zsh git curl
sh -c "$(curl -fsSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/robbyrussell/oh-my-zsh/master/tools/install.sh)"
const toInt = (str) => str - "0"; | |
function factorial(num) { | |
num = trimLeadingZero(num); | |
if (num === "0" || num === "1") return "1"; | |
return stringMultiply(num, factorial(stringSubtract(num, 1))); | |
} | |
function trimLeadingZero(num) { |
let jspdf = document.createElement( "script" ); | |
jspdf.onload = function () { | |
let pdf = new jsPDF(); | |
let elements = document.getElementsByTagName( "img" ); | |
for ( let i in elements) { | |
let img = elements[i]; | |
if (!/^blob:/.test(img.src)) { | |
continue ; | |
} | |
let canvasElement = document.createElement( 'canvas' ); |
/* INFO: | |
* made by Felix | |
* original source lcrypt.lua -> | |
* `https://gist.github.com/Felix-Kyun/5c9cb2eb5a40289825cb2705bd1f1654` | |
* @arg -> 0:@mode{e, d} 1:@file_name[i] 2:@file_name[o] 3:@pass | |
* example:", | |
* `$ lcrypt e file.txt encrypted_file.txt felix@crypt`", | |
* `$ lcrypt d encrypted_file.txt file.txt felix@crypt`", | |
* @mode <- only 'e' or 'd' meaning encrypt and decrypt respectivly", | |
* @pass has to be supplied with no space"}; |
# nord-tty | |
# format \\e]PXRRGGBB | |
# where X is terminal color | |
# RRGGBB is a hexcolor | |
echo -en \\e]P02E3440 | |
echo -en \\e]P1BF616A | |
echo -en \\e]P2A3BE8C | |
echo -en \\e]P3EBCB8B | |
echo -en \\e]P481A1C1 |
# taken from https://superuser.com/questions/1581885/btrfs-luks-swapfile-how-to-hibernate-on-swapfile | |
wget "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/osandov/osandov-linux/61679ecd914d653bab14d0e752595e86b9f50513/scripts/btrfs_map_physical.c" && | |
gcc -O2 -o btrfs_map_physical btrfs_map_physical.c && | |
./btrfs_map_physical $1 | sed -n "2p" | awk "{print \$NF}" >/tmp/swap_physical_offset | |
SWAP_PHYSICAL_OFFSET=$(cat /tmp/swap_physical_offset) | |
SWAP_OFFSET=$(echo "${SWAP_PHYSICAL_OFFSET} / $(getconf PAGESIZE)" | bc) | |
SWAP_UUID=$(findmnt -no UUID -T $1) |
# Template file for 'picom-pijulius' | |
pkgname=picom-pijulius | |
version=8 | |
revision=2 | |
wrksrc=picom | |
build_style=meson | |
configure_args="-Dwith_docs=true" | |
hostmakedepends="git pkg-config asciidoc" | |
makedepends="MesaLib-devel dbus-devel libconfig-devel libev-devel pcre-devel pixman-devel xcb-util-image-devel xcb-util-renderutil-devel libxdg-basedir-devel uthash" | |
depends="desktop-file-utils" |
#! /usr/bin/env lua | |
--[[ made by 0×FELIX ]] | |
local function show_help() | |
io.write [[ | |
lcrypt - v0.0.1-alpha | |
a fast lua based text encrypter |