWD $TEMP_FILE $KEY_ALIAS
if [ $? != 0 ] ; then
echo "jarsigner failed"
if [ $? != 0 ] ; then
echo "zipalign failed"
echo "Validation"
java$PWD -jar $BUNDLE_TOOL build-apks --bundle $OUT_FILE --mode universal --output rollback.apks --ks $ANDROID_SIGNING_KEY --ks-pass "pass:$SIGN_KEY_PWD" --ks-key-alias "$KEY_ALIAS" --key-pass "pass:$SIGN_KEY_PWD"
if [ $? != 0 ] ; then
echo "bundletool failed to generate apk"
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How to use this script ?

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RaynorOh commented Dec 22, 2022

First of all, thanks to Farious for this script. This is my setup running this script on Ubuntu 22.04 installed in Hyper-V:

  • I fixed this script partially:
    • Changed #!/bin/sh to #!/bin/bash (I think it's not necessary, but I just wanted to ensure. Just run this script with bash because sh won't recognize pushd and popd)
    • Changed \1 to $1 at line 62 (I think it's just a typo)
  • Install dependencies: JDK, Protobuf compiler, Android SDK (via Android Studio), bundletool, Configuration.proto and Resources.proto
    • sudo apt install default-jdk protobuf-compiler
    • Configuration.proto and Resources.proto should be in tools directory which should be at the same level as this script (see line 51 and 67)
    • Change import at line 19 of Resources.proto to import "Configuration.proto";
  • Fill in your dependencies at the first part of this script
  • Now run this script as bash your_project.aab android_signing_key.key key_alias key_pwd version_code version_name

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redexp commented Jan 4, 2024

just to clarify

<proto_bin_folder> can be replaced with protoc

<Android_sdk_path> usually can be replaced with /home/your_username/Android/Sdk (change your_username)

Configuration.proto and Resources.proto should be in tools directory which should be at the same level as this script (see line 51 and 67)

means - create folder tools and put Configuration.proto and Resources.proto in this folder

Change import at line 19 of Resources.proto to import "Configuration.proto";

means - open Resources.proto and change code on line 19 with import "Configuration.proto";

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muzso commented Jun 13, 2024

Change import at line 19 of Resources.proto to import "Configuration.proto";

Can be done like this:

sed -i -r "s#(import[[:space:]]+\")[^\"]+/(Configuration\.proto\")#\\1\\2#" Resources.proto

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muzso commented Jun 13, 2024

Configuration.proto and Resources.proto can be retrieved programatically like this:

wget -O Configuration.proto.b64 "" && base64 -d Configuration.proto.b64 > Configuration.proto && rm Configuration.proto.b64

wget -O Resources.proto.b64 "" && base64 -d Resources.proto.b64 > Resources.proto && rm Resources.proto.b64

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