Sometimes, when you apply a 3D rotation to an element within a perspective
parent, it will have aliased edges.

This can be fixed by adding outline: 1px solid transparent
to the element with the transform
.rotatedElement {
// Change the configuration values below to make everything work. | |
// This is a string in "A1 Notation". Simply specify which cells you would | |
// like to have "multiselect" functionality the same way you specify cells | |
// inside Google Sheets | |
// | |
// const MULTI_CHOICE_CELLS = 'Sheet1!A1:C3,Sheet2!D5:E6'; |
Problem | |
Due new requirements from Google Geocoding API guideline, they are categorizing strictness on the apartment/office buildings. | |
They are now qualified as GEOMETRIC_CENTER. However, due to their own guideline, we can’t accept geometric_center as a valid address. | |
There is some situation with our system that we are in the process of changing but not quite there. | |
Depending on how the address field is sent in. We can tackle this problem using my workaround for now. | |
Here’s a valid address that would used to work: |
// Welcome! require() some modules from npm (like you were using browserify) | |
// and then hit Run Code to run your code on the right side. | |
// Modules get downloaded from browserify-cdn and bundled in your browser. | |
const decomp = require('poly-decomp'); | |
window.decomp = decomp; | |
const Matter = require('matter-js'); | |
const { PI } = Math; |
const fs = require('fs'); | |
const _ = require('lodash'); | |
const request = require('request'); | |
const mortyData = require('./morty-data.js'); | |
const MORTY_ICON_BASE_URL = ''; | |
const downloadMorty = function (morty) { |
var asyncSeek = function( video, time, callback ){ | |
var doneSeeking = function(){ | |
video.removeEventListener( 'seeked', doneSeeking ); | |
if( callback ) callback(); | |
}; | |
video.addEventListener( 'seeked', doneSeeking ); | |
video.currentTime = time; | |
}; | |
module.exports = asyncSeek; |
var NO_OP = function(){}; | |
// randomly choose one of dribbble's popular shots | |
// keep choosing until we get one with comments | |
var getRandomShotId = function( callback ){ | |
var getRandomShot = function( shots ){ | |
var random_index = Math.floor(Math.random()*shots.length); | |
var shot = shots[random_index]; | |
if( shot.comments_count === 0 ){ | |
return getRandomShot( shots ); |
var dom = require('domquery'); | |
var domready = require('domready'); | |
var forEach = Array.prototype.forEach; | |
var getFormData = function( form ){ | |
var form_data = {}; | | form.elements, function( el, i ){ | |
switch( el.tagName ){ | |
case 'INPUT': | |
case 'TEXTAREA': |
Uncaught exception: Error: Firebase.child failed: First argument was an invalid path: "null". Paths must be non-empty strings and can't contain ".", "#", "$", "[", or "]" | |
Error thrown at line 3, column 2 in g(a) in | |
throw a; | |
called from line 275, column 2 in Ia(a, b) in | |
(!u(b) || 0 === b.length || ya.test(b)) && g(Error(A(a, 1, l) + 'was an invalid path: "' + b + '". Paths must be non-empty strings and can\'t contain ".", "#", "$", "[", or "]"')) | |
called from line 3844, column 4 in <anonymous function: H.prototype.F>(a) in | |
Ia("Firebase.child", a); | |
called from line 106, column 2 in createUserNode(username) in | |
userRef = allUserRef.child(username); |