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Created July 25, 2023 10:46
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  • Save Felix-Kyun/6459707a5143f1daa9c5d9042fa180e0 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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Nord Theme for TTY (vconsole)
# nord-tty
# format \\e]PXRRGGBB
# where X is terminal color
# RRGGBB is a hexcolor
echo -en \\e]P02E3440
echo -en \\e]P1BF616A
echo -en \\e]P2A3BE8C
echo -en \\e]P3EBCB8B
echo -en \\e]P481A1C1
echo -en \\e]P5B48EAD
echo -en \\e]P688C0D0
echo -en \\e]P7E5E9F0
echo -en \\e]P84C566A
echo -en \\e]P9BF616A
echo -en \\e]PAA3BE8C
echo -en \\e]PBEBCB8B
echo -en \\e]PCB48EAD
echo -en \\e]PD8FBCBB
echo -en \\e]PEECEFF4
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