Save Farious/e841ef85a8f4280e4f248ba8037ea2c0 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
#!/bin/sh | |
# | |
# Script that will use the provided Android App Bundle (.aab) and change its version code and version name to the provided values, avoiding re-building the whole .aab. | |
# Run this script with: sh rollback.sh your_project.aab android_signing_key.key key_alias key_pwd version_code version_name | |
# | |
# Necessary setup: | |
# | |
# jarsigner - This binary should exist in the path | |
# | |
# Configuration.proto and Resources.proto can be found in aapt2's github | |
# https://github.com/aosp-mirror/platform_frameworks_base/tree/master/tools/aapt2/Configuration.proto | |
# https://github.com/aosp-mirror/platform_frameworks_base/tree/master/tools/aapt2/Resources.proto | |
# | |
# PROTO_BIN - The location of the protoc - Google's protobuf compiler | |
# Swap <proto_bin_folder> for your setup's protoc folder | |
# | |
# ZIP_ALIGN - The location of Android's zipalign tool found on: | |
# <Android_sdk_path>/build-tools/<build_version>/zipalign | |
# | |
# BUNDLE_TOOL - The location of Google's oficial bundletool. This dependency is just to generate the relevant .apk to verify that everything worked properly. | |
# Download from: | |
# https://github.com/google/bundletool/releases | |
# | |
if [ $# -ne 6 ] ; then | |
echo "Not enough parameters supplied" | |
fi | |
# Begin - Setup necessary | |
PROTO_BIN=<proto_bin_folder> | |
ZIP_ALIGN=<Android_sdk_path>/build-tools/<build_version>/zipalign | |
BUNDLE_TOOL=bundletool-all-0.8.0.jar | |
# End - Setup | |
# Inputs | |
KEY_ALIAS=$3 | |
DEST_FOLDER=`basename $ORIGINAL_AAB .aab` | |
echo "Unpacking AAB - $ORIGINAL_AAB" | |
echo "Decoding AndroidManifest.xml" | |
$PROTO_BIN --decode=aapt.pb.XmlNode --proto_path=tools Configuration.proto Resources.proto < $DEST_FOLDER/base/manifest/AndroidManifest.xml > AndroidManifest_temp.xml | |
if [ $? != 0 ] ; then | |
echo "Decoding AndroidManifest.xml failed." | |
fi | |
echo "Change Version Code" | |
REGEX=`echo 's/(.*[vV]ersionCode"\\n.*")[0-9]+("\\n)((?:.*\\n)*?)(.*int_decimal_value: )[0-9]+/$1 . '$VERSION_CODE' . $2 . $3 . $4 . '$VERSION_CODE'/eg'` | |
perl -0777 -i.backup -pe "$REGEX" AndroidManifest_temp.xml | |
echo "Change Version Name" | |
REGEX=`echo 's/(.*[vV]+ersionName"\\n.*value: )"[0-9\.]+"/\1"'$VERSION_NAME'"/g'` | |
perl -0777 -i.backup -pe "$REGEX" AndroidManifest_temp.xml | |
echo "Encoding edited AndroidManifest.xml" | |
rm -rf $DEST_FOLDER/base/manifest/AndroidManifest.xml | |
$PROTO_BIN --encode=aapt.pb.XmlNode --proto_path=tools Configuration.proto Resources.proto < AndroidManifest_temp.xml > $DEST_FOLDER/base/manifest/AndroidManifest.xml | |
rm -rf AndroidManifest_temp.xml | |
rm -rf AndroidManifest_temp.xml.backup | |
if [ $? != 0 ] ; then | |
echo "Encoding edited AndroidManifest.xml failed." | |
fi | |
echo "Generating" | |
pushd $DEST_FOLDER | |
rm -rf ./base/root/META-INF | |
rm -rf ./META-INF | |
zip -r -D ../$TEMP_FILE * | |
popd | |
if [ $? != 0 ] ; then | |
echo "zipping failed" | |
fi | |
echo "Processing" | |
jarsigner -verbose -keystore $ANDROID_SIGNING_KEY -storepass $SIGN_KEY_PWD $TEMP_FILE $KEY_ALIAS | |
if [ $? != 0 ] ; then | |
echo "jarsigner failed" | |
fi | |
$ZIP_ALIGN -f -v -p 4 $TEMP_FILE $OUT_FILE | |
if [ $? != 0 ] ; then | |
echo "zipalign failed" | |
fi | |
echo "Validation" | |
java -Djava.io.tmpdir=$PWD -jar $BUNDLE_TOOL build-apks --bundle $OUT_FILE --mode universal --output rollback.apks --ks $ANDROID_SIGNING_KEY --ks-pass "pass:$SIGN_KEY_PWD" --ks-key-alias "$KEY_ALIAS" --key-pass "pass:$SIGN_KEY_PWD" | |
if [ $? != 0 ] ; then | |
echo "bundletool failed to generate apk" | |
fi | |
First of all, thanks to Farious for this script. This is my setup running this script on Ubuntu 22.04 installed in Hyper-V:
- I fixed this script partially:
- Changed
(I think it's not necessary, but I just wanted to ensure. Just run this script with bash because sh won't recognize pushd and popd) - Changed
at line 62 (I think it's just a typo)
- Changed
- Install dependencies: JDK, Protobuf compiler, Android SDK (via Android Studio), bundletool,
sudo apt install default-jdk protobuf-compiler
should be intools
directory which should be at the same level as this script (see line 51 and 67)- Change import at line 19 of
toimport "Configuration.proto";
- Fill in your dependencies at the first part of this script
- Now run this script as
bash rollback.sh your_project.aab android_signing_key.key key_alias key_pwd version_code version_name
just to clarify
can be replaced with protoc
usually can be replaced with /home/your_username/Android/Sdk
(change your_username
Configuration.proto and Resources.proto should be in tools directory which should be at the same level as this script (see line 51 and 67)
means - create folder tools
and put Configuration.proto
and Resources.proto
in this folder
Change import at line 19 of Resources.proto to import "Configuration.proto";
means - open Resources.proto
and change code on line 19 with import "Configuration.proto";
Change import at line 19 of Resources.proto to import "Configuration.proto";
Can be done like this:
sed -i -r "s#(import[[:space:]]+\")[^\"]+/(Configuration\.proto\")#\\1\\2#" Resources.proto
Configuration.proto and Resources.proto can be retrieved programatically like this:
wget -O Configuration.proto.b64 "https://android.googlesource.com/platform/frameworks/base/+/refs/heads/main/tools/aapt2/Configuration.proto?format=TEXT" && base64 -d Configuration.proto.b64 > Configuration.proto && rm Configuration.proto.b64
wget -O Resources.proto.b64 "https://android.googlesource.com/platform/frameworks/base/+/refs/heads/main/tools/aapt2/Resources.proto?format=TEXT" && base64 -d Resources.proto.b64 > Resources.proto && rm Resources.proto.b64
How to use this script ?