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原文:How it feels to learn JavaScript in 2016


The following is inspired by the article “It’s the future” from Circle CI. You can read the original here. This piece is just an opinion, and like any JavaScript framework, it shouldn’t be taken too seriously. No JavaScript frameworks were created during the writing of this article.

この記事はCircle CIによる「It’s the future」にインスパイアされています。この記事は単なる一つの意見であり、JavaScriptフレームワークのように、真剣に語れるべきではありません。JacaScriptフレームワークなんて、この記事が書かている時にはありませんでした。

「It’s the future」の素晴らしい翻訳記事もあるので是非、こちらも参考にして下さい。

Hey, I got this new web project, but to be honest I haven’t coded much web in a few years and I’ve heard the landscape changed a bit. You are the most up-to date web dev around here right?


-The actual term is Front End engineer, but yeah, I’m the right guy. I do web in 2016. Visualisations, music players, flying drones that play football, you name it. I just came back from JsConf and ReactConf, so I know the latest technologies to create web apps.

-僕はフロントエンドエンジニアだけど...まぁそうだね。僕はやったてたよ。ビジュアライゼーションに、音楽プレーヤー、ドローンでサッカーとか、とにかく何もかも全部ね。 ちょうどその頃にJsConfやReactConfに帰ってきてwepアプリが最先端だってわかったんだ。

Cool. I need to create a page that displays the latest activity from the users, so I just need to get the data from the REST endpoint and display it in some sort of filterable table, and update it if anything changes in the server. I was thinking maybe using jQuery to fetch and display the data?


-Oh my god no, no one uses jQuery anymore. You should try learning React, it’s 2016.


Oh, OK. What’s React?


-It’s a super cool library made by some guys at Facebook, it really brings control and performance to your application, by allowing you to handle any view changes very easily.


That sounds neat. Can I use React to display data from the server?


-Yeah, but first you need to add React and React DOM as a library in your webpage.


Wait, why two libraries?


-So one is the actual library and the second one is for manipulating the DOM, which now you can describe in JSX.


JSX? What is JSX?


-It’s 2016. No one codes HTML directly anymore.


Right. Anyway, if I add these two libraries then I can use React?


-Not quite. You need to add Babel, and then you are able to use React.


Another library? What’s Babel?

また別のライブラリが必要なの? Babelって何だよ?

-Oh, Babel is a transpiler that allows you to target specific versions of JavaScript, while you code in any version of JavaScript. You don’t HAVE to include Babel to use ReactJS, but unless you do, you are stuck with using ES5, and let’s be real, it’s 2016, you should be coding in ES2016+ like the rest of the cool kids do.

-あっ、Babelは君がJavaScriptの任意のバージョンでコーディングしているときに、特定のバージョンにJavaScriptを合わせてくれるようにすることができる変換ツール(トランスパイラ)だよ。BabelはReactJSを使うに含めなくていいけど、ES5で立ち往生しているならやった方がいいし、今は2016年だ。イケてるエンジニア( the rest of the cool kids)がやっている様にES2016+の沿ってコーディングするべきだよ

ES5? ES2016+? I’m getting lost over here. What’s ES5 and ES2016+?

ES5? ES2016+? ついていけないよ。ES5とES2016+って何?

-ES5 stands for ECMAScript 5. It’s the edition that has most people target since it has been implemented by most browsers nowadays.




-Yes, you know, the scripting standard JavaScript was based on in 1999 after its initial release in 1995, back then when JavaScript was named Livescript and only ran in the Netscape Navigator. That was very messy back then, but thankfully now things are very clear and we have, like, 7 editions of this implementation.

-そう、今のJavaScriptの標準スクリプトは1995年の最初のリリースされた後の1999年に基づくもので、当時はLivescriptという名前でNetscape Navigator(初期のブラウザ)で走ってたんだ。当時これが非常に厄介だったけど、今はありがたい事に物事が非常に明確で,今度7が実装されるみたいにね。

-7 editions. For real. And ES5 and ES2016+ are?


-The fifth and seventh edition respectively.

-それぞれ5th edition、7th editionだよ。

Wait, what happened with the sixth

おい待ってくれよ。6th editionはどうしたんだよ?

-You mean ES6? Yeah, I mean, each edition is a superset of the previous one, so if you are using ES2016+, you are using all the features of the previous versions.

-ES6の事を言ってるのかい? あぁー、各editionは以前の上位バージョン(superset of the previous one)なんだ。だから、もしES2016の+を使用するなら、以前のバージョンのすべての機能を使用している事を意味するよ。

-Right. And why use ES2016+ over ES6 then?


-Well, you COULD use ES6, but to use cool features like async and await, you need to use ES2016+. Otherwise you are stuck with ES6 generators with coroutines to block asynchronous calls for proper control flow.

-いや、君はES6を使用することができるけど、非同期通信のようなクールな機能使うなら、ES2016+を使用する必要があるね。 (わからない...) そうしないと、ES6 generatorsの非同期通信呼び出しによるコルーチン処理で右往左往してしまうからね。

I have no idea what you just said, and all these names are confusing. Look, I’m just loading a bunch of data from a server, I used to be able to just include jQuery from a CDN and just get the data with AJAX calls, why can’t I just do that?


-It’s 2016 man, no one uses jQuery anymore, it ends up in a bunch of spaghetti code. Everyone knows that.


Right. So my alternative is to load three libraries to fetch data and display a HTML table.


-Well, you include those three libraries but bundle them up with a module manager to load only one file


I see. And what’s a module manager?


-The definition depends on the environment, but in the web we usually mean anything that supports AMD or CommonJS modules.


Riiight. And AMD and CommonJS are…?


-Definitions. There are ways to describe how multiple JavaScript libraries and classes should interact. You know, exports and requires? You can write multiple JavaScript files defining the AMD or CommonJS API and you can use something like Browserify to bundle them up.

-定義だよ。複数のJavaScriptライブラリとクラスが相互作用する方法を記述するんだ。読み込み(requires)と公開(exports)は知っているよね? 君はAMDやCommonJS APIを定義する複数のJavaScriptファイルを書き込むことができるし、それらを束ねる為のにBrowserifyみたいなのを使う事もできるね。

OK, that makes sense… I think. What is Browserify?

あー、確かにね...そうだよね。 Browserifyって何?

-It’s a tool that allows you to bundle CommonJS described dependencies to files that can be run in the browser. It was created because most people publish those dependencies in the npm registry.


npm registry?


-It’s a very big public repository where smart people put code and dependencies as modules.


Like a CDN?


-Not really. It’s more like a centralised database where anyone can publish and download libraries, so you can use them locally for development and then upload them to a CDN if you want to.


Oh, like Bower!


-Yes, but it’s 2016 now, no one uses Bower anymore.


Oh, I see… so I need to download the libraries from npm then?


-Yes. So for instance, if you want to use React , you download the React module and import it in your code. You can do that for almost every popular JavaScript library.


Oh, like Angular!


-Angular is so 2015. But yes. Angular would be there, alongside VueJS or RxJS and other cool 2016 libraries. Want to learn about those?


-Let’s stick with React, I’m already learning too many things now. So, if I need to use React I fetch it from this npm and then use this Browserify thing?

もうReactでいいよ。今の時点で既にで多くの事を学んだしね。それで、Reactを使うにはnmpを引っ張ってきて、その後に Browserifyを使えばいいの?



That seems overly complicated to just grab a bunch of dependencies and tie them together.


-It is, that’s why you use a task manager like Grunt or Gulp or Broccoli to automate running Browserify. Heck, you can even use Mimosa.


Grunt? Gulp? Broccoli? Mimosa? The heck are we talking about now?

Grunt? Gulp? Broccoli? Mimosa? やばいのは、今俺たちが話しているこの会話だろ?

-Task managers. But they are not cool anymore. We used them in like, 2015, then we used Makefiles, but now we wrap everything with Webpack.


Makefiles? I thought that was mostly used on C or C++ projects.


-Yeah, but apparently in the web we love making things complicated and then going back to the basics. We do that every year or so, just wait for it, we are going to do assembly in the web in a year or two.


Sigh. You mentioned something called Webpack?

はぁ。 Webpacに関して君は言及しないの?

-It’s another module manager for the browser while being kind of a task runner as well. It’s like a better version of Browserify.


Oh, Ok. Why is it better?


-Well, maybe not better, it’s just more opinionated on how your dependencies should be tied. Webpack allows you to use different module managers, and not only CommonJS ones, so for instance native ES6 supported modules.

-ええと、改良されたって言うのは違うかも、今のは単純に依存関係をどうまとめるべきかに対する多数派の意見だね。WebpackはCommonJSだけじゃなく、Native ES6のインスタンスがサポートしているモジュールも使えるように、異なるモジュールマネージャーを使う事ができるんだ。

I’m extremely confused by this whole CommonJS/ES6 thing.


-Everyone is, but you shouldn’t care anymore with SystemJS.


Jesus christ, another noun-js. Ok, and what is this SystemJS?


-Well, unlike Browserify and Webpack 1.x, SystemJS is a dynamic module loader that allows you to tie multiple modules in multiple files instead of bundling them in one big file.


-Wait, but I thought we wanted to build our libraries in one big file and load that!


-Yes, but because HTTP/2 is coming now multiple HTTP requests are actually better.


Wait, so can’t we just add the three original libraries for React??


-Not really. I mean, you could add them as external scripts from a CDN, but you would still need to include Babel then.

-そうでもないよ。それをやるとしたら、君はCDNから外部スクリプトとして追加することで可能だ。けれど、その後に やっぱりBabelが必要となるだろうね。

Sigh. And that is bad right?


-Yes, you would be including the entire babel-core, and it wouldn’t be efficient for production. On production you need to perform a series of pre-tasks to get your project ready that make the ritual to summon Satan look like a boiled eggs recipe. You need to minify assets, uglify them, inline css above the fold, defer scripts, as well as-

-そうだね、babel-coreを全体に導入する事になるだろうし、同時に生産性の効率も悪くなるだろうね。プロダクション上ではゆで卵のレシピの如く簡単に悪魔(Babel)召喚を行った上でプロジェクトを準備する前に一連のタスクを実行する必要があるんだ。minidy assetsは必要だし、酷くなっていて、inline cssは倍になって、スクリプトは遅くなるし、同様に...

I got it, I got it. So if you wouldn’t include the libraries directly in a CDN, how would you do it?


I would transpile it from Typescript using a Webpack + SystemJS + Babel combo.

-僕ならTypescriptを使ってWebpack + SystemJS + Babelのコンボでトランスパイルするかなぁ。

Typescript? I thought we were coding in JavaScript!

Typescriptだ? JacaScriptでコーディングするんじゃないのかよ!

Typescript IS JavaScript, or better put, a superset of JavaScript, more specifically JavaScript on version ES6. You know, that sixth version we talked about before?


I thought ES2016+ was already a superset of ES6! WHY we need now this thing called Typescript?

ES2016+が既にES6の上位セットだと思ってたよ! なんで今になってTypeScriptと呼ばれるものが必要になるんだ?

Oh, because it allows us to use JavaScript as a typed language, and reduce run-time errors. It’s 2016, you should be adding some types to your JavaScript code.


And Typescript obviously does that.


-Flow as well, although it only checks for typing while Typescript is a superset of JavaScript which needs to be compiled.


Sigh… and Flow is?


-It’s a static type checker made by some guys at Facebook. They coded it in OCaml, because functional programming is awesome.


OCaml? Functional programming?

OCaml? 関数型プログラミング?

It’s what the cool kids use nowadays man, you know, 2016? Functional programming? High order functions? Currying? Pure functions?

-イケてるエンジニアはみんなやってるよ、だって今は2016年だよ? 関数型プログラミングもあるよ?高階関数だぜ?カリー化だぜ?純水関数だぜ?

I have no idea what you just said.


-No one does at the beginning. Look, you just need to know that functional programming is better than OOP and that’s what we should be using in 2016.


Wait, I learned OOP in college, I thought that was good?


-So was Java before being bought by Oracle. I mean, OOP was good back in the days, and it still has its uses today, but now everyone is realising modifying states is equivalent to kicking babies, so now everyone is moving to immutable objects and functional programming. Haskell guys had been calling it for years, -and don’t get me started with the Elm guys- but luckily in the web now we have libraries like Ramda that allow us to use functional programming in plain JavaScript.

-JavaがOracleに買収される前まではね。僕が言いたいのは、OOPは良くなったし今日でも未だ現役で使われている、だけど今じゃ誰もが早いとこ修正すべきだという事に気がついている、それで皆イミュータブルなオブジェクトや関数型プログラミングに移行しているんだよ。Haskell使いはその事を何年も言ってたし、 -Elm使いの事は言わせないでくれ- 今じゃ幸運な事にwebではRamdaみたいなJavaScriptで関数型プログラミングが書けるライブラリが用意されているんだ。

Are you just dropping names for the sake of it? What the hell is Ramnda?

何の為にそこまで言うんだ? Ramndaが何だって?

-No. Ramda. Like Lambda. You know, that David Chambers’ library?

-Ramdaじゃない。Lambdaさ。David Chambers氏のライブラリは知っているだろう?

David who?


-David Chambers. Cool guy. Plays a mean Coup game. One of the contributors for Ramda. You should also check Erik Meijer if you are serious about learning functional programming.

-David Chambers氏はイケてる奴さ。Coup gameって意味でね。Ramdaに貢献してる一人だ。君が関数型プログラミングを真剣に考えているなら、Erik Meijer氏もチェックした方がいいね。

And Erik Meijer is…?

それでErik Meijerって..?

-Functional programming guy as well. Awesome guy. He has a bunch of presentations where he trashes Agile while using this weird coloured shirt. You should also check some of the stuff from Tj, Jash Kenas, Sindre Sorhus, Paul Irish, Addy Osmani-

-同じように関数型プログラミング使いだよ。やばい人なんだ。アジャイル開発を非難したプレゼンテーションの場では彼、奇妙なシャツ来てたんだ。同様にチェックすべき人物がいてTjや、Jash Kenas, Sindre Sorhus, Paul Irish,それにAddy Osmani...

Ok. I’m going to stop you there. All that is good and fine, but I think all that is just so complicated and unnecessary for just fetching data and displaying it. I’m pretty sure I don’t need to know these people or learn all those things to create a table with dynamic data. Let’s get back to React. How can I fetch the data from the server with React?


-Well, you actually don’t fetch the data with React, you just display the data with React.


Oh, damn me. So what do you use to fetch the data?


-You use Fetch to fetch the data from the server.


i’m sorry? You use Fetch to fetch the data? Whoever is naming those things needs a thesaurus.

なんだって?データを引っ張っるのを引っ張ってくるって ? そんな言葉、誰が辞書に登録させたんだ?

-I know right? Fetch it’s the name of the native implementation for performing XMLHttpRequests against a server.


Oh, so AJAX.


-AJAX is just the use of XMLHttpRequests. But sure. Fetch allows you to do AJAX based in promises, which then you can resolve to avoid the callback hell.


Callback hell?

コールバック地獄 ?

-Yeah. Every time you perform an asynchronous request against the server, you need to wait for its response, which then makes you to add a function within a function, which is called the callback pyramid from hell.


Oh, Ok. And this promise thing solves it?


-Indeed. By manipulating your callbacks through promises, you can write easier to understand code, mock and test them, as well as perform simultaneous requests at once and wait until all of them are loaded.


And that can be done with Fetch?


-Yes, but only if your user uses an evergreen browser, otherwise you need to include a Fetch polyfill or use Request, Bluebird or Axios.

-そうだね、だけどユーザがブラウザににIEを使っているなら、Fetch polyfil、もしくは Requestや、ブルBluebird、Axiosが必要になってくるね。

How many libraries do I need to know for god’s sake? How many are of them?


-It’s JavaScript. There has to be thousands of libraries that all do the same thing. We know libraries, in fact, we have the best libraries. Our libraries are huuuge, and sometimes we include pictures of Guy Fieri in them.

-これこそがJavaScriptだ。同じ事を行うライブラリが何千もある。事実、僕らが知っているライブラリは、最高のライブラリでもあるんだ。ライブラリはデカすぎて、たまにGuy Fieriの写真なんかも交じってるね。

Did you just say Guy Fieri? Let’s get this over with. What these Bluebird, Request, Axios libraries do?

Guy Fieriって言ったか?もう片付けよう。Bluebird, Request, Axiosライブラリは何をしてくれるんだい?

-They are libraries to perform XMLHttpRequests that return promises.


Didn’t jQuery’s AJAX method start to return promises as well?


-We don’t use the “J” word in 2016 anymore. Just use Fetch, and polyfill it when it’s not in a browser or use Bluebird, Request or Axios instead. Then manage the promise with await within an async function and boom, you have proper control flow.

-その"J"って言うのは2016年では使わないんだよ。Fetchを使って、ブラウザが適応してなかったら代わりに Bluebird, Request or Axios を使うんだ。

It’s the third time you mention await but I have no idea what it is.


-Await allows you to block an asynchronous call, allowing you to have better control on when the data is being fetch and overall increasing code readability. It’s awesome, you just need to make sure you add the stage-3 preset in Babel, or use syntax-async-functions and transform-async-to-generator plugin.

-Awaitは-非同期通信呼び出しブロックを可能にして、データを取ってくる際に制御しやすくして可読性のあるコードを全体的に増やしてくれるんだ。凄いよ、君は只、Babelのstage-3 presetを追加するかか、syntax-async-functionsやtransform-async-to-generator pluginを使えばいいんだ。

This is insane.


-No, insane is the fact you need to precompile Typescript code and then transpile it with Babel to use await.


Wat? It’s not included in Typescript?

何? Typescriptは含んでないだろ?

-It does in the next version, but as of version 1.7 it only targets ES6, so if you want to use await in the browser, first you need to compile your Typescript code targeting ES6 and then Babel that shit up to target ES5.


At this point I don’t know what to say.


-Look, it’s easy. Code everything in Typescript. All modules that use Fetch compile them to target ES6, transpile them with Babel on a stage-3 preset, and load them with SystemJS. If you don’t have Fetch, polyfill it, or use Bluebird, Request or Axios, and handle all your promises with await.

-なぁ、簡単だよ。全てTypeScriptで書くんだ。多くのモジュールはES6向けにFetchコンパイルを使っていて、Babel on a stage-3 presetでトランスパイラして、そしてSystemJSで読み込むんだ。もしFetchがなければ、polyfillかBluebirdやRequest 、Axiosを使い、それからawaitと一緒にpromisesで処理するんだ。

We have very different definitions of easy. So, with that ritual I finally fetched the data and now I can display it with React right?


-Is your application going to handle any state changes?


Err, I don’t think so. I just need to display the data.


-Oh, thank god. Otherwise I would had to explain you Flux, and implementations like Flummox, Alt, Fluxible. Although to be honest you should be using Redux.

-あ、そうだね。そうでなければ、僕は君にFluxを説明してただろうし、 Flummoxや,Alt,Fluxibleを実装するだろうね。でも正直に言うと、 Reduxを使うべきだよ。

I’m going to just fly over those names. Again, I just need to display data.


-Oh, if you are just displaying the data you didn’t need React to begin with. You would had been fine with a templating engine.


Are you kidding me? Do you think this is funny? Is that how you treat your loved ones?


-I was just explaining what you could use.


Stop. Just stop.


-I mean, even if it’s just using templating engine, I would still use a Typescript + SystemJS + Babel combo if I were you.


I need to display data on a page, not perform Sub Zero’s original MK fatality. Just tell me what templating engine to use and I’ll take it from there.

俺はページにデータを表示したいだけだ、Sub Zero’のMK(モータルコンバット) fatalityみたいな事はしないんだよ。単純にテンプレートエンジンの使い方とその先からの事を教えてくれ。

-There’s a lot, which one you are familiar with?


Ugh, can’t remember the name. It was a long time ago.


-jTemplates? jQote? PURE?

-jTemplates? jQote? PURE?

Err, doesn’t ring a bell. Another one?


-Transparency? JSRender? MarkupJS? KnockoutJS? That one had two-way binding.

-Transparency? JSRender? MarkupJS? KnockoutJS? これは双方向バインディング(two-way-binding)を持ってるね。

Another one?


PlatesJS? jQuery-tmpl? Handlebars? Some people still use it.

-PlatesJS? jQuery-tmpl? Handlebarsかな?何人かは未だに使っているよ。

Maybe. Are there similar to that last one?


Mustache, underscore? I think now even lodash has one to be honest, but those are kind of 2014.

Mustache,や underscoreとか?正直今なら、lodashが一番だと思うけど、大体2014年のものだね。

Err.. maybe it was newer.


-Jade? DustJS?

-Jade? DustJS?



-DotJS? EJS?

-DotJS? EJS?



-Nunjucks? ECT?

-Nunjucks? ECT



-Mah, no one likes Coffeescrip syntax anyway. Jade?

まぁ、 誰もがCoffeescriptのシンタックスが好きではないからね。 Jade?

No, you already said Jade.


-I meant Pug. I meant Jade. I mean, Jade is now Pug.


Sigh. No. Can’t remember. Which one would you use?


-Probably just ES6 native template strings.


Let me guess. And that requires ES6.

当ててやろうか。それはES6 を必要だ。



Which, depending on what browser I’m using needs Babel.




Which, if I want to include without adding the entire core library, I need to load it as a module from npm.




Which, requires Browserify, or Wepback, or most likely that other thing called SystemJS.




-Which, unless it’s Webpack, ideally should be managed by a task runner.




But, since I should be using functional programming and typed languages I first need to pre-compile Typescript or add this Flow thingy.




And then send that to Babel if I want to use await.




So I can then use Fetch, promises, and control flow and all that magic.


-Just don’t forget to polyfill Fetch if it’s not supported, Safari still can’t handle it.

-只、もしSafariなどまだ対応していない場合はFetch polyfillを使うという事を忘れないでくれ。

You know what. I think we are done here. Actually, I think I’m done. I’m done with the web, I’m done with JavaScript altogether.

-That’s fine, in a few years we all are going to be coding in Elm or WebAssembly.

I’m just going to move back to the backend. I just can’t handle these many changes and versions and editions and compilers and transpilers. The JavaScript community is insane if it thinks anyone can keep up with this.

-I hear you. You should try the Python community then.


-Ever heard of Python 3?


原文を読めばわかるとおりこの文章はジョークです。 従って私もその気持で楽しく翻訳しましたが、原文は長年JavaScriptを触ってきたエンジニアしかわからない専門用語やスラングが沢山あり、その意味を解釈するのに大変困惑しました。なので、一時的に私はさも「JavaScriptを書けるイケてるエンジニア」を装う必要があった為、多くの参考文と資料を頭にぶちこみましがそれは余りに無謀で馬鹿げた事であり、全部が全部翻訳しきれなかった可能性があります。


この文章を翻訳してる際に私は「フロントエンドの世界は改めて日々改良が加えられ、最先端にいるんだな」と思った同時にThe Little Printf : 「我々はなぜプログラミングをするのか?」を追う寓話の以下の台詞が頭から離れませんでした。

「いいえ、そういう意味じゃなくて、」Little printfは言葉をさしはさみ、こう続けました。「 僕たちにとってツールは問題を解決するためのものなのに、あなたからしたらツール自体が問題になっているのが面白いと思ったんです。」 その男は無言で(新しくてかっこいい仕事机に)立ちつくし、その間にlittle printfは部屋からひょいと飛び出ました。

誤解を招きそうなので説明をしますと、私は今のJavaScriptについてネガティブな意見を伝える為にこの文章を翻訳しておりません。たまたまHacker Newsを見てたら「おや?この英文は何か面白そうだぞ..!!」っという只の勢いで翻訳しましたし、従ってJavaScriptのJの意味すらわかってなかった自分は本当にこの記事と同じようにどうしようもなく困惑し、つらい体験を経験しました。従って、正直後悔はしています。


ですが、この様な視点から少しでもJS 界隈における歴史と技術を理解できた事はエンジニアを志す者として大変勉強になり、いいきっかけになった事に改めて感謝しています。 : -)




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