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Last active January 29, 2024 16:22
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Elite:Dangerous Key Bindings

How to make key bindings

As described in this reddit post, you can add multiple custom binds by copying and renaming the file at:

C:\Users\[your username]\AppData\Local\Frontier Developments\Elite Dangerous\Options\Bindings\Customs.binds

Clutches are holding one button then pressing another, like Ctrl+S. They're great for adding more bindings to the same number of buttons. Here's more details:

My Keybinds

Everything below is the custom setup I use. It's based off of the "Control pad with yaw" control scheme. I tried to make clutches that complimented the non-clutched version of the button. Here are the differences from the "Control pad with yaw" control scheme.

  1. Back+LB = 0% thrust [X]
  2. Back+LT = landing gear [L]
  3. Back+RB = 100% thrust
  4. Back+RT = Deploy hardpoints (toggles hardpoints off as well) [U]
  5. Back+X = UI panel #1
  6. Back+Y = Select Highest threat [H]
  7. Back+B = Hyperdrive [J]
  8. LeftStickClick+A => -50% throttle
  9. A => Changed to 50% throttle (original default was "Cycle next fire group" which is still bound to keyboard "N")
  10. Flight Rotation => Pitch Access => Inverted (removes inverted pitch)
  11. Removed Back = Toggle hardpoints
  12. Todo: autopilot toggle button for

"Control pad with yaw" defaults are:

  1. Left stick => Roll and Pitch
  2. Right stick => Vertical thrust and rotate (Yaw)
  3. RightBumper => Throttle Up
  4. LeftBumper => Throttle Down
  5. RightTrigger => Primary fire
  6. LeftTrigger => Secondary fire
  7. B => Boost
  8. Y => Select target ahead
  9. X => UI focus
  10. D-Pad => divert power to Systems/Engines/Weapons
  11. Right stick click => Free look
  12. A => Changed to 50% throttle (original default was "Cycle next fire group" which is still bound to keyboard "N")
  13. Back => Changed to nothing so it could be use as a clutch (default was "Deploy hardpoints")

Copy of my .binds file

Copy the Xbox_BackAsShift.binds XML file below and store it in your AppData folder, such as

C:\Users\[your username]\AppData\Local\Frontier Developments\Elite Dangerous\Options\Bindings\Xbox_BackAsShift.binds

After you copy the Xbox_BackAsShift.binds file to the correct location, you'll be able to use the control scheme described above by selecting `Xbox_BackAsShift" from Options/Controls/Presets in EliteDangerous.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
<Root PresetName="Xbox_Back_As_Shift" MajorVersion="1" MinorVersion="8">
<MouseXMode Value="" />
<MouseXDecay Value="0" />
<MouseYMode Value="" />
<MouseYDecay Value="0" />
<Primary Device="{NoDevice}" Key="" />
<Secondary Device="{NoDevice}" Key="" />
<MouseSensitivity Value="1.00000000" />
<MouseDecayRate Value="4.00000000" />
<MouseDeadzone Value="0.05000000" />
<MouseLinearity Value="1.00000000" />
<MouseGUI Value="0" />
<Binding Device="045E02EA" Key="Pad_RStickX" />
<Inverted Value="0" />
<Deadzone Value="0.15000001" />
<Primary Device="{NoDevice}" Key="" />
<Secondary Device="{NoDevice}" Key="" />
<Primary Device="{NoDevice}" Key="" />
<Secondary Device="{NoDevice}" Key="" />
<YawToRollMode Value="Bindings_YawIntoRollNone" />
<YawToRollSensitivity Value="0.40000001" />
<Primary Device="{NoDevice}" Key="" />
<Secondary Device="{NoDevice}" Key="" />
<ToggleOn Value="0" />
<Binding Device="045E02EA" Key="Pad_LStickX" />
<Inverted Value="0" />
<Deadzone Value="0.15000001" />
<Primary Device="{NoDevice}" Key="" />
<Secondary Device="{NoDevice}" Key="" />
<Primary Device="{NoDevice}" Key="" />
<Secondary Device="{NoDevice}" Key="" />
<Binding Device="045E02EA" Key="Pad_LStickY" />
<Inverted Value="1" />
<Deadzone Value="0.15000001" />
<Primary Device="{NoDevice}" Key="" />
<Secondary Device="{NoDevice}" Key="" />
<Primary Device="{NoDevice}" Key="" />
<Secondary Device="{NoDevice}" Key="" />
<Binding Device="{NoDevice}" Key="" />
<Inverted Value="0" />
<Deadzone Value="0.00000000" />
<Primary Device="Keyboard" Key="Key_Q" />
<Secondary Device="{NoDevice}" Key="" />
<Primary Device="Keyboard" Key="Key_E" />
<Secondary Device="{NoDevice}" Key="" />
<Binding Device="045E02EA" Key="Pad_RStickY" />
<Inverted Value="0" />
<Deadzone Value="0.15000001" />
<Primary Device="Keyboard" Key="Key_R" />
<Secondary Device="{NoDevice}" Key="" />
<Primary Device="Keyboard" Key="Key_F" />
<Secondary Device="{NoDevice}" Key="" />
<Binding Device="{NoDevice}" Key="" />
<Inverted Value="0" />
<Deadzone Value="0.00000000" />
<Primary Device="{NoDevice}" Key="" />
<Secondary Device="{NoDevice}" Key="" />
<Primary Device="{NoDevice}" Key="" />
<Secondary Device="{NoDevice}" Key="" />
<Binding Device="{NoDevice}" Key="" />
<Inverted Value="0" />
<Deadzone Value="0.00000000" />
<Binding Device="{NoDevice}" Key="" />
<Inverted Value="0" />
<Deadzone Value="0.00000000" />
<Binding Device="{NoDevice}" Key="" />
<Inverted Value="0" />
<Deadzone Value="0.00000000" />
<Binding Device="{NoDevice}" Key="" />
<Inverted Value="0" />
<Deadzone Value="0.00000000" />
<Binding Device="{NoDevice}" Key="" />
<Inverted Value="0" />
<Deadzone Value="0.00000000" />
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<Secondary Device="{NoDevice}" Key="" />
<ToggleOn Value="1" />
<Binding Device="{NoDevice}" Key="" />
<Inverted Value="0" />
<Deadzone Value="0.00000000" />
<ThrottleRange Value="" />
<Primary Device="{NoDevice}" Key="" />
<Secondary Device="{NoDevice}" Key="" />
<ToggleOn Value="1" />
<Primary Device="Keyboard" Key="Key_W" />
<Secondary Device="045E02EA" Key="Pad_RBumper" />
<Primary Device="Keyboard" Key="Key_S" />
<Secondary Device="045E02EA" Key="Pad_LBumper" />
<ThrottleIncrement Value="0.00000000" />
<Primary Device="{NoDevice}" Key="" />
<Secondary Device="{NoDevice}" Key="" />
<Primary Device="{NoDevice}" Key="" />
<Secondary Device="{NoDevice}" Key="" />
<Primary Device="{NoDevice}" Key="" />
<Secondary Device="045E02EA" Key="Pad_A">
<Modifier Device="045E02EA" Key="Pad_LThumb" />
<Primary Device="{NoDevice}" Key="" />
<Secondary Device="{NoDevice}" Key="" />
<Primary Device="Keyboard" Key="Key_X" />
<Secondary Device="045E02EA" Key="Pad_LBumper">
<Modifier Device="045E02EA" Key="Pad_Back" />
<Primary Device="{NoDevice}" Key="" />
<Secondary Device="{NoDevice}" Key="" />
<Primary Device="{NoDevice}" Key="" />
<Secondary Device="045E02EA" Key="Pad_A" />
<Primary Device="{NoDevice}" Key="" />
<Secondary Device="{NoDevice}" Key="" />
<Primary Device="{NoDevice}" Key="" />
<Secondary Device="045E02EA" Key="Pad_RBumper">
<Modifier Device="045E02EA" Key="Pad_Back" />
<Binding Device="{NoDevice}" Key="" />
<Inverted Value="0" />
<Deadzone Value="0.00000000" />
<Primary Device="{NoDevice}" Key="" />
<Secondary Device="{NoDevice}" Key="" />
<Primary Device="{NoDevice}" Key="" />
<Secondary Device="{NoDevice}" Key="" />
<YawToRollMode_Landing Value="" />
<Binding Device="{NoDevice}" Key="" />
<Inverted Value="0" />
<Deadzone Value="0.00000000" />
<Primary Device="{NoDevice}" Key="" />
<Secondary Device="{NoDevice}" Key="" />
<Primary Device="{NoDevice}" Key="" />
<Secondary Device="{NoDevice}" Key="" />
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<Deadzone Value="0.00000000" />
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<Secondary Device="{NoDevice}" Key="" />
<Primary Device="{NoDevice}" Key="" />
<Secondary Device="{NoDevice}" Key="" />
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<Deadzone Value="0.00000000" />
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<Secondary Device="{NoDevice}" Key="" />
<Primary Device="{NoDevice}" Key="" />
<Secondary Device="{NoDevice}" Key="" />
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<Deadzone Value="0.00000000" />
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<Secondary Device="{NoDevice}" Key="" />
<Primary Device="{NoDevice}" Key="" />
<Secondary Device="{NoDevice}" Key="" />
<Binding Device="{NoDevice}" Key="" />
<Inverted Value="0" />
<Deadzone Value="0.00000000" />
<Primary Device="{NoDevice}" Key="" />
<Secondary Device="{NoDevice}" Key="" />
<Primary Device="{NoDevice}" Key="" />
<Secondary Device="{NoDevice}" Key="" />
<Primary Device="Keyboard" Key="Key_Z" />
<Secondary Device="{NoDevice}" Key="" />
<ToggleOn Value="1" />
<YawToRollMode_FAOff Value="" />
<Primary Device="Keyboard" Key="Key_Tab" />
<Secondary Device="045E02EA" Key="Pad_B" />
<Primary Device="Keyboard" Key="Key_J" />
<Secondary Device="045E02EA" Key="Pad_B">
<Modifier Device="045E02EA" Key="Pad_Back" />
<Primary Device="{NoDevice}" Key="" />
<Secondary Device="{NoDevice}" Key="" />
<Primary Device="{NoDevice}" Key="" />
<Secondary Device="{NoDevice}" Key="" />
<Primary Device="{NoDevice}" Key="" />
<Secondary Device="{NoDevice}" Key="" />
<ToggleOn Value="1" />
<Primary Device="Keyboard" Key="Key_Equals" />
<Secondary Device="{NoDevice}" Key="" />
<Primary Device="Keyboard" Key="Key_T" />
<Secondary Device="045E02EA" Key="Pad_Y" />
<Primary Device="Keyboard" Key="Key_G" />
<Secondary Device="{NoDevice}" Key="" />
<Primary Device="{NoDevice}" Key="" />
<Secondary Device="{NoDevice}" Key="" />
<Primary Device="Keyboard" Key="Key_H" />
<Secondary Device="045E02EA" Key="Pad_Y">
<Modifier Device="045E02EA" Key="Pad_Back" />
<Primary Device="{NoDevice}" Key="" />
<Secondary Device="{NoDevice}" Key="" />
<Primary Device="{NoDevice}" Key="" />
<Secondary Device="{NoDevice}" Key="" />
<Primary Device="Keyboard" Key="Key_7" />
<Secondary Device="{NoDevice}" Key="" />
<Primary Device="Keyboard" Key="Key_8" />
<Secondary Device="{NoDevice}" Key="" />
<Primary Device="Keyboard" Key="Key_9" />
<Secondary Device="{NoDevice}" Key="" />
<Primary Device="Keyboard" Key="Key_0" />
<Secondary Device="{NoDevice}" Key="" />
<Primary Device="Keyboard" Key="Key_Minus" />
<Secondary Device="{NoDevice}" Key="" />
<Primary Device="Keyboard" Key="Key_Y" />
<Secondary Device="{NoDevice}" Key="" />
<Primary Device="{NoDevice}" Key="" />
<Secondary Device="{NoDevice}" Key="" />
<Primary Device="{NoDevice}" Key="" />
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<Secondary Device="{NoDevice}" Key="" />
<Primary Device="{NoDevice}" Key="" />
<Secondary Device="{NoDevice}" Key="" />
<Primary Device="Keyboard" Key="Key_U" />
<Secondary Device="045E02EA" Key="Pos_Pad_RTrigger">
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<DeployHardpointsOnFire Value="1" />
<Primary Device="Keyboard" Key="Key_Delete" />
<Secondary Device="{NoDevice}" Key="" />
<ToggleOn Value="1" />
<Primary Device="Keyboard" Key="Key_V" />
<Secondary Device="{NoDevice}" Key="" />
<Primary Device="{NoDevice}" Key="" />
<Secondary Device="{NoDevice}" Key="" />
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<Inverted Value="0" />
<Deadzone Value="0.00000000" />
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<Secondary Device="{NoDevice}" Key="" />
<Primary Device="Keyboard" Key="Key_PageDown" />
<Secondary Device="{NoDevice}" Key="" />
<Primary Device="Keyboard" Key="Key_UpArrow" />
<Secondary Device="045E02EA" Key="Pad_DPadUp" />
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<Secondary Device="045E02EA" Key="Pad_DPadRight" />
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<Secondary Device="{NoDevice}" Key="" />
<Primary Device="Keyboard" Key="Key_Home" />
<Secondary Device="{NoDevice}" Key="" />
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<Primary Device="{NoDevice}" Key="" />
<Secondary Device="{NoDevice}" Key="" />
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<Secondary Device="{NoDevice}" Key="" />
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<Secondary Device="{NoDevice}" Key="" />
<Primary Device="{NoDevice}" Key="" />
<Secondary Device="{NoDevice}" Key="" />
<Primary Device="{NoDevice}" Key="" />
<Secondary Device="{NoDevice}" Key="" />
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<Secondary Device="{NoDevice}" Key="" />
<Primary Device="{NoDevice}" Key="" />
<Secondary Device="{NoDevice}" Key="" />
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<Secondary Device="{NoDevice}" Key="" />
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<Secondary Device="{NoDevice}" Key="" />
<Primary Device="Keyboard" Key="Key_4" />
<Secondary Device="{NoDevice}" Key="" />
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<Primary Device="{NoDevice}" Key="" />
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<Secondary Device="{NoDevice}" Key="" />
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<Secondary Device="{NoDevice}" Key="" />
<Primary Device="Keyboard" Key="Key_Numpad_5" />
<Secondary Device="{NoDevice}" Key="" />
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<Primary Device="{NoDevice}" Key="" />
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